西安饭庄的陕西风味小吃宴和 德发长饺子馆、解放路饺子馆的饺子宴;所谓“两泡”,乃牛羊肉泡馍和葫芦头泡馍。其中最为出名者,牛羊肉泡馍当数 老孙家饭庄、同盛祥饭庄,葫芦头泡馍当数 春发生饭店
6、位于李家村雁塔路北段58号的秋林百货公司一楼小吃广场,这里从早上就开始供应各种好吃的羊血冒饸烙、鸭肉卷饼、肉夹馍、烫菜、锅盔、凉粉、醪糟等食品,价格不高 10块钱可以吃的很饱。
西安有哪些特色建筑 西安特色建筑介绍 西安特色
长安塔是世园会园区的至高点,在塔上可以一览园区全貌。夜景非常美丽,倒映在锦绣湖中,塔身与倒影交相� �映,亦真亦幻,流光溢彩。
西安旅游景点介绍英文 西安特色景点英文介绍 西安特色
1. 西安特色景点英文介绍
The Big Wild Goose Pagoda is located in the Dacien Temple of Jinchangfang, Chang'an City, Tang Dynasty, also known as the "Cien Temple Pagoda".
In the three years of Tang Yonghui (652), Xuanzang presided over the construction of the Goose Pagoda for the preservation of the scroll Buddha statues brought back to Chang'an by Tianzhu through the Silk Road.
The first five stories were added to the ninth stories, then the number and height of the seven stories were changed several times.Finally, they were fixed to the seven-story pagodas seen today, with a height of 64.517 meters and a bottom edge length of 25.5 meters.
2. 西安特色景点英文介绍简短
xi'an city is in the northwest of China
3. 西安著名旅游景点英文介绍
您好,很高兴为您解答较为官方的表达为:tourist destinations.例如:Today,Xi'an is one of the country's major tourist destinations.(今天,西安已是全国主要的的旅游胜地之一)
4. 西安特色景点英文介绍简单
The old tower has a long history of 2000 years. 古塔有两千年的历史。
Egypt is an Arabian country with a long history. 埃及是一个具有悠久历史的阿拉伯国家。
The old town dates back to the late seventeenth century.这座古城建于十七世纪后期。
Sichuan Province is made up of a basin and some mountainous areas.四川省是由一个盆地和山区组成。
This area is covered with glrassland. 这个地区为草原所覆盖。
Hainan Province consists of Hainan Island and neighbouring isles as well as wide sea areas.海南省由海南岛和附近的小岛及广阔的海域组成。
There are quite a lot of places of interest in Xi’an, such as the Terracotta Warriors and Horses,the old City Wall and so on. 西安有许多名胜,比如兵马俑、古城墙等。
Beijing has many places of interest, among whith is the Forbidden City.北京有许多名胜,其中就有紫禁城。
Hangzhou is famous/well-known for its beautiful West Lake.杭州以它美丽的西湖而著名。
Tibet lies at an average of 4,000 metres above sea-level.西藏平均海拔4000公尺。
The beautiful town is located along the shore of the lake. 这个村子坐落在群山之中。
5. 西安特色景点英文介绍作文
Hello,my name is Li.I live in Xi'an in China.This is a beautiful city.There are a lot of street.My home is in a busy street.There are lots of cars and people.But there are a lot of places to have fun.We can play games in the garden.And we can take a walk in the garden. Sometimes I read books in the library.It's really quiet.I enjoy reading.Do you like Xi'an?If you like,welcome here!
你好,我的名字是Li。我住在中国西安。这是一个美丽的城市。这里有很多街道。我的家在一条繁忙的街道上。那里有很多车和人。但是那里有很多可以让人玩的开心的地方。我们可以在花园里玩游戏。我们还可以在花园里散步。有时候我还会在图书馆阅读。那很� �静。我喜欢阅读。你喜欢西安吗?如果你喜欢,欢迎来这里!
6. 西安景点英语简单介绍
There are four seasons in everywhere.But it just has two seasons in xij'an.Why?
It's too short in spring and autumn that you can not notice.So being changeable is a kind of feature of xi'an's weather.xi'an's weather is hot in summer,just like people here.Besides what i said,you must be interested in the weather in winter.It totally has the characteristic of north weather.
7. 关于西安的景点中英文介绍
1 钟楼———1.a bell tower; a belfry; a campanile 2.a clock tower 2 鼓楼———1.a drum-tower3 兵马俑 — —— 1.[Archaeology] wood or clay figures of warriors and horses buried with the dead
8. 西安著名景点介绍英语
Xingqing Palace Park is located in the north of Xianning West Road outside the East Gate of Xi'an City, Xingqing Square in the former Chang'an City.
9. 西安的著名景点英语介绍
The Bell Tower, is a stately traditional building, that marks the geographical center of the ancient capital. From this important landmark extend East, South, West and North Streets, connecting the Tower to the East, South, West and North Gates of the City Wall of the Ming Dynasty.
The wooden tower, which is the largest and best-preserved of its kind in China, is 36 meters (118 feet) high. It stands on a brick base 35.5 meters (116.4 feet) long and 8.6 meters (28.2 feet) high on each side. During the Ming Dynasty, Xian was an important military town in Northwest China, a fact that is reflected in the size and historic significance of its tower.
The tower was built in 1384 by Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang as a way to dominate the surrounding countryside and provide early warning of attack by rival rulers.
The tower has three layers of eaves but only two stories. Inside, a staircase spirals up. The grey bricks of the square base, the dark green glazed tiles on the eaves, gold-plating on the roof and gilded color painting make the tower a colorful and dramatic masterpiece of Ming-style architecture. In addition to enhancing the beauty of the building, the three layers of eaves reduce the impact of rain on the building.
10. 西安的景点英文介绍
xi'an is a beautiful city with a very colorful history.there are so many famous buildings in xian,such as clay sulelievs,banpo village museum and so on.
if one day you come to xi'an,you'd better visit some places of interest,so that you can learn more knowledges about this city.at last,i'm sure that you can have a great time in xi'an.
西安是中国最佳旅游目的地、中国国际形象最佳城市之一 ,有两项六处遗产被列入《世界遗产名录》,分别是:秦始皇陵及兵马俑、大雁塔、小雁塔、唐长安城大明宫遗址、汉长安城未央宫遗址、兴教寺塔。