南京的景点介绍 南京的景点介绍英文ppt

导读:南京的景点介绍 南京的景点介绍英文ppt 1. 南京的景点介绍英文ppt 2. 南京景点英文名称 3. 关于南京景点的英文介绍 4. 南京有哪些景点英文 5. 南京的景点英语 6. 南京景区英文介绍 7. 南京景点 英文 8. 南京旅游景点介绍英语 9. 南京的景点介绍英文 10. 南京的著名景点英文 11. 南京著名景点的英文

1. 南京景点介绍英文ppt

南京比较出名的三个字的景点有: 中山陵明孝陵总统府夫子庙玄武湖栖霞山







2. 南京景点英文名称


3. 关于南京景点的英文介绍

Located at the eastern part of China, Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu Province which is developed in economy in China and an important central city on the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtse River.


Nanjing is situated on the vast plain of the lower reaches of the Yangtse Riverand at 32* 03 ' N, 118 * 47 ' E. It belongs to the northern subtropical monsoon climate zone where the four seasons are clearly demarcated. The annual mean temperature is 16 degress C, the annual even precipitation is 1,106 mm and the frost-free period is 237 days.

南京坐落在辽阔的平原下游的长江Riverand 32 * 03 ' N,118 * 47“e .它属于北方亚热带季风气候区四个季节是清晰界线。年平均气温16度C,每年的降水量是1106毫米,甚至无霜期237天。

At present, Nanjing has jurisdiction over 10 districts and 5 counties,covering an area of 6,516 square kilometers and having a population of about 5,200,000.


Nowadays, Nanjing has developed into a multiple- producing industrial base in eastern China, an important hub of transportation and communication center, one of China's four major scientific research and educational central cities. The gross national products of the whole city in 1995 amounted to 5.8 billion yuan,a 12% increase over the previous year.

4. 南京有哪些景点英文

Nanjing, was formerly known as Jinling and Jiankang. It is the capital city of Jiangsu Province, the vice-provincial city and the core city of Nanjing metropolitan area. It is an important central city in eastern China, an important scientific research and education base. 南京,古称金陵、建康,是江苏省会、副省级市、南京都市圈核心城市,国务院批复确定的中国东部地区重要的中心城市、全国重要的科研教育基地。

5. 南京的景点英语

说法很多 Nanjing in Jiangsu Province Jiangsu province of Nanjing Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province頭條萊垍

6. 南京景区英文介绍



Since ancient times, a great country has been propped up by great people. Their ideal is "to establish a mind for the heaven and earth, to make a life for the people, to inherit the unique learning for the saints, and to open peace for all ages."

自古以来,都是由一个个伟大的人,撑起了一个伟大的国家。 们的理想是”为天地立心,为生民立命,为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平。”

The epidemic situation of coronavirus pneumonia is threatening people's life. We can't go to the cinema, we can't travel, we can't visit our relatives and friends, our families are closed, and the busy streets in the past have become rare.


The 84 year old grandfather Zhong Nanshan appeared in front of us. He is a famous respiratory specialist and a leading figure in the fight against SARS in China. He told the Chinese through the media, "stay at home, don't visit", "try not to go to Wuhan" Then, he turned around and ignored his old constitution.


Take the high-speed rail to the epidemic area in Wuhan at night to understand the progress of the epidemic. In the hospital, he worked hard to get back and forth between hospital beds, laboratories and conference rooms; he sacrificed his rest time to attend press conferences to disseminate accurate information about the epidemic situation; he even had to personally demonstrate such small things as wearing masks. His medical skills and ethics, let us see the hope of victory.


7. 南京景点 英文

General introduction to Nanjing Museum

Nanjing Museum, covering an area of 70,000 square meters,is located at the southern foot of the beautiful Purple Gold Moutain, with Zhongshan Gate of the city on its east side and the remains of the imperial palace of the early Ming Dynasty on its west side.

Nanjing Museum , China's first comprehensive state museum,was initiated by Cai Yuanpei and president of the state Central Research Academy. It was originally planned to build three exbition halls including Humanity. Handicraft and Nature halls, but only the hall of Humanity was completed which is the current main building. It imitate the style of Liao-Dynasty architecture, with the roof covered with golden tiles and looking solemn and magnificent.

After 1949, when new China was founded, the museum entered into a new era of development. In March, 1950, it was renamed as Nanjing museum and a number of major excavation activities were conducted in following years.

8. 南京旅游景点介绍英语

Nanjing is a city with along history.It has many delicious food,like salty duck fans od duck blood.

9. 南京的景点介绍英文

Only hot Summer and cold Winter but no Spring and Autumn in Nanjing!

10. 南京的著名景点英文

介绍南京的名胜古迹,now i will introduce a famous place in nanjing,we call it the rampart of nanjing.it was built in 1386,so it had a very history.but what a pity ,some of it had been destoried in the past.in nowdays,our government realize it is a big problem,so they try their best to protect it well.so until today we can still see the beautifui scenery.现在我将介绍南京的 个著名地方,我们称它为南京的壁垒.它始建于1386年,所以它有很长的一段历史.但很遗憾,它们中的一些在过去就已经被破坏.如今,我们的政府认识到那是一个大问题,所以他们会尽他们的最大努力去保护好它.所以至今我们依然能看见美丽的风光.

11. 南京著名景点的英文



南京条约的英文就是Treaty of Nanking,而不是Treaty of Jiangning。而清朝时称为《江宁条约》,民国后改称《南京条约》。


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