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Thanksgiving heart

They also only a small angel, the wing has not fullness. When Mieding disaster fell, the land covered by grief, they used a strong and smiling, shook us.

In more than 10 hours after the quake, one of the North-Manlianshixue boy was rescued from the rubble. In his armed police officers and soldiers prepared to move to safe areas, he can move difficult to hold the right hand, weakness and a standard King team at the Young Pioneers. Stretcher on the little boy he did not forget to rescue the officers and men of his uncle's move Thanksgiving salute to the countless people deeply touched……


Ruian is the People's Republic of China Jiangxi Province's provincial capital, Chinese one of 35 super cities, has the essence or quintessence of things tianbao, the human outstanding earth deities since the ancient times fine reputation.It has more than 2200 years history and the deep cultural inside story, is the People's Republic of China State Council names the historical city.Not only Nanchang is the ecological environment exquisite the Chiangnan region of rivers and lakes, Communist Party of China it the colors raise place.Has the honor to receive many times the People's Republic of China"the nation cultured and civilized city", "the national health cityadvanced city", "the Chinese outstanding traveling city", "thenational two supports model city" the title.

Nanchang is situated at middle and lower reaches Yangtze River, westPoyang Lake the Nanan, is only 11 the provincial capital city whichwith southeast the Yangtze River delta, the Zhujiang Delta and Fujianthe economic zone adjoin west, receives opens, north-south north andsouth. Beijing nine, Zhejiang and Jiangxi provinces, the Anhui Jianxithree bar iron routes connect to this, is Beijing nine on-line theonly provincial capital city; 105th, 320, 316 federal highways gothrough vertically Nanchang; The Changbei international airport mayreach national each big city; The water transportation enters YangtzeRiver after Ganjiang River to leave East China Sea. Looked from theeconomic significance that, Nanchang has become international andeastern part the coastal developed area industry gradient shift idealarea.


Kuanyin Mountain Forest Park is located is known as "Little Hong Kong" in the town known as Zhangmutou is a set of eco-tourism and religious and cultural tourism as one of the theme parks. The total area of 26178 acres of park and forest coverage rate of 99% or more, alias "South-day Holy Land." Kuanyin Mountain Forest Park all year round fresh air, fine spring high negative ion content. Guanyin huge basalt up to 488 meters above sea level as the ports of the Goddess of Mercy Peak, like 33 meters high and weighs over 3000 tons, features life-like. Goddess of Mercy Plaza, a total area of 10,000 square meters. Park, recreation center covers an area of 50000 square meters, the country's leading long-term resident of Wuqiao acrobatic performances. Another barbecue, rock climbing area, archery range, a natural oxygen bar (Buddhism in their hearts Road), Forest Trail (Bodhi Path), etc.. 观音山森林公园





Gulangyu is a small island of Xiamen. It’s like a garden on the water. Cars and buses are not allowed to drive there,which makes the island so quiet that music played on the piano and violin can be heard.


Here the sky and the sea clearly meet on the horizon. When standing at the top of the Sunshine Rock,you can see much of the landscape of Xiamen,and when standing at its foot,you can gaze at the beautiful garden that surrounds it.


Gulangyu produces bananas,coconuts,sugar cane and so on. The people here,warm,simple and hardworking,are making every effort to make the island more beautiful and they hope to welcome more visitors in the future.


Such is Gulangyu,a beautiful and inviting island,where a warm welcome awaits




adj. 风景优美的;舞台的;戏剧的

n. 风景胜地;风景照片


This is an extremely scenic part of America.



n. 旅行者,观光客

adj. 旅游的

vt. 在旅行参观

vi. 旅游;观光

adv. 坐旅游车厢;坐经济


A passing tourist snapped the incident.



LocatedinNanpingCounty,AbaTibetan-QiangAutonomousPrefecture,JiuzhaigouRavinestretches80kilometersinonedirectionandtakesupanareaofmorethan60,000hectares.Theareaconsistsofsixscenicspots——Changhai,Jianyan,Nuorilang,Shuzheng,ZharuandHeihai.Itbecomesaworldrenownedscenicspotbecauseofitsdiversityinnaturalscenerywhichincludessnowypeaks,doublewaterfalls,colorfulforestsandgreensea.Furthermore,Tibetancustomsareanotherattraction.Itwaslistedasaworldheritagesitein1992. TheRavineboastsanumberofuniquefeatures.Themountains,lakes,naturalprimevalforest,beautifulflowersallmakeJiuzhaigouafairyland.Mountainsranging1,980toabout3,100metersinheightarecoveredbyavarietyoftreesandplantssuchasgreenconifers,luxuriantbroadleaftreesandcolorfulrareflowersandgrasses.Sceneschangeaccordingtotheseasonandtheareaisparticularlycolorfulinautumnwhenthewindmakeskilometersoftreebeltalongthelakeundulatelikeaseawave.Waterfalls,lakes,springs,riversandshoalsaddtocolorandthegreentrees,redleaves,snowypeaksandblueskiesarereflectedfromlakesandrivers.Treesgrowinthewaterandflowersblossominthemiddleoflakes. TheShuzhengScenicSpotisoneofthecentralpointofJiuzhaigou'slandscape.With40lakeswhichextendfivekilometersalongavalley,thespotcoversanareaofthreesquarekilometers.Thelakesvaryincoloraccordingtotheirdepths,residuesandsceneryaroundthem.Amongwhich,ReedLakeisanidealhabitatofbirds;SparkLakeappearstomovewhilethejade-likeRhinocerosLakeisagoodplaceforrowing,swimmingandrafting.TherearealsotheShuzhengWaterfallswhichhaveabackdropoftrees. NuorilangScenicAreaextendsfromtheNuorilangWaterfallstoZhuhai,anareaofthreesquarekilometers.The320-meter-widePearlBeachWaterfallandtheFive-ColorLakewhichhasarichlycoloredunderwaterlandscape. TheSword-ShapedRockScenicAreaconsistsofGooseLake,SuspendedSprings,SwordRock,snow-coveredMountainsandprimevalforests.Sometimesyoucanseegiantpandas.Thereisalsothe17.8-kilometerZechawaRavine,thelongestandhighestinJiuzhaigou.Attheendofitistheeight-kilometer-longChanghaiLake,thelargestinthearea.InHaizithereisaFive-ColorPond,thebrightestlakeinJiuzhaigou. Undoubtedly,themagnificentviewinJiuzhaigouwillmakeyoureluctanttoleave,anddon'tforgetthattheautumnisthebestseasontovisitit.




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