
导读:介绍新疆美食旅游景点英语作文(介绍新疆的作文英语) 给我一篇介绍新疆的英语作文~ 谁能用英文介绍出新疆美食 关于“新疆”的英语作文。 一篇关于新疆的英语作文,120字左右



Xinjiang is located in the hinterland of the Eurasian continent, with a land border of more than 5600 kilometers.

It borders on Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Mongolia, India and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

In history, it is an important channel of the ancient Silk Road. Now it is a necessary place for the second "Eurasian Continental Bridge", and its strategic position is very important.





The mutton made by Xinjiang people is famous for its delicious taste. It tastes smooth and tender, and has no smell of mutton. It's refreshing and you don't have to worry about getting hot.


Roasted mutton kebab can be said to be a popular traditional snack in Xinjiang. The authentic roasted mutton kebab is roasted in a special barbecue tank, using anthracite as fuel.


The barbecue is very atmospheric. First of all, remove the clean meat, wear it on the thin iron bar with fat and thin, and place them evenly on the trough shaped iron sheet barbecue stove burning anthracite.


The Uygur man, holding the iron bar in his left hand, kept turning and baking on the coal fire. He skillfully sprinkled refined salt, hot pepper noodles, cumin powder and other seasonings on his right hand, and cooked them in a few minutes.


Its color is burnt yellow and bright. The lean meat is tender in the mouth, the fat meat is crisp and scorched outside, the taste is slightly spicy with fresh fragrance, not greasy and not smelly, fresh and delicious.



The northern xinjiang have altay mountain, in the south kunlun mountain, karakoram and altun. Tianshan, xinjiang tianshan mountains as symbol, central, southern traverses formed tarim basin and northern in junggar basin. Traditionally the tianshan region south of call nanjiang, tianshan area north of xinjiang, the name call east hami and turpan basin, xinjiang. Xinjiang abundant and unique tourism resources. Xinjiang tourism magical landscape unique natural, ice and HuoZhou opposite deserts and oasis fain.

Xinjiang tourism culture accumulation massiness, dense nationality amorous feedings, numerous places of interests, which have great potential for exploitation. Xinjiang tourism scenic spot famous natural scenery has tianchi, kanas lake, nalati grasslands, Boston, SaiLiMuHu, bain brooke grassland, etc. Xinjiang humanities rich tourist resources, in the ancient silk road in the south, north, three main line has hundreds of ancient city, ancient tombs, ancient sites caocao thousand-buddha grottoes, humanities landscape, jiaohe city, city, loulan gaochang sites, kilzil thousand-buddha cave, sweet princess tomb of famous international, record the history of junction between Chinese and western culture, showing the ancient xinjiang brilliant culture and picture scroll, attracting more and more tourists. Xinjiang uygur autonomous region is world-famous dance township, melon and fruit of the township, the gentiles.

Xinjiang is a huge-geographical country, is a vast land, mountains and magnificence, vast endless, monuments, ethnic folk throughout numerous, singular. Xinjiang tourism scenic spots have altitude 8600 meters of the world, and second peak 154 meters below sea level minimum depssions, both a Chinese inner-leakage li river, world-now the grassland, and overflow weird gobi dreamland and mysterious desert wonders. Well-pserved original plant and animal species, accentuated advantaged nature colors. Xinjiang land rich and beautiful, the vastness and magical, The people, hospitality, both gracious, enthusiasm, and simplicity, friendly, Here is the poet's kingdom, artists of treasure, historians of heaven, travellers' paradise!


新疆旅游文化积淀厚重,民族风情浓郁,名胜古迹众多,开发潜力巨大。新疆旅游景区著名的自然风景天池喀纳斯湖那拉提草原博斯腾湖赛里木湖、巴音布鲁克草原等。新疆人文旅游资源丰富,在古丝绸之路的南、北、中三条干线上有着数 百计的古城池、古墓葬、千佛洞、古屯田遗址等人文景观,交河故城高昌故城楼兰遗址、克孜尔千佛洞、香妃墓等蜚声中外,记录了中西文化交汇的历史,展示出古老新疆辉煌的文化画卷,吸引着越来越多的中外游客。新疆维吾尔自治区是举世闻名的歌舞之乡、瓜果之乡、黄金玉石之邦。





Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, referred to as "new", the capital of Urumqi, located in Northwest China, is one of China's five ethnic minority autonomous regions.


Covering an area of 1.66 million square kilometers, it is the largest provincial administrative region in China, accounting for one sixth of China's total land area. In 2020, the number of permanent residents of the seventh national population census will be 25.8523 million.


Xinjiang is located in the hinterland of the Eurasian continent, with a land border of more than 5600 kilometers. In history, it was an important passage of the ancient Silk Road,


Now it is the only way for the second "Eurasian land bridge", and its strategic position is very important.


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