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鼓浪屿Gulang Island

日光岩Flag-raising Mountain

海沧大桥:HaiCang Bridge

环岛路Road Around the Island

以前听到有个导游给外国人介绍鳌园的时候说The city of the dead of Chen Jia Geng

园博苑这个 用Garden可以的吧






?pwd=yp7k 提取码: yp7k 


厦门位于中国东南沿海,台湾海峡西岸,与台湾隔海相望。全市总面积1,569.3平方公里,2006年末全市登记户籍人口160万人,常住人口约233万人。下辖思明湖里集美、海沧、同安翔安六个行政区, 厦门是中国最适宜居住的城市之一。这里气候宜人,风景秀丽,环境整洁,拥有“国际花园城市”、“国家卫生城市”、“国家园林城市”、“国家环保模范城市”、“中国优秀旅游城市”、“全国十佳人居城市”和“全国人居环境奖”等殊荣。2004年,厦门荣获人居环境方面的最高奖项--“联合国人居奖”。 厦门是中国最早实行对外开放政策的四个经济特区之一,是国家计划单列市,享有省级经济管理权限并拥有地方立法权。 厦门是中国最具竞争力的城市之一。在中国社科院百名专家联合完成的《2005年城市竞争力报告》中,厦门在中国200个城市综合竞争力排行榜中列第九名,在政府管理、企业管理、制度、环境、基础设施、开放程度等多个方面的竞争力均位于全国前列。在2006年世界银行公布的《政府治理、投资环境与和谐社会——中国120个城市竞争力的提升》报告中获“金牌城市”称号。 Xiamen, facing Taiwan across the sea, is an important window and base for foreign contacts in China's southeast coastal area, which is nearest to Southeast Asia and Oceania. Haicang, a part of Xiamen, is situated on the tip of South-Fujian Triangular Area and separated with Xiamen Island only by a strip of water. Haicang has a semi-tropical monsoon climate with meteorological data as follows: Annual average temperature: 21C, Monthly average temperature: maximum 28.5C, minimum 12.5C, Extremely low temperature: 2C, Extremely high temperature: 38.5C, Average annual time of sunshine: 2233.5 hours, Average annual rainfall: 1143.5mm. Haicang's terrain is a combination of hill, terrace and plain with a stable geological structure. It has never registered any destructive earthquake in its history. Considering its advantageous port conditions and the vast space for development, Dr. Sun Yaksen put forward a grand concept of building Haicang into an "Oriental Big Port" in his "Strategy to Build the Country". In early twentieth century, "Asia" of Britain and "Mobil" of the United States, two consortiums, used Haicang as their oil-transshipping port and fuel base


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“这里有很多美丽的别墅,”艺术家朱列欧说。 “这里非常漂亮,还不像厦门那么嘈杂。”

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鼓浪屿被 称为“钢琴之岛”。这个亚热带城市的人口约25,000,却有5000多架钢琴和一个450平方米的钢琴博物馆,展示来自世界各地的40多架古钢琴。

鼓浪屿其他主要吸引眼球的特色是大量殖民时期的房子 - 是19世纪和20世纪初来自14个不同国家的殖民社区遗留下来的。







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A glance towards Xiamen from Gulangyu’s highest point, Sunlight Rock (日光岩), illustrates how the island has maintained its old-world charm while its bigger sister developed into a buzzing city.

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Sunlight Rock dominates Gulangyu’s scenery. Every day, legions of visitors scale the 40-meter-wide stone for a panoramic view of the Gulangyu Island and neighboring Xiamen city center.

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The island’s beaches are one of its main attractions and the opportunity to roll up one’s trousers, splash around in the surf and then stare off into the sunset together is what makes the island so popular with young Chinese couples.

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"When I was young, I had wanderlust," says Zhang Tao (张涛), 23, a Xiamen-based artist originally from northeast Heilongjiang Province. “I wandered all over the place before I finally settled in Xiamen … the city is beautiful, the weather is good and the people are civilized,” says the artist, who lost his left arm, right calf and three fingers on his right hand in a traffic accident at the age of nine. Zhang owns an art shop in the city and comes to Gulangyu on the weekends to paint calligraphy.

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Visitors flock to the island to try its fresh seafood. Every day visitors line up outside 189 Longtou Lu (龙头路189号) to try Gulangyu’s tastiest pan-fried oyster cake (RMB 10 per plate). While the basic dish is served all over the island, the oysters at number 189 are shipped in daily and fried with a special blend of sweet potato powder, eggs and green onions.

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The island’s local government is promoting Gulangyu’s attractions to travelers through a tourism passport (in Chinese only), which is inspired by the stamping-mania during the 2010 Shanghai Expo.

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Visitors navigate Gulangyu’s winding streets, finding listed stores and scenic spots and collect stamps to compete their “passport”. Businesses make their own stamps, but do not require visitors to make a purchase in order to obtain their stamps.

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Xiamen’s history as a treaty port ensured that many different countries left their architectural mark on the area. Gulangyu features a blend of colonial architecture such as and the Eight Divining-Rod Tower (八卦楼), Huangroung Yuantang Villa (黄荣远堂别墅) and The Seaside Garden Hotel (pictured).

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The (mostly) well-preserved period architecture on the island attracts many artists looking for inspiration. “There are a lot of beautiful villas here,” says artist Zhu Lie’ou (朱列欧). “It’s very pretty and it is not as noisy as Xiamen.”

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Jie Zhao (赵杰), a worker in Xiamen city, looks out to sea as the sun sets over the island an d the end of his weekend beach trip. "This is the first time I've come to Gulangyu," says Zhao, who is originally from Yunnan Province. “It is not as pretty as my hometown, Gulangyu has been renovated too much, but I will definitely come back,” he adds.

"Two legs good, four wheels bad," might be the unofficial motto of Gulangyu Island, which lies a short way offshore from the city of Xiamen.

With the warm climate, good air quality, abundant beaches and laid-back lifestyle, Xiamen (厦门) is one of the most pleasant places to visit and live in China: but a lot of the credit goes to its tourism magnet, Gulangyu (鼓浪屿).

The island, which is just under two kilometers square, is a five-minute ferry ride from Xiamen’s urbanized city center and is most famous for its beaches, seafood and a refreshing lack of automobiles, which are banned.

Gulangyu is nicknamed "Piano Island." With a population of around 25,000, the subtropical town contains more than 5,000 pianos and a 450-square-meter piano museum, showcasing more than 40 ancient pianos from around the world.

The other main draw of Gulangyu is the large number of colonial houses -- a legacy of having been an international settlement of 14 different countries in the 19th and early 20th century.

Click the above gallery to enjoy Gulangyu’s mellow lifestyle away from noise, traffic jams and pollution.

Getting there

China Eastern, Juneyao Airlines, Shanghai Airlines, Xiamen Airlines and Spring Airlines fly to Xiamen daily from Shanghai.

A taxi from the airport to the pier takes about 20 minutes, followed by a five-minute ferry ride to reach Gulangyu. Ferry fare is RMB 8 per person.

The island contains many cute hotels in beautiful colonial houses, but budget travelers should look to stay in Xiamen rather than on Gulangyu Island.

Visitors can land at Gulangyu for free at the moment, but the local government is planning to charge an entry fee from July 2012. The fee is expected to be between RMB 100-150.




Gulangyu is a small island of Xiamen. It’s like a garden on the water. Cars and buses are not allowed to drive there,which makes the island so quiet that music played on the piano and violin can be heard.


Here the sky and the sea clearly meet on the horizon. When standing at the top of the Sunshine Rock,you can see much of the landscape of Xiamen,and when standing at its foot,you can gaze at the beautiful garden that surrounds it.


Gulangyu produces bananas,coconuts,sugar cane and so on. The people here,warm,simple and hardworking,are making every effort to make the island more beautiful and they hope to welcome more visitors in the future.


Such is Gulangyu,a beautiful and inviting island,where a warm welcome awaits




adj. 风景优美的;舞台的;戏剧的

n. 风景胜地;风景照片


This is an extremely scenic part of America.



n. 旅行者,观光客

adj. 旅游的

vt. 在旅行参观

vi. 旅游;观光

adv. 坐旅游车厢;坐经济舱


A passing tourist snapped the incident.



Xiamen is located in Southeast of Fujian province,it is considered as the cleanest port city in China thus people call Xiamen "the garden on the sea" or call it "green island". Back to Song dynasty it started its administrative founding until now.There are a great variety of sights to witness in Xiamen.Gulangyu Island, the most beautiful island near Xiamen, has won great reputation for its Sunlight Rock and Shuzhuang Garden.South Putuo Temple, which is located at the foot of Wulaofeng and is deemed to be the most renowned Buddhist temple in Xiamen.Xiamen Botanical Garden, known as the Wanshi Botanical Garden,which has scenic spots such as the Morning Bell of Heaven, the Reading and Music Playing Cave, the Cloud Locking Stones, the Jade Scepter Rock and the Peace Stone. In the past decade, Xiamen has changed a lot with rapid advancing in agriculture,industry,science technology and education areas.


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