
导读:上海的旅游景点主要景点英文介绍(上海著名景点英文旅游介绍) 上海景点英文介绍 英语介绍上海景点 用英语写的上海著名景点详细资料(有中文翻译) 上海著名景点,用英文表示


不夜城sleepless city

沧海桑田ups and downs of time

长江三角洲the Yangtze River Delta

磁悬浮列车maglev train (magnetically levitated train); magnetic suspension train

大都市metropolis; cosmopolis; metropolitan city; cosmopolitan city

东方明珠塔Oriental Pearl TV Tower

东海之滨的明珠the pearl on the coast of the East China Sea

高架公路elevated highway; overhead highway

高架立交桥overhead viaduct

国际展览局BIE International Bureau of Exhibitions

历史文化名城a famous historic and cultural city

龙华寺Longhua Temple

内环线the inner ring; the inner belt way; the inner loop

浦东新区Pudong New Area

轻轨火车light rail train; elevated rail train

上海合作组织SCO Shanghai Cooperation Organization

上海五国第六次峰会the sixth summit of “Shanghai Five”

上海五国机制the Shanghai Five mechanism

上海合作组织Shanghai Cooperation Organization (a six-member group founded in 2001 that includes Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan).

申博成功successful bid for World Expo

投资热点a hot/ popular investment destination

万国建筑博览exhibition / gallery of International Architecture

外滩the Bund


黄浦江游cruise along the Huangpu River

玉佛寺Jade Buddha Temple

豫园Yu Yuan Garden

直辖市municipality directly under Central Government

外高桥保税区Waigaoqiao Bonded Zone/ Free-trade Zone

张江高科技园区Zhangjiang High-tech Park

金桥出口加工区Jinqiao Export Processing Zone

陆家嘴金融贸易中心Lujiazui Financial and Trade Zone

金贸大厦Jinmao Tower

城隍庙Town God’s Temple

上海国际会议中心Shanghai International Convention Center

(南浦杨浦,徐浦,卢浦)大桥Nanpu/ Yangpu/ xupu/ lupu (suspension) Bridge

交通一卡通Metro pass

(浦东)滨江大道Riverside Promenade

外滩隧道Sightseeing Tunnel at the Bund

(浦东) 世纪公园Century Park

上海体育馆Shanghai Stadium

上海大剧院Shanghai Grand Theater

上海科技馆Shanghai Science Technology Museum


科普教育基地a base for science education

休闲旅游场所a venue for leisure and tourism

展区exhibition area

地壳探秘Earth’s Crust Exploration

生物万象Wide Spectrum of life

智慧之光Light of Wisdom

视听乐园AV Paradise

儿童科技园Children’s Technoland

科普商场popular science shopping mall

多功能厅multi-functional hall

虹口足球场Shanghai Hongkou Football Stadium

上海植物园Shanghai Botanical Garden


松江大学城Songjiang College Town

上海星级酒店star-rated hotels in Shanghai


Peace Hotel 和平饭店

Holliday Inn 假日酒店

Pudong Shangri-la 香格里拉

Renaissance shanghai Pudong 上海淳大万丽

Portman Ritz-Carlton 波特曼丽嘉酒店

the Grand Hyatt 金贸凯悦

Hilton Shanghai 希尔顿

Four Seasons 四季大酒店

Equatorial Shanghai 赤道大酒店

Regal International East Asia 富豪

Marriott 万豪

Radisson 雷迪森、瑞迪森

Sheraton 喜来登

Ramada 华美达

Inter-Continental 洲际

Sofitel Hyland 索菲特

Westin 威斯汀

St. Regis 瑞吉




老城隍庙 Town God's Temple

豫园 Yuyan Garden

南京路 Nanjing Road

外滩 the Bund

新外滩 the new Bund

玉佛寺 Jade Buddha Temple

锦江乐园 Jindjiang Amusement Park

徐家汇天主教堂 Xujiahui Cathedral

上海影城 Shanghai Film Ceter

上海工业展览馆 Shanghai Industrial Exhibition Hall

上海博物馆 Shanghai Museum

上海图书馆 Shanghai Library

上海体育馆 Shanghai Stadium

上海植物园 Shanghai Botanical Garden

孙中山故居 Former Residence of Dr.San Yatsen

黄浦江游 Cruise Along the Huangpu River

东方明珠电视塔 Oriental Pearl TV Tower

人民广场 The People's Square

上海大剧院 Shanghai Grand Theatre

世纪公园 Shanghai Century Park

上海城市规划展示馆 Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center(SUPEC)

金茂大厦 Jinmao Tower

上海科技馆 Shanghai Science Technology Museum

静安寺 Jing'an Temple

上海佘山国家旅游度假区 Shanghai Sheshan National Holiday Resort

共青森林公园 GongQing Forest Park



The Oriantal Pearl's Tower 东方明珠(Oriantal Pearl Broadcasting TV Tower 东方明珠广播电视塔)

Yuyuan Garden 豫园

Shanghai Science Technology Museum 上海科技馆

Jing'an Temple 静安寺

Jinmao Tower 金茂大厦

Jinjiang Park 锦江乐园

The Bund 外滩

Town's God Temple 城隍庙

Longhua Temple Pagoda 龙华寺与塔

Huangpu River Cruise 黄浦江游览

First National Congress, Communist Party of China(C.P.C.) 中国共产党第一次全国代表大会会址

Former Office of The Shanghai Delegation to The C.P.C. 中国共产党代表团驻沪办事处(周公馆)

Guyi Garden 古漪园,嘉定南翔

Jade Buddha Temple 玉佛寺

Shanghai Botanical Garden 上海植物园

Shanghai Museum 上海博物馆

The New People's Square 新人民广场

Square Pagaoda Screeb Wall 方塔和照壁,松江城区

Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center(SUPEC) 上海城市规划展示馆

Shanghai Grand Theatre 上海大剧院

Shanghai Century Park 世纪公园

Shanghai Sheshan National Holiday Resort 上海佘山国家旅游度假区

Shanghai DAGUANYUAN 上海大观园,青浦商塌

Jing'an Temple (Chinese: 静安寺; pinyin: Jìng'ānsì; literally "Temple of Peace and Tranquility") is a Buddhist temple on West Nanjing Road, in Jing'an District, Shanghai, China.

The first temple was built in 247 AD, at the time of the Kingdom of Wu, during the Three Kingdoms period. Originally located beside Suzhou Creek, it was relocated to its current site in 1216 during the Song Dynasty. The current temple was rebuilt in the Qing Dynasty. During the Cultural Revolution, it was converted into a plastics factory. It was converted back to an active temple following reconstruction in 1983, and completely renovated in late 2003.

The Longhua Temple (Chinese: 龙华寺; pinyin: Lónghúa Sì, literally "Lustre of the Dragon Temple") is a Buddhist Temple dedicated to the Maitreya Buddha in Shanghai Municipality, China. Although most of the present-day buildings date from later reconstructions, the temple preserves the architectural design of a Song Dynasty monastery of the Buddhist Chan sect. It is the largest, most authentic and complete ancient temple complex in the city of Shanghai.


虹口公园开了上海乃至中国现代体育运动的风气之先。作为大型综合性体育公园,园内共有1个九孔高尔夫球场,75片草地网球场,8 片硬地网球场,3片足球场,5片草地滚球场,还有曲棍球篮球、棒球、田径等场地。根据工部局统计,民国24年(1935年),租界外侨总共才3.8万人,而仅在虹口公园一处直接参加体育活动的就达86103人次,在虹口公园打高尔夫还要排队。

共青森林公园(GongQing Forest Park)位于上海市东北部杨浦区军工路2000号,东面濒临黄浦江。共青森林公园原名共青苗圃,1986年更名为共青森林公园。公园总占地面积为1965亩,其中对外开放的绿地面积1870.6亩。



Shanghai Attractions

Shanghai, as a metropolis, has so many attractive scenic spots, which has become one of the important reasons for visiting.

The Bund:

The Bund is a waterfront and the most famous landmark in Shanghai, it represents the old time and the new days of Shanghai.

The Bund is from an Anglo Indian term meaning the muddy embankment on the waterfront, it helps to create the colonial feel and provides a feeling of space.

It starts from the Baidu Bridge, which is at the connecting point of the Huangpu River and the Suzhou Creek, to the East Jinling Road and winds a 1500 meters (less than one mile) length.

At the west shore of the Huangpu River, the Oriental Pearl TV Tower can be seen on the opposite side so as the Jin Mao Tower.

At the north end of the Bund and just over the Garden Bridge and Suzhou Creek, formerly it was the British embassy. Also here is a large and atmospheric blue painted building which is the Russian Embassy, sitting on the bank of the river. In colonial times, the Bridge was guarded by Japanese and British sentries, making the boundaries of territory.

On the west side of the Bund tower, there are various buildings of different architectural styles including Gothic, baroque, Romanesque, Classicism and the Renaissance. The combination creates a unique boulevard, which resembles the Liverpool Docks and 1920s New York.

The Bund is worth visiting if you go to Shanghai. In the evening, you can go to the Bund with your friends, to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Bund. While couples can wander along the bank waterfront, holding hands to experience the wonderful moment.

Yuyuan Garden:

Yuyuan garden is situated in the southwestern side of the city, not far from the Bund. Yuyuan Garden, a place of peace and comfort in the heart of bustling Shanghai, it is the largest of Shanghai's ancient gardens with architectural styles of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

There are more than 40 scenic spots scattered throughout the garden, which is divided into six parts by five boundary walls. The six scenic areas include the Grand Rockery- the most renowned sight in southeastern China, the Ten Thousand-Flower Pavilion, the Hall of Heralding Spring, the Hall of Jade Magnificence, the Inner Garden, and the Lotus Pool.

Yuyuan began as a private garden created by Pan Yunyuan, who spent almost 20 years - and all of his savings - to build a garden in order to please his parents in their old age.

Due to the decline of Pan's family after Pan Yuduan's death, Yuyuan gradually fell into disuse. Although the garden was improved by the local signiors, several civil conflicts in the mid-19th century caused great damage. In 1956, after Shanghai's liberation, the city government reconstructed the garden and refurbished its mien and beauty as in the old days. Yuyuan Garden was finally reopened to the public in 1961, and the State Department declared it a national monument in 1982. Now Yuyuan Garden attracts countless visitors at home and abroad every year.

The present-day Yuyuan occupies an area of two hectares (5 acres) and is built in a style associated with the renowned Suzhou gardens, which are characterized by an exquisite layout, beautiful scenery and artistic architecture. Each pavilion, hall, stone and stream in the garden expresses the essence of South China's landscape design from the Ming and Qing dynasties.

Yuyuan Garden covers a significant space and includes a few halls, springs and other buildings of interest. The Queen of England visited here recently and took tea in the famous Huxinting Tea House. The tea house is something of an institution around these parts and quite quaint and interesting, it is extortionately over-priced.

What is nice about this area are the numerous antique markets and the small side streets which have yet to be renovated by the authorities. There is a great antique market just off Shanghai "Old street" and another on a small alley called Dongtai Lu. Be prepared to bargain hard in these places though. Some of the stuff is genuine but other "antiques" are less authentic and its slightly worrying that the most popular English word in these places seems to be "very old, very cheap"!

Nanjing Road:

Nanjing Road was the first commercial road in Shanghai. In the early 20th century, there were only four department stores along this stretch. Now it is the top shopping center of the city, a must-see metropolitan destination attracting thousands of fashion-seeking shoppers from all over the world. It is fantastically located, stemming off the Huangpu River and the Bund at a right angle and linking the city's main commercial and residential districts to the mouth of the river. The road to the east of Tibet Road is called East Nanjing Road while the road to the west is known as West Nanjing Road.

In the evenings, the street looks at its best, with neon lights and advertising billboards illuminating the glorious buildings along the road.

After the Opium War (1839-1842), Shanghai became a treaty port. Nanjing Road was first the British Concession, then the International Settlement. Importing large quantities of foreign goods, it became the earliest shopping street in Shanghai.

Over time, Nanjing Road has been restructured, undergoing significant change. For shopping convenience, its eastern end has an all-weather pedestrian arcade. Big traditional stores no longer dominate the market since modern shopping malls, specialty stores, theatres, and international hotels have mushroomed on both sides of the street.

Nowadays, over 600 businesses on Nanjing road offer countless famous brands, superior quality, and new fashions. KFC, McDonald's, Pizza Hut and other world-famous food vendors line both sides of the street. Upscale stores include Tiffany, Mont Blanc, and Dunhill are also available. In addition, approximately a hundred traditional stores and specialty shops still provide choice silk goods, jade, embroidery, wool, and clocks.

Open-air bars, abstract sculptures, and lingering sounds from street musicians enhance evening strolls. A trackless sightseeing train provides a comfortable tour of the night-transformed pedestrian street. Flashing neon signs illuminate the magnificent buildings and spangle the night skyline of this lively city.

Xian Tian Di:

Xin Tian Di will be your closest match to what Lan Kwai Fong is in Hong Kong. Indeed, this ambitious area was built by Hong Kong's Shui On Group and contains stylish and expensive shops, pubs and restaurants. Prices for food generally start at RMB 200 but if you head into the 'mall' complex at Xin Tian Di south, you will find a McDonalds and a few medium-end restaurants where you can save your wallet from certain destruction. The Shikumen houses have been renovated to meet modern tastes and do not resemble anything you will find in traditional Shikumen areas.

Before the development of Shanghai Xin Tian Di, the area had been a spread of aged lanes crowded with mid-19th century Shikumen buildings which had witnessed the changes. The Shikumen style was a combination of influences from home and abroad, showing Shanghai's culture of that time.

Xin Tian Di Plaza is divided into North and South Blocks:

In the South Block, modern architecture is the motif while Shikumen is an accompaniment. In the north, preserved Shikumen set a nostalgic tone, forming a splendid contrast with the modernity to the south. A shopping, entertainment and leisure complex of 25,000 square meters in the South Block opened in mid 2002. Apart from a series of international restaurants representing the flavours of the world, there are classy boutiques, accessory shops, a food court, a cinema and a great one-stop fitness centre.

In the North Block, antique buildings with their modern interior design, decorations and equipment play host to a dazzling array of restaurants specializing in French, American, German, British, Brazilian, Italian, Japanese, Taiwanese and Hong Kong cuisine, putting on display the full international dimension of Shanghai Xin Tian Di. The dividing line between the two blocks, Xingye Road, is the site of the First Congress Hall of the Chinese Communist Party.

There are also Taipingqiao Lake and Park in central Xin Tian Di, which cover 44,000 square meters. Inside the park are tall trees and low-lying greenery, affording visitors a serene resting place. The lake is the largest man-made lake in downtown Shanghai, covering 12,000 square meters. At the centre of the lake are a set of impressive fountains and two little islets dotting the surface. The islets are named Magnolia and Unison.

When people walk on the gray flagstones and see the red and black bricks, lacquered doors and Baroque doorframes, they will feel as if they are back half a century. The scent of international food compound, the first-class service, and the blend of architecture, all formed the character of Shanghai Xin Tian Di.

Jade Buddha Temple (Yufo Si):

Jade Buddha Temple (Yufo Si) was built during the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty (A.D. 1875-1909) and burned down in the early 20th century. In 1918, Jade Buddha Temple was rebuilt on Anyuan Road. The construction of the temple is in the magnificent architectural style of the Song Dynasty. The temple is composed of several compounds such as the Halls of Heavenly Kings, the Main Hall, the Hall of the Sleeping Buddha and the Hall of the Jade Buddha. There are monks currently living in the Temple and the Temple houses Shanghai Buddhist Institute. Many ancient statues, paintings, a complete set of Buddhist scriptures (printed in the Qing Dynasty) and over 7000 Dazang sutras are kept.

In the temple, there are two precious jade Buddhist statues. They are not only rare cultural relics but also porcelain artworks. Both the Sitting Buddha and the Recumbent Buddha are carved with whole white jade. The sparkling and crystal-clear white jade gives the Buddhas the beauty of sanctity.

The Sitting Buddha is 190 centimeters high and encrusted by the agate and the emerald, portraying the Buddha at the moment of his meditation and e nlightenment. The Recumbent Buddha is 96 centimeters long, lying on the right side with the right hand supporting the head and the left hand placing on the left leg, this shape is called the 'lucky repose'. The sedate face shows the peaceful mood of Sakyamuni when he left this world. Furthermore there are many other ancient paintings and Buddhist scriptures distributed in the different halls of the temple.

Oriental Pearl TV Tower:

The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is located in Pudong Park in Lujiazui, Shanghai. The tower, surrounded by the Yangpu Bridge in the northeast and the Nanpu Bridge in the southwest, creates a picture of 'twin dragons playing with pearls'. The entire scene is a photographic jewel that excites the imagination and attracts thousands of visitors year-round.

Outer tower:

This 468 meters high (1,536 feet) tower is the world's third tallest TV and radio tower surpassed in height only by towers in Toronto, Canada and Moscow, Russia. However, even more alluring than its height is the tower's unique architectural design that makes the Oriental Pearl TV Tower one of the most attractive places anywhere. The base of the tower is supported by three seven-meter wide slanting stanchions. Surrounding the eleven steel spheres that are 'strung' vertically through the center of the tower are three nine-meter wide columns. There are three large spheres including the top sphere, known as the space module. Then there are five smaller spheres and three decorative spheres on the tower base. The entire structure rests on rich green grassland and gives the appearance of pearls shining on a jade plate.

Inner tower:

The inner tower is a recreational palace, while the Shanghai Municipal History Museum is located in the tower's pedestal. The large lower sphere has a futuristic space city and a fabulous sightseeing hall. From here, on a clear day a visitor can see all the way to the Yangtze River. The base of the tower is home to a science fantasy city. The five smaller spheres are a hotel that contains twenty-five elegant rooms and lounges. The pearl at the very top of the tower contains shops, restaurants, (including a rotating restaurant) and a sightseeing floor. The view of Shanghai from this height fills you with wonder at the beauty that surrounds you. When viewed from the Bund at night, the tower's three-dimensional lighting makes it a delight of brilliant color.

It deserves the name'Oriental Pearl TV Tower'.


Shanghai Introduction

Shanghai, Hu for short, is situated on the estuary of Yangtze River of China, covering an area of 5,800 square kilometers (2,239 square miles). It has a population of 18.7 million, including 2 million floating population.

Shanghai is known for the "Oriental Paris" and "Pearl of China". It is the economic, financial and cultural center in the nation. It serves as the largest base of Chinese industrial technology, the important seaport and China's largest commercial and financial center.

What makes Shanghai attractive are the many different styles of architecture and design throughout the city. The Sightseeing, Business and Shopping centered upon People's Square and along the Huangpu River; the city's Cultural Center with its public activities and community facilities; and the main Entertainment and Holiday Tourism area located at Mt. Sheshan, Chongming Island, Dingshan Lake and Shenshuigang Area are a proof of Modern Shanghai.

Shanghai is a spectacularly modern city. The pace of development here is unbelievable. At present, 17% of the world's cranes are in the city and developers boast that the city is changing at a rate incomparable to anywhere else in the world ever.

In addition, Shanghai is a shopper's paradise. Nanjing Road is a must for for tourists. Huaihai Road caters for those with modern and fashionable tastes, while Sichuan North Road meets the demands of ordinary folk. Besides, Xujiahui Shopping Center, Yuyuan Shopping City, Jiali Sleepless City are popular destinations for those who are seeking to buy something special as a souvenir.

Like other cities throughout the country, Shanghai celebrates all Chinese public holidays, such as Spring Festival, International Labor Day, Children's Day National Day and etc. In addition to National Vocation, Shanghai's regional folk festivals add their own touch of traditional jubilation to city life. On every Spring Festival Eve, local people swarm to Longhua Temple to toll the bell to celebrate the coming New Year. The Shanghai International Tea Culture Festival is held during April. In May there is the International Dragon Boat Race in the Qingpu District. Established in 1993, there is the Shanghai International Film Festival. This is the only international film festival to be held in mainland. The Shanghai Tourism Festival is held during September and October; this brings a wide variety of celebrations and activities.

Every year, the Shanghai Formula One World Championship will be held in Shanghai in Oct. In September, 2004, the Shanghai Formula One World Championship was held for the first time in China. This prestigious event which is the world's fastest, most expensive motoring competition with the highest of technical standards helps to promote the image of Shanghai's economic development and tourism industry and brings commercial opportunity to the city. Shanghai also hosts many other international competitions and conventions, such as the APEC Convention, International Ballet Competitions, etc.

Museums, galleries, restaurants and bars have emerged in the past few years, which has been another main point appealing to tourists. The Oriental Pearl TV Tower, Jinmao Mansion and Pudong International Airport are the modern symbols of an international metropolis.The heydays of the 1920s and 30s and the newfound wealth in the city are making Shanghai a place with a fabulous and optimistic style and attitude.


1.东方明珠广播电视塔:The Oriental Pearl Radio TV Tower


2.上海金茂大厦:Shanghai Jinmao Tower


3.上海环球金融中心:Shanghai World Financial Center


4.上海中心大厦:Shanghai Tower


5.中华艺术宫:China Arts Museum



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