导读:香山旅游攻略导游词「香山导游讲解」 需要香山英文导游词~ 香山的红叶导游词一百字左右 北京香山旅游攻略 漳州香山导游词(急)
Xiangshan (Fragrant Hills) Park
Xiangshan Park, also known as the Forest Park, is located on the eastern sides of the Western Hills, approximately 10 kilometers to the west of Beijing.
Due to its high elevation and dense cover of trees, spring arrives late in the area and summer days are always pleasantly cool. The best time to visit the park is late fall, when the smoke tree leaves turn red. The trees make the grandest display of all. There are also groves of apricots, pears, peaches and lilacs adding their fragrance, and the more solemn evergreens, whose contribution to the local beauty is unrestricted by seasonal changes.
A poem of Marshal Chen Yi reads:
The red leaves of the Western Hills
Because even redder as the frost thickens.
And an earlier poem by the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu treats the same subject:
Stopping in my sedan chair in the evening, I sit admiring the maple grove;
The frost-covered leaves are redder than the flowers of spring.
In 1186 of the Jin Dynasty, the Xiangshan Temple was built here and for a period served as the emperor's traveling lodge. In 1745, Emperor Qianlong had a number of large halls; pagodas, memorial archways and leisure pavilions built and changed the name of the area to the Garden of Peacefulness (Jingyiyuan). This complex served the famous Qing ruler as one of his summer palaces and became one of the three favorite hills of Qianlong, beside Jade Spring Mountain (Yuquanshan) and Longevity Hill (Wanshoushan) in the Summer Palace.
Qianlong' s elaboration of the park consisted of 28 separate vistas, each with a poetic name: Jade China Cliff, Toad Peak, Jade Milk Spring, Bell Separated from the Clouds, etc. Unfortunately, almost every trace of this carefully orchestrated symphony of landscape architecture, including the blueprints, was burned or destroyed by the Anglo-French forces and the eight-Power Allied Forces in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The more important extant sites are as follows:
Jianxin Study: Built first in the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, this complex of buildings stands to the west of Eyeglasses Lake. The study contains a semi-circular pond and an adjacent pavilion, surrounded on three sides by covered galleries. Beyond the pavilion are rockery hill and a grove of trees concealing a gazebo.
Zhaomiao (Luminous) Temple: Constructed in 1780 in the Qianlong period, this Lamaist temple is said to have been built especially for the Panchen Lama. In its center, a Red Terrace rises 10 meters above the ground. On its eastern side is a memorial the archway of white marble and glazed tile, while on the slope to the west is a seven-story glazed pagoda, the eaves of which are hung with tiny bells, which tinkle with even the slightest breeze.
The Tree-Covered Imperial Audience Tablet: Located to the southwest of the Chaoyang Caves, this group of steep cliffs with numerous trees resembles a giant hu - the rectangular tablet officials held before themselves in the presence of the emperor.
Guijianchou (Worried Ghost) Peak: The main peak of Xiangshan Park, Worried Ghost Peak had an elevation of 557 meters. Clouds and mist often engulf its precipitously angled cliffs, which give the two large stone excrescences of the peak a resemblance to incense burners. It is from this that the name Xiangshan or Incense Mountains (and not Fragrant Hills, as the area had been mistakenly called for generations) is derived.
From the peak, the winding Yongding River like a white silk belt fluttering among the western valleys, the Marco Polo Bridge on the river, Shijing Mountain, the Summer Palace and Jade Spring Mountain can all be seen from here, and on a clear day one can even make out the skyline of Beijing.
金秋十月的秦岭,最抢眼的就是那满山红叶。 巍巍秦岭,莽莽群山, 金秋十月,色彩斑斓。
行至秦岭山中,沿途天高云淡红色海浪, 一朵朵,一团团,一片片,似火苗跳跃,如升腾火焰;山径微寒,山菊花碎金散落,光彩熠熠;灌丛巨树流绿叠翠碧毯绵延。红黄白绿秦岭地,登高望远十月天。
杨朔一篇《香山红叶》使北京香山的红叶享誉海内外。其实,秦岭红叶更有特色。秦岭峪道众多,特殊的地理位置,使得红叶的树种较多,持续时间长,分布面积广,气势宏伟,色彩鲜艳,对比分明。 红叶树种多,枫树,栌树,漆树,柿子树等多种;持续时间长,从九月底开始,浅山深山不断变换,持续一月有余;分布面积广阔,从南到北,从东到西,漫山遍野,绵延数百里,尤以秦岭梁一线为最;气势宏伟,大小山头层林尽染,成团成片,红流飞溅;色彩鲜艳,绯红耀眼,红火跳跃,霞光飞泻,彩云红霞,飘带飞舞,飞毯欲天,一面巨大的火焰的屏障,一幅旷世罕有的长卷。色彩对比鲜明,金红、绛红、绯红、紫红、赭红,多层次,立体色,道不尽的红色,叫人心跳,使人震撼。这样相比之下,香山红叶,时间短,面积有限,充其量,就是一盆盆景,秦岭红叶,是我国南北分界处最壮观的秋色画廊,堪称中国红叶的天堂。
2、乘坐331路,经过14站, 到达香山站(也可乘坐696路、563路)
现在我们来到的是香山胜景百树园、相思湖、问月亭。大家一路登山一定也都很累了吧,大家就在这里稍微休息一下,我顺便向大家介绍一位名树朋友,就是这棵长得又高又粗的树,“海藻王”,他的年龄约100岁了,大家猜猜他的身为了移植这棵树王,可是花了很大的代价哦, 家猜猜看它的身价是多少?10万元。
大家看这海誓山盟台,它随着潮水的涨落而隐现。2千万年前喷发形成。可见其时间之长,这是真正的海誓山盟。 据说这里是印证爱情的最好地方,所以年轻情侣,幸福老人,还是对爱情充满向往的朋友们,你们都可以来这里许下愿望,它可以印证你们的爱情哦。
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