张家界英语旅游景点词 用英语介绍张家口景点

导读:张家界英语旅游景点词 用英语介绍张家口景点 1. 用英语介绍张家口景点 2. 英文介绍张家口特色 3. 用英语介绍一下张家口 4. 张家界景点介绍英文 5. 张家口的介绍英语 6. 张家界旅游英语介绍 7. 张家口名胜古迹英文介绍 8. 张家界景点用英语介绍

1. 用英语介绍张家口景点

The winter Olympics in Beijing & Zhangjiako024届冬季奥林匹克运动会,简称“北京张家口冬奥会”。



2. 英文介绍张家口特色

英文 Unit three, building six, Zhangbei County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province

3. 用英语介绍一下张家口

It is an east-west mountain range and an important geographical dividing line in northern China. It lies in the middle of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and the northernmost part of Hebei Province. Between 106 and 116 east longitude.

The west end of the mountain falls into the Alashan Plateau; It ends in the upper valley of Luanhe River to the west of Duolun in the east, about 1,000 kilometers long;

The southern boundary is the big fault cliff on the north side of Hetao Plain, the basins around Datong, Yanggao and Zhangjiakou, and the dam edge mountain on the north side of the valley;

The northern boundary is roughly 42 north latitude, connected with the Inner Mongolia Plateau, and 50 ~ 100 kilometers wide from north to south.



4. 张家界景点介绍英文

Zhangjiajie tourism build because the city is the major tourist cities.

Wulingyuan scenic area has the world's rare quartz sandstone peaks canyon landscape by China's first national forest park - Zhangjiajie National Forest Park and tianzishan nature reserve, Suoxiyu Reserve, consisting of four scenic Yang Jiajie。

scenic resort area of 264.6 square kilometers, is China's first batch of selected World Natural Heritage, the world's first geological park, the first national 5A class tourist attractions.

5. 张家口的介绍英语

北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会主题口号正式对外发布——“一起向未来”(英文为:“Together for a Shared Future”)。这是中国向世界发出的诚挚邀约,传递出14亿中国人民的美好期待:在奥林匹克精神的感召下,与世界人民携手共进、守望相助、共创美好未来。

2、在全球应对新冠肺炎疫情的大背景下,北京冬奥会主题口号发出的声音是汇聚,是共享,是未来。“一起(Together)”展现了人类在面对困境时的坚强姿态,指明了战胜困难、开创未来的成功之道。“向未来(for a Shared Future)”表达了人类对美好明天的憧憬,传递了信心和希望。“一起向未来(Together for a Shared Future)”是态度,是倡议,更是行动方案,倡导追求团结、和平、进步、包容的共同目标,是更快、更高、更强、更团结奥林匹克格言的中国宣扬,表达了世界需要携手走向美好未来的共同愿望。

6. 张家界旅游英语介绍

Zhangjiajie , located in the northwest of Hunan province, is famous for its beautiful and unique scenery.Tianmen mountain is sheer and cliffy , which is known as natural screen of ZhangJiaJie . The locals call Tianmen mountain as the holy mountain


7. 张家口名胜古迹英文介绍

Zhangjiakou is prefecture city under the jurisdiction Hebei Province, located in the Hebei Province, Beijing, Hebei, Shanxi and Mongolia, and intersection of Beijing Tianjin Hebei circle and Hebei circle.


Zhangjiakou is the area with the largest number of existing great wall, known as the "Great Wall Museum". Chongli Chicheng are the largest natural in North China, known as Oriental Davos.


Zhangjiakou has jurisdiction over 6districts, 10counties, 2managementand 1Economic Development Zone,280communities, 113townships, 96towns and4175 villages.


8. 张家界景点用英语介绍




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