导读:南宁龙门旅游景点介绍英文(南宁著名景点的英文) 龙门石窟英文介绍 全国著名旅游景点英文名称 中国著名景点英文翻译 龙门石窟的英文介绍
The Longmen Grottoes (ch. 龙门石窟, lóngmén shíkū; lit. Dragon's Gate Grottoes) or Longmen Caves are located 12 km south of present day Luòyáng in Hénán province, China. The grottoes, which overwhelmingly depict Buddhist subjects, are densely dotted along the two mountains: Xiangshan (to the east) and Longmenshan (to the west). The Yi River flows northward between them. For this reason, the area used to be called Yique (The Gate of the Yi River). From north to south, the distance covered by grottoes is about one km. Along with the Mogao Caves and Yungang Grottoes, the Longmen Grottoes are one of the three most famous ancient sculptural sites in China. There are over 2100 niches, more than 100,000 statues, some 40 pagodas and 3600 tablets and steles in the caves of Guyang, Binyang and Lianhua.希望帮到你啦~
1、北海公园 Beihai Park
2、故宫博物院 the Palace Museum
3、革命历史博物馆 the Museum of Revolutionary History
4、天安门广场 Tian'anmen Square
5、毛主席纪念堂 Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall
毛主席纪念堂是为纪念开国领袖毛泽东而建造的,位于天安门广场, 人民英雄纪念碑南面,坐落在原中华门旧址。1976年11月24日按照中国共产党中央委员会的决议,毛主席纪念堂奠基仪式在天安门广场举行。
6、人民大会堂 the Great Hall of the People
中华人民共和国中央政府人民大会堂位于中国北京市天安门广场西侧,西长安街南侧。人民大会堂坐西朝东� ��南北长336米,东西宽206米,高46.5米,占地面积15万平方米,建筑面积17.18万平方米。
7、黄果树瀑布 Huangguoshu Falls
黄果树瀑布,即黄果树大瀑布。古称白水河瀑布,亦名“黄葛墅”瀑布或“黄桷树”瀑布,因本地广泛分布着“黄葛榕”而得名。 位于中国贵州省安顺市镇宁布依族苗族自治县,属珠江水系西江干流南盘江支流北盘江支流打帮河的支流可布河下游白水河段水系,为黄果树瀑布群中规模最大的一级瀑布,是世界著名大瀑布之一。以水势浩大著称。瀑布高度为77.8米,其中主瀑高67米;瀑布宽101米,其中主瀑顶宽83.3米。黄果树瀑布属喀斯特地貌中的侵蚀裂典型瀑布。
1、长城(Great Wall)
2、颐和园 Summer Palace
3、周口店遗址 Zhoukoudian Ancient Site
4、乾清宫 Palace of Heavenly Purity
乾清宫是内廷正殿,即民间所谓“后三宫(乾清宫、交泰殿、坤宁宫)中的第一座宫殿。乾清宫面阔9间,进深5间,高20米,重檐庑殿顶。殿的正中有宝座,两头有暖阁。乃明清十六个皇帝的寝宫: 明朝的十四个皇帝和清代的顺治、康熙两个皇帝,都以乾清宫为寝宫(自雍正始移居养心殿)。
5、人民大会堂 the Great Hall of the People
The Longmen Grottoes, located near Luoyang, Henan Province, are a treasure house of ancient Buddhist cave art. The grottos were hewed and carved during the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534), when the rulers relocated their capital at Luoyang near the end of the 5th century. At that time Buddhism was spreading east into China and was venerated by the imperial court. The Buddhists adopted the practice of carving rock temples, dedicated to the Buddha.
The construction of the Longmen Grottoes began in 493 during the reign of Emperor Xiaowen and continued through the successive six dynasties, including Tang and Song, for a span of over 400 years. Altogether there are 1,352 caves, 785 niches, more than 97,000 statues of the Buddha, Bodhisativas, and Arhats, and 3,680 inscribed stone tablets along the 1-km-long cliff of Mt. Longmen on the west and Mt. Xiangshan on the east of the Yihe River south of Luoyang.
One third of these cave sculptures belong to the Northern Wei Dynasty and two thirds to the Tang Dynasty. The style of sculpture, the design of clothing and the facial expression on statues, as well as carving methods show little foreign influence, rather they exhibit the pinnacle of development of Chinese grotto art. The 11 Buddha statues in the Binyang Cave, typical Northern Wei carvings, represent a style in transition from the simple and compact depictions in the Yungang Grottoes of Datong, Shanxi Province, to the vigorous and realistic Tang Dynasty sculptures.
While the cave sculptures of the Tang Dynasty are of a vigorous, elegant and realistic style, the stone statues in Fengxian Cave, carved under the edict of Empress Wuzetian (reigned 690-705), can be considered as the most typical of the period. These are composed of a 17.14-meter-high statue of Vairocana Buddha, and a series of pairs of Bodhisattvas, heavenly kings, protectors and worshippers. The huge statue of Vairocana Buddha is today praised as being the quintessence of Buddhist sculpture in China.
On November 30, 2000, the Longmen Grottoes were approved by the 24th UN Heritage Commission to be put on the List of World Cultural Heritage.
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