
  是深圳莲花山公园还是广州番禺区莲花山?  深圳莲花山公园 位于深圳市中心区的最北端,全园占地面积194公顷。公园南临红荔路,北到莲花路,东起彩田路,西至新洲路,是一座风景优美、环境宜人的休闲胜地,以其独特的地理位置、人文景观成为展现深圳风采的窗口 。  莲花山公园位于深圳市未来中心区北端。莲花山并不险峻雄伟,海拔只有532米。沿着蜿蜓逶迤的山中小径慢慢而行,游客们既可享受登山的乐趣,又没有登高的疲惫不堪。站在以大理石铺设而成的山顶平台,倚着花岗岩栏杆,俯视近处的福田中心区,有天上人间之感,望着鳞次栉比的现代城市建筑群,更会有“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”之兴。  The extreme north of the central district is located in shenzhen, covers an area of 194 hectares of area. In the south park hongli road, north to lianhua road, east up color entrance, west to new road, is a beautiful and pleasant environment leisure resort, with its unique geographical location, and humanistic landscape become show the elegant demeanour of shenzhen window.  Lotus park is located in northern central district of shenzhen city in the future. Lotus is not steep mountains, is only 532 meters. Along the border in the wan ting mountain trail walk slowly, visitors can not only enjoy the fun of climbing, and not of the fatigue. Standing in with marble laid the top of a platform, against the granite railing, looking down at the nearby new central, have the feeling of human heaven, looking at the rows of modern city buildings, the more there will be will be to see the mountains bullying extremely small


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