南京小景点介绍 南京小景点介绍英文

导读:南京小景点介绍 南京小景点介绍英文 1. 南京小景点介绍英文 2. 南京的景点英文介绍 3. 南京著名景点英文介绍 4. 南京小景点介绍英文版 5. 南京景区英文介绍 6. 南京旅游景点介绍英语 7. 南京旅游景点英语介绍 8. 南京小景点介绍英文作文 9. 用英语介绍南京的景点 10. 南京小景点介绍英文ppt 11. 南京景点英文名称

1. 南京小景点介绍英文

Hello, I'm Michael. I think my hometown Nanjing is a great place to visit. It is the capital of Jiangsu Province. It has a long history.

There are lots of interesting places to go. You can see beautiful views in Xuan Wu Lake Park.

You also can take a boat trip on Xuan Wu Lake Park. It will be very comfortable and enjoyable.

The Purple Mountain is another place that is worth visiting.

You can breathe fresh air there. It's also a good place to go climbing.

At the top of the Purple Mountain, you can see the view of the whole city.

If you are an animal lover, HongShan Zoo is a good choice. There are different kinds of animals in it.

Xin Jie Kou is a good place to go shopping. There are hundreds of stops in Xin Jie Kou District.

You can go to the Golden Eagle International Shopping Center to buy some beautiful clothes.

Welcome to my home town!

2. 南京的景点英文介绍

Xinjiekou is one of the most important trade centers in Nanjing.

3. 南京著名景点英文介绍

Located at the eastern part of China, Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu Province which is developed in economy in China and an important central city on the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtse River.


Nanjing is situated on the vast plain of the lower reaches of the Yangtse Riverand at 32* 03 ' N, 118 * 47 ' E. It belongs to the northern subtropical monsoon climate zone where the four seasons are clearly demarcated. The annual mean temperature is 16 degress C, the annual even precipitation is 1,106 mm and the frost-free period is 237 days.

南京坐落在辽阔的平原下游的长江Riverand 32 * 03 ' N,118 * 47“e .它属于北方亚热带季风气候区四个季节是清晰界线。年平均气温16度C,每年的降水量是1106毫米,甚至无霜期237天。

At present, Nanjing has jurisdiction over 10 districts and 5 counties,covering an area of 6,516 square kilometers and having a population of about 5,200,000.


Nowadays, Nanjing has developed into a multiple- producing industrial base in eastern China, an important hub of transportation and communication center, one of China's four major scientific research and educational central cities. The gross national products of the whole city in 1995 amounted to 5.8 billion yuan,a 12% increase over the previous year.

4. 南京小景点介绍英文版

  一部由美国电影人制作的反映南京大屠杀的纪录片《南京梦魇》最近在美国的加州、华盛顿州、纽约州等地试映50多场,每场几乎都是座无虚席,有时甚至连走廊、门口和窗外都站满了人。当看到屠刀下的中国平民的尸体堆积成山,被强奸后的中国妇女被开膛破肚,进行杀人比赛后的日本军官在疯狂地狞笑,许多人边看边流泪哭泣,电影结束后,礼堂里往往安静极了,很多人一时忘记离开。  其他介绍:  这部纪录片的制片人是朗恩·乔瑟夫博士。他曾拍摄过纪录片《希特勒》,在电影界有一定名望。近日,乔瑟夫接受了《环球时报》记者的采访。谈到他的拍摄动机时,他说,25年前,他在一本书中看到了一段描写南京大屠杀的记述,感到无比震惊。他原本决定写一本记录南京大屠杀的书,为此他花了20年的时间收集零零星星的资料。正当他准备动手写书时,张纯如的《南京大屠杀》问世了。他看后,自觉超不过张纯如,于是改变主意,决定拍一部南京大屠杀的纪录片。  《南京梦魇》的制作前后筹备近10年,从2005年初正式开拍,从最初的120分钟版本到现在的77分钟版本,历经数十次修改。影 片由乔瑟夫博士的电影工作室和一家美国公司共同制作完成,曾任中国中央电视台记者的吴海燕担任了中文版制片人和配音。影片制作所耗费的近十万美元全部来自于乔瑟夫自己的积蓄。电影评论人士认为,该片的图片资料之完整,史实之引人入胜,制作艺术之精良超越了以往任何一部同类主题的电影,而且这部电影通过一个美国人独立的视角来叙述史实,不代表任何社团、政党或国家的利益,所以更具有说服力和影响力。  乔瑟夫说,令他感动的是,在一次试映后,许多美国华裔观众被深深地打动,他们纷纷慷慨解囊,少则捐500美元,多则捐1000美元。有位老人当场捐了1万美元。乔瑟夫说,他要把这些捐款用在影片的宣传和推广上,让更多的人能看到它。在洛杉矶中英文版分场试映式上,有好几位美国观众多次出席放映式,不仅观看英文版,还观看中文版,当被问及为什么观看那么多遍时,他们回答说,这是一部令他们的心灵产生震撼的电影,他们希望能够多和制片人交流,多了解这段历史。  乔瑟夫说,影片试映取得了成功后,他将1万个拷贝销售或赠送给了有关人士,另将500个拷贝分发给了美国大报。制作组目前正计划制作该片的日文版,除了寻找日裔制片人,还打算请日本一名著名演员做配音。乔瑟夫说,日本有关人士已向他表示,将在明年夏天在日本放映该影片。最近,还有人向他预订了10万张该影片日语版的DVD,准备在日本免费赠送。《南京梦魇》也已经正式搬上互联网。

5. 南京景区英文介绍



Today was August 2nd,it was a sunny day,and it made me feel comfortable.My father and I have decided to go to the Imperial Palace(故宫).So we went to there by car in this morning.

The Imperial Palace was so wonderful that we would never forget it.And it was the most famous buildings in the world,there were many visitors came to here to visit it every year.

In short,we took many photos,we were very enjoyable.

6. 南京旅游景点介绍英语

Welcome to Nanjing,my hometown.Welcome to my hometown!Nanjing is my hometown.It is a modern and busy town.It has a long history.There are many big supermarkets,beautiful gardens and good factories here.It is very easy to go shopping.You can see green hills,big trees and nice flowers.There are many restaurants in Haimen.You can enjoy Haimen goat.It tastes very delicious.Many visitors come here to enjoy it.There are many good places to visit.There is a park and a big Shopping Mall.You can see films in Renmin Theatre.My school is one of the best schools in my hometown.It is on Changjiang Road.It is very beautiful.I hope you can come and visit soon.

7. 南京旅游景点英语介绍


8. 南京小景点介绍英文作文




10.圆满结束 江湖再见,南京加油!






9. 用英语介绍南京的景点


一般来说 这种拼音也是跟汉语拼音一样有对应的 如汉语拼音b对应韦式拼音p, 汉语拼音x对应韦式拼音ts, 汉语拼音g对应韦式拼音k 因此南京就是NANKING了.这是威妥玛式拼音法。

威妥玛(1818--1895),英国人。从1841年起在英国驻华使馆任职,1871年升为英国驻华公使。 威妥玛在华任职期间,为了外国人便於学习和掌握汉语、汉字,威妥玛使用他根据北京读书音制订的拉丁字母拼音方案给汉字注音。这个方案以后被普遍用来拼写中国的人名、地名等,一般称为威妥玛式拼音,如重庆Chungking、成都Chengtu、广州Kwangchow、南京Nanking、天津Tietsin、桂林Kweilin、台北Taipei等

10. 南京小景点介绍英文ppt




11. 南京景点英文名称

钟山风景区 Zhongshan Hill Scenic Area 中山陵 Dr.Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum明孝陵 Ming Emperors Tomb 灵谷公园 Linggu Park孙中山纪念馆 The Memorial Hall of Dr.Sun Yat-sen音乐台 Music Platform


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