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青瓦台是韩国总统官邸,位于首尔市钟路区世宗路一号。 青瓦台原是高丽王朝的离宫,1426年朝鲜王朝建都汉城(首尔)后,把它做为景福宫后园,修建了隆武堂、庆农斋和练武场等一些建筑物,并开了一块国王的亲耕地。









济州岛(Chejudao)是韩国第一大岛,又名耽罗岛、蜜月之岛、浪漫之岛,位于朝鲜 半岛的南端,隔济州海峡与半岛相望。济州岛总面积1826平方公里,包括牛岛、卧岛、兄弟岛、遮归岛、蚊岛、虎岛等34个属岛,东北距全罗南道100公里,是理想的旅游和垂钓胜地。在这里可以观赏名胜古迹、欣赏自然景观,还可以登山、骑马、兜风、狩猎、冲浪和打高尔夫球等。这里人烟稀少,土地广阔,不是高山森林,就是农田村舍。农家种的主要是稻米蔬菜水果,最多最壮观要属油菜花,春天,遍地一片金黄,非常好看。自古以来,济州岛就有“三多三无”之说。即:风多、石多、女人多;无门、无盗、无乞丐。

青瓦台(Chong Wa Dae)是韩国总统官邸,位于汉城市钟路区世宗路一号。这里原来是高丽王朝的离宫,1426年朝鲜王朝建都汉城后,把它做为景福宫后园,修建了隆武堂、庆农斋和练武场等一些建筑物,并开了一块国王的亲耕地。1927年日本入侵后毁掉五云阁以外的所有建筑,建立了朝鲜总督官邸。1945年日本投降后变为军政长官官邸。1948年8月大韩民国成立的同时,它成为总统官邸并改名为景武台(Kyung Mu Dae)。1960年4月19日推翻李承晚政权后,尹谱善当选总统并入主景武台。不久,因为尹谱善忌“武”字并为了同美国白宫相对应,给白墙蓝瓦的这群建筑起名为青瓦台,所以也有人称其为“蓝宫”(Blue House)。现在,青瓦台主楼为总统官邸,有总统办公室、接见厅、会议室、居室,配楼有秘书室、警护室和迎宾楼等。


The capital of Hunan Province, Changsha, Hunan in the Middle East

is located in the north of the Xiangjiang River, Xiangjiang River across

the two sides.


花。 The city area of 11,819.46 (including the urban area 554) square

kilometers, jurisdiction hibiscus, Kaifu, Tien-hsin, Yuelu, Yuhua five

areas and Changsha, Ningxiang, hope Liuyang City, three counties and one

city in order for the city of camphor tree, to the rhododendron Flower.

伟人毛泽东的故乡韶山距这里仅100公里。 Great man Mao Zedong's hometown Shaoshan is only

100 km away from here. “长沙”这个名字的由来,说法多种。 "Changsha" the origin of the

name, say many. 影响较大的是“星象说”:古人按星宿分野,与社宿“长沙星”对应的这片地方就叫长沙。 Greater impact

is the "astrology": the distinction between the ancients according to

the stars, and community places "Changsha Star" corresponding to this

piece place called Changsha. 在长沙的网纹红土下,有着宽广的沙石层。 Under the reticulate

red clay in Changsha has a broad gravel layer.

在南郊石人村何绍基墓地附近,还可见到“土裹沙山”奇观:山丘中,数米厚的表土下,竟是深厚的河沙。 In the southern suburbs

of Shiren cemetery near the village of Ho Shao-chi, but also to see the

"earth wrapped Sand Mountain," wonders: hills, a few meters thick, under

the topsoil was actually a deep sand.

由于浏阳河与湘江的交汇摆动,“三十年河东,三十年河西”,江中渐渐“生长”出长长的沙洲(远非今日的桔洲)。 Liuyang River and

the Xiangjiang River since the intersection of swing, "Thirty years east

of the river, Hexi three decades", the river gradually "grow" out of a

long sandbar (far from today's orange Chau).

古人在这块长形沙地上,或祭祀,或生产,据其地貌,谓之长沙,久而传遍天下。 The ancients long-shaped piece of

sand, or worship, or production, according to its topography, that of

Changsha, a long time and spread throughout the world.

长沙具悠久的文明历史,有着灿烂的古代文化,境内古墓古迹遍布。 Changsha, with a long history of

civilization, has a splendid ancient culture, ancient tombs and

monuments throughout the territory. “长沙”之名始于两周,迄今已有三千多年历史。 "Changsha" in

name begins with two weeks, so far 3000 years of history.

春秋战国时期,长沙是楚南重镇,秦置“长沙郡”,汉置长沙国,直到民国,长沙历经国、郡、州、府、厅治。 Spring and Autumn

Period, Changsha is a city of Chu-Nan, Qin home "Changsha County",

Chinese home of Changsha, until the Republic of China, Changsha after

country, county, state, government, office administration.

清康熙三年(1664年)湖广分治,作 省垣。 Three years of the Qing Emperor Kangxi (1664)

Huguang divided, as Sheng Yuan. 1933年始设长沙市,作为湖南省省会。 Beginning in 1933,

is located in Changsha, as the capital of Hunan Province.


开放新城,又是生机勃勃的希望之城,正朝着现代化的城市大步迈进。 Changsha cultural atmosphere, and many

heroes have "Xiaoxiang Zhu Si" and the "cradle of revolution," said; the

mountain with water, beautiful scenery; Wu Hua Tian Bao, economic

prosperity, is the famous land of plenty; 100 flourishing, thriving,

well-known open New City, but also a vibrant city of hope, is a big step

forward towards the modern city. 长沙除盛夏气温较高以外,其余三季均宜观光旅游。 Changsha In

addition to higher summer temperatures than the remaining three quarters

of all appropriate sightseeing. 春季始于2月中旬以后,春天气候多变,此时外出宁可多穿点衣,以防感冒。

Spring begins in mid-February after the spring climate variability, this

time to go out rather Duo Chuandian clothing, to prevent the common

cold. 5月下旬时夏天来临,长沙虽有火炉之称,但在山间即使三伏天也得盖被子睡觉。 In late May, when the summer

season, Changsha, although the fire is known, but the three dog days of

summer in the mountains, even if we have to Gaibei Zi sleep.

秋季始于8月中旬前后,气温通常在15至20度左右,这时秋高气爽,可以到桔子洲看红叶。 Autumn begins in mid-August

after the temperature is usually around 15 to 20 degrees, when clear and

crisp, you can see the orange leaves continents.

11月下旬进入冬季,平均气温在5度左右,有时会下雪,在长沙如遇下雪应该到山里去看看冰凌。 In late November into the

winter, the average temperature of 5 degrees, sometimes snow, snow in

Changsha case should go to the hills to see icicle.

长沙是国务院公布的首批24个历史文化名城和第一批对外开放的旅游城市之一。 Changsha, the State Council

announced the first batch of 24 historical and cultural city and the

first opening of the tourist cities.

著名的古迹有岳麓书院、马王堆、开福寺天心阁等,有名的旅游景点有岳麓山、烈士公园、橘子洲头等。 Well-known monuments

Yuelu College, Mawangdui, open Temple, Tian Xinge so well-known tourist

attractions are Yuelu Hill, martyrs Park, Orange Island first class. 湘菜









































大韩民国(Republic of Korea)简称韩国。它三面环海,北边隔鸭绿江图们江(韩称“豆满江”)与中国和俄罗斯邻接。除与大陆相连的半岛之外,还坐拥3200个大小岛屿。其中最负盛名的自然当属素有东方夏威夷之称的济州岛。韩国是一个新旧并存的迷人国家。这个曾主办过1988年奥运会的现代化国家仍然保留着古老东方文明的精髓--历代古宫,壮丽的古城门和宁静的等寺庙。由于韩国历史上曾经是一个虔信佛教的国家,因此境内寺院众多,如景福宫、海印寺、松广寺通度寺等保存完好。









介绍一下韩国和日本的节日 旅游景点和食物【英文的】(满意的话 加悬赏)急求




New Year (正月, Shōgatsu))

Date: 1-3 of January (related celebrations take place throughout January)

Other Names: Oshōgatsu (O is an honorific prefix)

Information: New Year observances are the most important and elaborate of Japan's annual events. Before the New Year, homes are cleaned, debts are paid off, and osechi (food in lacquered trays for the New Year) is prepared or bought. Osechi foods are traditional foods which are chosen for their lucky colors, shapes, or lucky-sounding names in hopes of obtaining good luck in various areas of life during the new year. Homes are decorated and the holidays are celebrated by family gatherings, visits to temples or shrines, and formal calls on relatives and friends. The first day of the year (ganjitsu) is usually spent with members of the family.

People try to stay awake and eat toshikoshisoba, which is soba noodles that would be eaten to at midnight. People also visit Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines. Traditionally three shrines or temples are visited. This is called sansha-mairi. In the Imperial Palace at dawn on the 1st of January, the emperor performs the rite of shihōhai(worship of the four quarters), in which he does reverence in the direction of various shrines and imperial tombs and offers prayers for the well-being of the nation. On January 2 the public is allowed to enter the inner palace grounds; the only other day this is possible is the emperor's birthday (December 23). On the 2nd and 3rd days acquaintances visit one another to extend greetings (nenshi) and sip otoso (a spiced rice wine). Some games played at New Year's are karuta (a card game), hanetsuki (similar to badminton), tako age (kiteflying), and komamawashi (spinning tops). These games are played to bring more luck for the year. Exchanging New Year's greeting cards (similar to Christmas Cards in Western countries) is another important Japanese custom. Also special allowances are given to children, which are called otoshidama. They also decorate there entrances with kagami-mochi (2 mochi rice balls placed one on top of the other, with a tangerine on top), and kadomatsu (pine tree decorations).

A later New Year's celebration, Koshōgatsu, literally means "Small New Year" and starts with the first full moon of the year (around January 15). The main events of Koshōgatsu are rites and practices praying for a bountiful harvest.

Doll Festival (雏祭り, Doll Festival)

Date: 3 March

Other Names: Sangatsu Sekku (3rd month Festival), Momo Sekku (Peach Festival), Joshi no Sekku (Girls' Festival)

Information: This is the day families pray for the happiness and prosperity of their girls and to help ensure that they grow up healthy and beautiful. The celebration takes place both inside the home and at the seashore. Both parts are meant to ward off evil spirits from girls. Young girls put on their best kimonos and visit their friends' homes. Tiered platforms for hina ningyō (hina dolls; a set of dolls representing the emperor, empress, attendants, and musicians in ancient court dress) are set up in the home, and the family celebrates with a special meal of hishimochi (diamond-shaped rice cakes) and shirozake (rice malt with sake).

Hanami (花见, Hanami)

Hanami party along Sakai River in Beppu, OitaDate: April

Other Names: Hanami (flower viewing), Cherry Blossom Festival

Information: Various flower festivals are held at Shinto shrines during the month of April. Excursions and picnics for enjoying flowers, particularly cherry blossoms are also common. In some places flower viewing parties are held on traditionally fixed dates. This is one of the most popular events during spring. The subject of flower viewing has long held an important place in literature, dance and the fine arts. Ikebana (flower arrangement) is also a popular part of Japanese culture and is still practiced by many people today. Some main things people do during this event are: games, folk songs, folk dance, flower displays, rides, parades, concerts, kimono shows, booths with food and other things, beauty pageant, and religious ceremonies.

Boy's Day (子供の日, Kodomo no hi)

Date: 5 May

Other Names: Iris Festival (菖蒲の节句, Shōbu no Sekku), Tango Festival (端午の节句, Tango no Sekku)

Information: May is the month of the Iris Festival. The tall-stemmed Japanese iris is a symbolic flower. Its long, narrow leaves resemble the sharp blades off a sword, and for many centuries it has been the custom to place iris leaves in a boy's bath to give him a martial spirit. Originally May 5th was a festival for boys corresponding to the Doll Festival, for girls, but in 1948 it was renamed Children's Day, and made a national holiday. However, this might be a misnomer; the symbols of courage and strength mainly honor boys. It is customary on this day for families with male children to fly koinobori (carp streamers, a symbol of success) outside the house, display warrior dolls (musha ningyō) inside, and eat chimaki (rice cakes wrapped in cogan grass or bamboo leaves) and kashiwamochi (rice cakes filled with bean paste and wrapped in oak leaves). Also known as kodomo no hi

Tanabata (七夕, Tanabata)

Date: 7 July

Other Names: The Star Festival

Information: It originated from a Chinese folk legend concerning two stars-the Weaver Star (Vega) and the Cowherd Star (Altair)-who were said to be lovers who could meet only once a year on the 7th night of the 7th month provided it didn't rain and flood the Milky Way. It was named Tanabata after a weaving maiden from a Japanese legend who was believed to make clothes for the gods. People often write wishes and romantic aspirations on long, narrow strips of coloured paper and hang them on bamboo branches along with other small ornaments.

Bon Festival (盆, bon)

Date: 13-15 August

Other Names: urabon (盂兰盆, urabon)

Information: A Buddhist observance honoring the spirits of ancestors. Usually a "spirit altar" (shōryōdana) is set up in front of the Butsudan (buddhist family altar) to welcome the ancestors' souls. A priest is usually asked to come and read a sutra (tanagyō). Among the traditional preparations for the ancestors' return are the cleaning of grave sites and preparing a path from them to the house and the provision of straw horses or oxen for the ancestors' transportation. The welcoming fire (mukaebi) built on the 13th and the send-off fire (okuribi) built on the 16th are intended to light the path.

"7-5-3" Festival (七五三, Shichigosan)

Date: 15 November

Information: Five-year-old boys and seven- or three-year-old girls are taken to the local shrine to pray for their safe and healthy future. This festival started because of the belief that children of certain ages were especially prone to bad luck and hence in need of divine protection. Children are usually dressed in traditional clothing for the occasion and after visiting the shrine many people buy chitose-ame ("thousand-year candy") sold at the shrine.

Preparation for the New Year and Year-end fair

Date: late December

Other Names: Year-end (年の瀬, toshi no se),Year-end Fair (年の市, Toshi no Ichi)

Information: Preparations for seeing in the new year were originally undertaken to greet the toshigami, or deity of the incoming year. These began on the 13th of December, when the house was given a thorough cleaning; the date is usually nearer the end of the month now. The house is then decorated in the traditional fashion: A sacred rope of straw (shimenawa) with dangling white paper strips (shide) is hung over the front door to prevent evil spirits from entering and to show the presence of the toshigami. It is also customary to place kadomatsu, an arrangement of tree sprigs, beside the entrance way. A special altar, known as toshidana ("year shelf"), is piled high with kagamimochi (flat, round rice cakes), sake (rice wine), persimmons, and other foods in honor of the toshigami. A fair is traditionally held in late December at shrines, temples or in local neighborhoods. This is in preparation for the new year holidays. Decorations and sundry goods are sold at the fair. Originally these year-end fairs provided opportunities for farmers, fisherfolk and mountain dwellers to exchange goods and buy clothes and other necessities for the coming year.

Ōmisoka (大晦日, Ōmisoka)

Date: 31 December

Information: People do the general house cleaning (Ōsōji) to welcome coming year and not to keep having impure influences. Many people visit Buddhist temples to hear the temple bells rung 108 times at midnight (joya no kane). This is to announce the passing of the old year and the coming of the new. The reason they are rung 108 times is because of the Buddhist belief that human beings are plagued by 108 earthly desires or passions (bonnō). With each ring one desire is dispelled. It is also a custom to eat yakisoba in the hope that one's family fortunes will extend like the long noodles.


The lunar calendar is used for the observation of traditional festivals, such as Korean New Year, Chuseok, and Buddha's Birthday. It is also used for jesa memorial services for ancestors and the marking of birthdays by older Koreans.

Festival Significance Events Date (lunar) Food

Seollal Lunar New Year's Day An ancestral service is offered before the grave of the ancestors, New Year's greetings are exchanged with family, relatives and neighbours; bows to elders (sebae), yutnori. See also Chinese New Year and East Asian age reckoning Day 1 of Month 1 sliced rice cake in soup (tteokguk), honey cakes (yakwa).

Daeboreum First full moon Greeting of the moon (dalmaji), kite-flying, talisman burning to ward evil spirits (aengmagi taeugi), bonfires (daljip taegi) Day 15 of Month 1 rice boiled with five grains (ogokbap), nut eating (bureom), wine drinking (gwibalgisul)

Meoseumnal Festival for servants Housecleaning, coming of age ceremony, fishermen's shaman rite (yeongdeunggut) Day 1 of Month 2 stuffed pine-flavoured rice cakes (songpyeon)

Samjinnal Migrant swallows return Leg fighting, fortune telling Day 3 of Month 3 Azalea wine (dugyonju), pancake (dungyeon hwajeon)

Hansik Beginning of farming season Visit to ancestral grave for offering rite, and cleaning and maintenance. See also Ching Ming Festival Day 105 after winter solstice cold food only: mugwort cake (ssuktteok), mugwort dumplings (ssukdanja), mugwort soup (ssuktang)

Chopail Buddha's birthday Lantern festival Day 8 of Month 4 rice cake (jjinddeok), flower cake (hwajeon)

Dano Spring festival Washing hair with iris water, ssireum, swinging, giving fans as gifts Day 5 of Month 5 rice cake with herbs (surichitteok), herring soup (junchiguk)

Yudu Water greeting Water greeting, washing hair to wash away bad luck Day 15 of Month 6 Five coloured noodles (yudumyeon), rice dumplings (sudan)

Chilseok Meeting day of Gyeonwoo and Jiknyeo, in Korean folk tale Fabric weaving Day 7 of Month 7 wheat pancake (milijeonbyeong), rice cake with red beans (sirutteok)

Baekjung Worship to Buddha Worship to Buddha Day 15 of Month 7 mixed rice cake (seoktanbyeong)

Chuseok Harvest festival Visit to ancestral grave, ssireum, offering earliest rice grain (olbyeosinmi), circle dance (ganggang suwollae) Day 15 of Month 8 pine flavoured rice cake stuffed with chestnuts, sesame or beans (songpyeon), taro soup (torantang)

Jungyangjeol Migrant sparrows leave Celebrating autumn with poetry and painting, composing poetry, enjoying nature. See also Chung Yeung Festival Day 9 of Month 9 chrysanthemum pancake (gukhwajeon), roe (eoran), honey citron tea (yujacheong)

Dongji Winter Solstice Rites to dispel bad spirits Around December 22 in the solar calendar redbean soup with rice dumplings (patjuk)

Seotdal Geumeum New Year's Eve Staying up all night long with all doors o pen to receive ancestral spirits Last day of Month 12 mixed rice with vegetables (bibimbap), bean powder rice cakes (injeolmi), traditional biscuits (hangwa)


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