丝绸之路景点英文介绍 - 丝绸之路景点英文介绍带翻译

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1. 丝绸之路景点英文介绍带翻译




2. 丝绸之路 英文介绍


Dayan Pagoda is located in Dacheng Temple, Jinchangfang, Chang'an City,

Tang Dynasty (now south of Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province), also known as "Tiantan Pagoda".

In the three years of Tang Yonghui (652), Xuanzang presided over the construction of the goose

pagoda of Tibetan Buddhism, which Tianzhu brought back to Chang'an via the Silk Road.

The first five layers are added to the ninth layer, and the number and height of the seventh layer are changed many times.

Finally, they were fixed on the seven-storey tower seen today, 64.517 meters high and 25.5 meters long at the bottom.大雁塔位于唐长安城晋昌坊(今陕西省西安市南)的大慈恩寺内,又名“慈恩寺塔”。


3. 丝绸之路英文介绍简短带翻译


4. 丝绸之路英文简介带翻译

1.出使西域的张骞 公元前138年,张骞奉命率人前往西域,寻找并联络曾被匈奴赶跑的大月氏,合力进击匈奴。

张骞一行从长安起程,经陇西向西行进。他们来到河西走廊一带后,被占据此地的匈奴骑兵发现。张骞和随从一百多人全部被俘。匈奴单于知道了张骞西行的目的之后,把他们分散开去放羊牧马,并由匈奴人严加管制。还给张骞娶了匈奴女子为妻,一是监视他,二是诱使他投降。但是,张骞坚贞不屈。整整过了十一个春秋,张骞才乘机和他的贴身随从甘父一起逃走,离开匈奴地盘,继续向西行进。历尽千辛万苦,终于越过沙漠、戈壁,翻过冰冻雪封的葱岭(今帕米尔高原),来到了大宛国(今费尔干纳)。国王热情地接见了张骞,并帮助他先后到了康居(今撒马尔罕)、大月氏、大夏等地。但大月氏在阿姆河游安居乐业,不愿再东进和匈奴作战。张骞未能完成与大月氏结盟夹击匈奴的使命,却获得了大量有关西域各国的人文地理知识。张骞在东归返回的途中,再次被匈奴抓获,后又设计逃出。于13年后回到长安。这次出使西域,使生活在中原内地的人们了解到西域的实况,激发了汉武帝“拓边”的雄心,发动了一系列抗击匈奴的战争。公元前119年,汉王朝为了进一 步联络乌孙,断“匈奴右臂”,便派张骞再次出使西域。这次,张骞带了三百多人,顺利地到达了乌孙。并派副使访问了康居、大宛、大月氏、大夏、安息(今伊朗)、身毒(今印度)等国家。但由于乌孙内乱,也未能实现结盟的目的。汉武帝派名将霍去病带重兵攻击匈奴,消灭了盘踞河西走廊和漠北的匈奴,建立了河西四郡和两关,开通了丝绸之路。张骞不畏艰险,两次出使西域,沟通了亚洲内陆交通要道,与西欧诸国正式开始了友好往来,促进了东西经济文化的广泛交流,开拓了丝绸之路,完全可称之为中国走向世界的第一人。

5. 有关丝绸之路的英文介绍

This ancient trade route starts in the old capitals of Luoyang and Xian, and reaches the Yellow River at Lanzhou,follows along the "Gansu Corridor" and stretches along the edge of deserts and mountains.

Before the discovery of the sea route to India,the Silk Road was the most important connection between the Orient and the West.

The Silk Road experienced its last great era during the time of Mongols,when the entire route from China to the Mediterranean was part of one empire.

At that time, Nicolo and Marco Polo traveled from Kashgar to the Far East along the southern route.

The overland link quickly lost its importance as trade across the seas developed.

Today it has been replaced in China with the railway line Lanzhou-Hami-Urumqi.

The last part, to Alma-Ata in Kazatchstan was completed in 1992.

The trade route was never known as the Silk Road historically.

It was given the name by a German geographer Ferdinand Freiherr von Richthofen.

Silk Road tours allow you to step back into the 13th century as you visit the cities of the legendary silk traders and monks.

Travel through deserts where silk traders have traveled for thousands of years.

You can discover the ancient mysteries of the Silk Road including bazaars where merchants haggle over camels and carpets,where you can meet the nomadic minorities of China, and attend music, dance and artistic performances.

These tours are often combined with stops to Beijing, Xian, and Dunhuang to make your China travel adventure vacation complete.

6. 用英文介绍丝绸之路

对应的英语: Silk Road. 例如: Silk Road now refers to a bridge for friendship.

7. 游览丝绸之路英文翻译


This ancient trade route starts in the old capitals of Luoyang and Xian, and reaches the Yellow River at Lanzhou,

follows along the "Gansu Corridor" and stretches along the edge of deserts and mountains.

Before the discovery of the sea route to India,

the Silk Road was the most important connection between the Orient and the West.

The Silk Road experienced its last great era during the time of Mongols,

when the entire route from China to the Mediterranean was part of one empire.

At that time, Nicolo and Marco Polo traveled from Kashgar to the Far East along the southern route.

The overland link quickly lost its importance as trade across the seas developed.

Today it has been replaced in China with the railway line Lanzhou-Hami-Urumqi.

The last part, to Alma-Ata in Kazatchstan was completed in 1992.

The trade route was never known as the Silk Road historically.

It was given the name by a German geographer Ferdinand Freiherr von Richthofen.

Silk Road tours allow you to step back into the 13th century as you visit the cities of the legendary silk traders and monks.

Travel through deserts where silk traders have traveled for thousands of years.

You can discover the ancient mysteries of the Silk Road including bazaars where merchants haggle over camels and carpets,

where you can meet the nomadic minorities of China, and attend music, dance and artistic performances.

These tours are often combined with stops to Beijing, Xian, and Dunhuang to make your China travel adventure vacation complete.

8. 丝绸之路介绍英语

One of the world's most ancient and historically important trade routes, the Silk Road conjures up exotic images of camel caravans, windswept deserts, and such legendary figures as Genghis Khan and Marco Polo. Extending as far as the Indian kingdoms in the west, to present-day Xian in China in the east, the Silk Road was already a crossroads of Asia by the third century B.C.


9. 关于丝绸之路的英语翻译


英文:The Silk Road originated in the 1st century BC.

丝绸之路the SilkRoaD.起源于公元前1世纪,是一条具有重要历史意义的国际贸易路线。由于丝绸在这条线路的贸易中占有很大比重,1877年德国著名的地理学家费迪南·冯·李希霍芬(Ferdinand vonRichthofen)将其命名为“丝绸之路”。

The Silk Road, originated in the 1st century BC, is an international trade route of great historical significance.Because silk occupied a large proportion in the trade of this route, the famous German geographer Ferdinand von Richthofen named it "Silk Road" in 1877.

10. 关于丝绸之路的英文资料及翻译







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