郑州的景点英文 郑州的景点英文介绍

导读:郑州的景点英文 郑州的景点英文介绍 1. 郑州的景点英文介绍 2. 郑州景点英语介绍 3. 郑州的景点英文介绍及翻译 4. 郑州的景点英文介绍简短 5. 郑州旅游英文 6. 河南旅游景点英文介绍 7. 郑州的著名景点介绍英文 8. 郑州著名景点英文名称 9. 郑州的景点英文介绍50字 10. 郑州的景点英文介绍带翻译

1. 郑州的景点英文介绍

My hometown is a small village in nanyang. Sand everywhere there before, very desolate.Traffic blocking。 Now ,the railway connecting the capital,there is very beautiful. In the middle of the village there is a small river before. Middle Creek has a pond with lotus in full bloom, there are many fish enjoy swimming in. Planted with almond trees around the village, a tree covered with sweet fruit. In front of every house loaded with beautiful flowers. Happy people live here.

2. 郑州景点英语介绍



3. 郑州的景点英文介绍及翻译

The Yuntai is located the Henan Province Xiuwu County by the northern12 kilometers place, the prominent peak is the fruit of a medicinalcornel peak, the elevation 1,304 meters, because of suddenly, looks like a cauldron, covers above the group peak, is called inthe ancient times covers Pusan and further because to stand tall anderect for its , the forest cover, the ravine common fog windsaround, therefore is called the Yuntai.

Looked from the geographyviewpoint that, Yuntai is belongs to the South Pacific goodmountainous region in the terrain a part, therefore calls the toogood Yuntai.

The Yuntai was the Yubei Mingshan since old times, now has completedthe Yuntai scenic spot, also is the national level forest park and thenational level geology park. Now opens the main scenic area includes:Warm plate valley, fruit of a medicinal cornel peak, old deep poolditch, small stronghold ditch and so on. Good, the friends, we now entered the warm plate valley scenic area,it is because the earth's

4. 郑州的景点英文介绍简短

xinxiang is an old city, in the north of yellow river

5. 郑州旅游英文

I live in the city of zhengzhou in henan province how to say it in EnglishI live in the city of zhengzhou in henan province how to say it in EnglishI live in the city of zhengzhou in henan province how to say it in EnglishI live in the city of zhengzhou in henan province how to say it in English

6. 河南旅游景点英文介绍


7. 郑州的著名景点介绍英文

1、邓亚萍1973年6月2日出生于河南省。2、她是我国著名的乒乓球运动员3、在她五岁的时候,她开始打乒乓球。4、1983年,她加入了河南乒乓球队。5、现在她因乒乓球而世界闻名。6、我认为我们应该向她学习 Deng Yaping is an famous Pinpang athlete in China.Many people think she is a hero. She was born on June second,1973 in Henan province.And she started to play Pinpang in her 5 years old. In 1983, she joined Henan Pinpang team.She's also very famous all over the world now,beause of Pinpang.I think we should learn from her.

邓亚萍,1973年2月6日出生于中国河南郑州,是一位中国女子乒乓球队运动员,现已退役。 邓亚萍曾获得过18个世界冠军,连续2届4次奥运会冠军,邓亚萍是第一个蝉联奥运会乒乓球金牌的球手,曾获得4枚奥运金牌,被誉为“乒乓皇后”,是乒坛里名副其实的“小个子巨人”。1983年,邓亚萍入河南省队。1988年,进入中国女子乒乓球队。1989年,获世乒赛女双冠军。2009年4月16日,邓亚萍就任共青团北京市委副书记。2011年10月11日,邓亚萍获得2011年中国十佳劳伦斯冠军奖。

8. 郑州著名景点英文名称

郑州城市交通一卡通,本是只指“郑州市 公交车一卡通”,在郑州的名称是“百通卡”,秉承“服务民生,百业百通”,提供使用一卡通可以乘公交、便利店、药店、西点屋和其他小额支付消费的服务。于是,公交百通卡成了真正的“郑州一卡通”,不仅可以乘公交使用,还可以在超市等商店消费,在电影院看电影消费。








作为一卡通的公交百通卡 在二七广场的银河世纪电玩城、北京华联、BRT快速公交、大上海城5楼、大商国贸、曼哈顿商业广场、升龙国际、科技市场等地方,“百通卡折扣信息机”已经和大家见面。 为给用户提供最好、最全的便民服务,2012年,百通卡折扣机项目已经与德克士、麦当劳、肯德基、银河世纪、豪享来、华莱士、土大力、汉江烤肉、东方金柜、中体倍力、保利影院等等餐饮、娱乐、美容美发、健身、摄影等等200家优秀商户建立长期的战略合作伙伴关系。并且,商户在不断的增加。


9. 郑州的景点英文介绍50字

This is Luo HE.It is a beautiful city.It is a fit city to live.

10. 郑州的景点英文介绍带翻译


郑州现辖6区5市1县及郑州航空港经济综合实验区、郑东新区、 郑州经济技术开发区、郑州高新技术产业开发区。全市总面积7567平方公里,常住人口约1260万,中心城区建成区面积709.69平方公里(含航空港经济综合实验区),市域城市建成区面积1284.89平方公里,城镇化率78.4%。



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