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艾伯特广场(Albert Square)是了纪念维多利亚女王的丈夫艾伯特命名的。广场位于丁斯盖特街(Deansgate St.)和莫斯利大街(Mosley St.)之间,是城市的心脏地带。广场上最有特色的标志是一座建于维多利亚时代的歌德式建筑

广场西面的丁斯盖特街的约翰·赖兰德图书馆(John Rylands Library)拥有维多利亚歌德式建筑再往西面走,就是坐落于艾威尔河(River Irwell)旁边的Pumphouse人民历史博物馆,展览的主题是社会历史和工人运动。

广场南面是圣彼得广场(St Peter’s Square),旁边的自由工会会所就是1819年彼得罗屠杀(Peterloo massacre)发生的地方,现已改建为酒店。再往南是前中央车站,现在成了G-Mex展览会议中心。旁边俯视着G-Mex的棱角分明的后现代建筑物就是布里奇沃特音乐大厅(Bridgewater Hall),著名的哈雷管弦乐团的成名地。 来吧红魔《来吧红魔》的大合唱随时都可能在曼城街头爆发,一个街区的人都会跟着手舞足蹈。曾拥有贝克汉姆等大牌球星的曼联足球队,成了曼城最为世界所知的标志。乘上轻轨,在老特拉福德(Old Trafford)下车,即可以前往曼联足球俱乐部,红魔迷们可以挑一条红围巾。再搭乘巴士,便可到达“梦剧场”——老特拉福德球场(Old Trafford Stadium)。据说如果事先没买整个球赛的季票,就休想观看任何一场曼联队的比赛。到了夏天,这里更是热闹得连一场板球赛都看不到了。

北角”最体现曼城民间的文化创造力和独立精神,不可不去。它在曼城市中心的北部外缘,短短几条街上,布满了不计其数的先锋演出场所、俱乐部、酒吧、独立唱片店,还有工艺 术中心、中国艺术中心,以及大批操办小型文化生意的办公室和工作室。兜兜转转,很可能会撞进一个亲密有趣的“艺术家村”,碰到有版画工作室的主人出远门,请隔壁的雕塑家帮忙代管钥匙卖作品的情状;或者在一家叫“唱碟交换”的著名的二手唱片店,买到用白纸壳包装的觅了很久的音乐;或者在一家充满奇思妙想的设计小店流连忘返。 据说1987年前后,曼彻斯特市中心的房地产价格暴涨,而北角有廉价的租房、出租方式灵活,因此做文化生意的小业主便纷纷进驻,不想雪球越滚越大,成就了曼城现在最有活力的文化景观。


“角屋”很早就号称是“曼城的艺术电影及视觉艺术的中心”,背后有不少基金组织支持,特点是绝对不俗的品位。在一楼看一场异国的艺术电影,二楼看当月的精选画展或参加一个公开的座谈会,在酒吧和艺术爱好者聊聊天,便可以收获一个令人难忘的晚上了。它是“北角”一分子,更得昔日“狂野之城”的精髓。 跳舞俱乐部和酒馆1991年,曼城的市政厅长就说过:“哈仙达岗俱乐部之于曼城,就好像米开郎基罗的《大卫》之于佛罗伦萨”。可见跳舞俱乐部对于这个城市的重要性。哈仙达岗(Hacienda)见证了曼城作为世界流行音乐中心的黄金时代,如今已经伴随着那个时代的离去而离去了。但俱乐部文化已然作为传统保留了下来,深夜常可见长长的队伍排在最火暴的俱乐部门口或者在取款机前。



Albert Square

Completed in 1887, this most impressive neo-Gothic building cost a million pounds and is acknowledged as a masterpiece in its own right. It rises as a Victorian edifice - a monument to the civic pride of the city fathers, reaching 286 feet above Albert Square below.

Designed by Alfred Waterhouse, a leading contemporary architect, it was fitted masterfully onto an awkward triangular space - although not unanimously liked as the best looking design, it proved the most practical of the 136 other designs entered. Manchester had achieved city status in 1853, and was keen to show off its civic dignity. Inside it is lavishly and richly decorated, with mosaic floors bearing the "bees", symbols of Manchester's industry, and has wall murals by Ford Madox Brown.

At the front main entrance, a statue of the Roman Governor, Agricola, surveys the square. He had founded the original fort of Mamuciam, from which the city began, and is thus honoured by a statue over the main front entrance to the Town Hall. The building dominates Albert Square, with its monument to Queen Victoria's consort, and statues of some of Manchester's great men.

The square has now been largely pedestrianised and regularly serves as a venue for local events, celebrations, street fairs, Christmas funfairs, etc - much in the way medieval market squares might have done in years gone by. Guided Tours of the Town Hall are available by prior arrangement - sadly they are no longer free. Tours can be arranged through the Manchester Visitor Centre in person or by telephone.

Manchester Town Hall complex has two buildings - the original Town Hall building (sometimes called the old Town Hall) and the Town Hall Extension. The complex is bounded by Albert Square to the front, Princess Street to the left, Peter Street to the right and St Peter's Square to the rear. Lloyd Street separates the older Town Hall building from the newer Town Hall extension.

St Peter's :

* a Baptist Church within the North Western Association of the Baptist Union

* an extra-parochial place of worship attached to the Deanery of Hulme in the Manchester Diocese of the Church of England.

* the Oxford Hall Society of the Manchester Circuit (19/1) within the Manchester and Stockport District of the Methodist Church of Great Britain.

* a Church in the South West Manchester District of the North Western Synod of the United Reformed Church.

These and many other Churches are members of Churches Together in England. At a local level we are members of Churches Together in Longsight and Churches Together in Hulme, Moss Side and Whalley Range.

City Church Manchester was planted in 2002 as a church with a focus for people who work, live or play in Manchester city centre.

City church Manchester

The founding members of the community came from a variety of church backgrounds all recognising that the nature of church needed to evolve for the 21st century.

Since that time things have grown and developed. A vibrant community consisting of all sorts of people has come together. On the whole we are quite young, some students, a whole bunch of twentysomethings, quite a lot of young couples, a sprinkling of young families and even a few 'emptynesters'!






这座维多利亚哥特式图书馆也是市里数一数二的优美建筑,瑞兰德先生的遗孀用这种独特的方式来纪念她的丈夫约翰。 图书馆在2005年前进行了大规模装修,包括新添一个游客中心,所以游客现在可以一睹它那美轮美奂的阅览室风采,欣赏图书馆收藏的早期印刷书籍。






曼彻斯特大学是学生数量最多的英国大学,从这里走出过25位诺贝尔奖获得者,“神探夏洛克”——本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch)也毕业于此。大学校园位于牛津路(Oxford Road)两边。走到校园,首先迎接您的是曼彻斯特商学院上巨大的“University of Manchester”标志。精华景点在牛津路上,您沿着这条路一直走,能看到曼彻斯特博物馆。主要涉及自然科学和生命科学的科目,包括古埃及闻名、地质矿石、考古等科目。沿着牛津路走下去,您会看到曼大标志性的“University Place”,举办毕业典礼的“Whitworth Hall”,以及斥资两千万英镑建造的自习楼“Alan Gilbert Learning Commons”。世界排名一直在世界前30,大学几乎占了曼市三分之一的面积。

求英国 曼彻斯特 的英文介绍...

Manchester is a city and metropolitan borough of Greater Manchester, England. In 2007, the population of the city was estimated to be 458,100. Manchester lies within one of the United Kingdom's largest metropolitan areas; the metropolitan county of Greater Manchester had an estimated population of 2,562,200, the Greater Manchester Urban Area a population of 2,240,230, and the Larger Urban Zone around Manchester, the second-most-populous in the UK, had an estimated population in the 2004 Urban Audit of 2,539,100.The demonym of Manchester is Mancunian.

Manchester is situated in the south-central part of North West England, fringed by the Cheshire Plain to the south and the Pennines to the north and east. The recorded history of Manchester began with the civilian vicus associated with the Roman fort of Mamucium, which was established c. AD 79 on a sandstone bluff near the confluence of the rivers Medlock and Irwell. Historically, most of the city was a part of Lancashire, although areas south of the River Mersey were in Cheshire. Throughout the Middle Ages Manchester remained a manorial township, but began expanding "at an astonishing rate" around the turn of the 19th century as part of a process of unplanned urbanisation brought on by a boom in textile manufacture during the Industrial Revolution.The urbanisation of Manchester largely coincided with the Industrial Revolution and the Victorian era, resulting in it becoming the world's first industrialised city. As the result of an early-19th century factory building boom, Manchester was transformed from a township into a major mill town, borough and was later granted honorific city status in 1853.

Forming part of the English Core Cities Group, Manchester today is a centre of the arts, the media, higher education and commerce, factors all contributing to Manchester polling as the second city of the United Kingdom in 2002. In a poll of British business leaders published in 2006, Manchester was regarded as the best place in the UK to locate a business. A report commissioned by Manchester Partnership, published in 2007, showed Manchester to be the "fastest-growing city" economically. In the GaWC global city list, Manchester is ranked as a Gamma city. It is the third-most visited city in the United Kingdom by foreign visitors and the most visited in England outside London. Manchester was the host of the 2002 Commonwealth Games, and among its other sporting connections are its two Premier League football teams, Manchester United and Manchester City.


Manchester is a city and metropolitan borough of Greater Manchester, England. In 2007, the population of the city was estimated to be 458,100. Manchester lies within one of the United Kingdom's largest metropolitan areas; the metropolitan county of Greater Manchester had an estimated population of 2,562,200, the Greater Manchester Urban Area a population of 2,240,230, and the Larger Urban Zone around Manchester, the second-most-populous in the UK, had an estimated population in the 2004 Urban Audit of 2,539,100.The demonym of Manchester is Mancunian.Manchester is situated in the south-central part of North West England, fringed by the Cheshire Plain to the south and the Pennines to the north and east. The recorded history of Manchester began with the civilian vicus associated with the Roman fort of Mamucium, which was established c. AD 79 on a sandstone bluff near the confluence of the rivers Medlock and Irwell. Historically, most of the city was a part of Lancashire, although areas south of the River Mersey were in Cheshire. Throughout the Middle Ages Manchester remained a manorial township, but began expanding "at an astonishing rate" around the turn of the 19th century as part of a process of unplanned urbanisation brought on by a boom in textile manufacture during the Industrial Revolution.The urbanisation of Manchester largely coincided with the Industrial Revolution and the Victorian era, resulting in it becoming the world's first industrialised city. As the result of an early-19th century factory building boom, Manchester was transformed from a township into a major mill town, borough and was later granted honorific city status in 1853.Forming part of the English Core Cities Group, Manchester today is a centre of the arts, the media, higher education and commerce, factors all contributing to Manchester polling as the second city of the United Kingdom in 2002. In a poll of British business leaders published in 2006, Manchester was regarded as the best place in the UK to locate a business. A report commissioned by Manchester Partnership, published in 2007, showed Manchester to be the "fastest-growing city" economically. In the GaWC global city list, Manchester is ranked as a Gamma city. It is the third-most visited city in the United Kingdom by foreign visitors and the most visited in England outside London. Manchester was the host of the 2002 Commonwealth Games, and among its other sporting connections are its two Premier League football teams, Manchester United and Manchester City.


一、概述: 中文名称: 曼彻斯特 外文名称: Manchester

别名: 棉都,北方之都,仓库之城 所属地区: 大曼彻斯特郡

政府驻地: 曼彻斯特市中心 电话区号: 0161 电话区号: 0161 邮政区码: M

地理位置: 英格兰西北部平原 面积: 115.65平方公里 人口: 45.2万(2005年)

方言: 曼彻斯特方言 气候条件: 温带海洋性气候 著名景点: 艾伯特广场,北角,劳瑞中心

机场: 曼彻斯特国际机场 火车站: 维多利亚火车站,皮卡迪利火车站 行政区类别: 市









从曼彻斯特出发,南行九十公里,就到了莎士比亚故乡斯特拉夫德镇(Stratford)。斯特拉夫德在曼城与牛津之间,是典型的英国南部古镇。远望古镇,在丘陵起伏的绿色原野上,奔来一片浓绿的岛屿,浓绿衬托下,远近相连的陡尖的屋顶泛着陈年葡萄酒的殷 。亮丽中饱藏着深沉的底蕴。许是莎士比亚名气太大的缘故吧,这个缔造了千古奇才的小镇,在外来人心目中带着浓厚的神秘色彩。 寻着清幽的布仑河水步入镇中,仿佛走进一个古远的童话。古镇方圆不足两公里,穿镇而过的布仑河两岸,林木染翠,年代久远的古民宅似依其资历的长短,由岸边次第排列开去。维多利亚式建筑的陡峻与厚重,哥特式建筑的俏丽和奇幻,历史悠久的普通民居的粗犷和古朴,书写着古镇的历史沧桑,而布仑河上那栋中世纪留下来的拱桥,应是小镇更为古老的见证。脚下,布仑河水静静地流淌,成群的天鹅和野鸭在河中追逐嬉戏。教堂的钟声响起,荡开河面层层涟漪,向人们心灵深处传递着悠扬的静谧。 紧靠河边的“圣三一”教堂,建于文艺复兴时期,是镇上最宏伟的建筑,其外表披一层深厚的苔藓。教堂内安葬着莎士比亚的灵墓。凡来镇上的游人,第一件事就是到教堂看望莎士比亚老人家。莎翁的灵墓是用汉白玉做成的方形高台,高可盈人,莎翁的遗体就埋在高台之下。由于每天都有很多人光顾,教堂严格规定不许拍照。然而工作人员彼德对中国客人格外关照,特许我们与莎士比亚合影。彼德说,他刚从中国旅游回来,中国是东方文明古国,在中国,莎士比亚几乎人人皆知,作为莎士比亚的家乡人,彼德感到骄傲。 世界文学史上有一些伟大的文学家,由于生前不曾被关注,身后留下的有文字可考的生平资料极为有限。曹雪芹和莎士比亚就是如此。与莎翁家乡人谈莎士比亚,比从媒介获知的要更为丰富和有趣。在彼德看来,布仑河滋养的这片圣土,必然会出现莎士比亚这样的不朽人物。据说,少年时代的莎士比亚就显露出卓越的文学天赋,他博览群书,酷爱戏剧,在布仑河边给小伙伴们讲故事,令大家如醉如痴。十三岁上父亲破产,莎士比亚辍学。青年时代的莎士比亚沿着布仑河走出小镇,到伦敦谋生。他曾给出入剧场的富人牵过马,在剧团当过跑龙套的演员,才华横溢的莎士比亚在恶劣的环境中开始了自己的戏剧创作。他娶了出身中产阶级的玛丽,妻子为他的写作提供了经济支持,使其不至于像曹雪芹那样穷困潦倒。二十多年中,莎士比亚创作了三十二部话剧和一百五十四首十四行诗,成为文艺复兴时期欧洲最伟大的文学家。然而,当时,他并未受到人们重视,四十六岁的莎士比亚告别戏剧界,因创作的艰辛,莎士比亚身心憔悴,五十二岁病逝于布仑河边。莎士比亚生前默默无闻,大约去世一个多世纪之后,其不朽的剧作才在世界流传,莎氏的名字在中国家喻户晓,则是“五四”运动之后的事。愈是不朽的作品,愈需要时间的考验,大家未必能得到立竿见影的回报,后人为他们遗憾也于事无补。眼下在英国,竟然有人质疑莎士比亚的不朽剧作是否出自莎翁之手,九泉之下的莎士比亚有口难辩。莎翁家乡人对此嗤之以鼻,足见他们对莎士比亚的爱戴。 莎翁的故居,位于布仑河边一箭之地的镇中心。一栋古旧的二层木制小楼,坐北朝南,临街而建。门楼上挂一铁牌,标明建筑年代为1531年。走进屋内,便进入了当年莎翁的生活。一楼是客厅和厨房,壁炉中的火依然殷红,面包、牛排< /a>和刀叉之类摆在餐桌上,咖啡壶和杯子带有几分粗粝。所有这些,向造访者传达着古典的温馨。二楼作为卧室和书房。书房塑有莎翁的蜡像,蜡像前的书案堆放着字迹密集的稿纸,莎翁靠着坐椅凝神思索。一切伟大的艺术创造,无不来自寂寞和孤独。莎士比亚的许多脍炙人口的伟大作品,就是在这间书房里完成的。


艾伯特广场是了纪念维多利亚女王的丈夫艾伯特命名的。广场位于丁斯盖特和莫斯利大街之间,是城市的心脏地带。广场上最有特色的标志是一座建于维多利亚时代的歌德式建筑。广场西面的丁斯盖特街的约翰·赖兰德图书馆拥有维多利亚歌德式建筑再往西面走,就是坐落于艾威尔河旁边的Pumphouse人民历史博物馆,展览的主题是社会历史和工人运动。 广场南面是圣彼得广场,旁边的自由工会会所就是1819年彼得罗屠杀发生的地方,现已改建为酒店。再往南是前中央车站,现在成了G-Mex展览会议中心。旁边俯视着G-Mex的棱角分明的后现代建筑物就是布里奇沃特音乐大厅,著名的哈雷管弦乐团的成阿戴尔中心 阿戴尔中心曾在1996年的爆炸事件遭到了破坏。遭到破坏的还有谷物交易所、皇家交易所、隆里奇大厦和原来的马沙大厦。经重建,全世界最大的马沙大厦取代了原来的大楼,皇家交易所和谷物交易所已整修一新,两间具有历史价值的酒吧被重新安置到了大教堂旁的新夏波斯广场。大教堂和圣安妮广场改为了步行区。






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