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There are so much to see and experience in Wuhan!

Here we present some "MUSTS", sites that you shall not miss when you visit Wuhan:

Yellow Crane Tower

East Lake

Moshan Hill

Museum of Hubei - Hubei Provincial Muesum

i went to yellow crane tower today, it was amzing.

As one of the most famous and spectacular towers in China, the Yellow Crane Tower is a "must-see". Originally it wa built in AD 223, during the Three Kingdoms Period as a Wu Kingdom military tower. The tower has been destructed several times and is today placed one kilometre (0.6 mile) from its original site.

The tower is today 52 metres high with five stores and the architecture of the existing tower is from the Qing Dynasty and it was completed first in 1985. Placed on the top of Snake Hill you have a 360 degree view from the top of the tower over Wuhan and a magnificent view northwards over the great Yangtse (Chanjiang) River.

On the first floor you find a description that made the tower well known throughout China, written by Cui Hao, a famous poet of Tang dynasty (618-907). The tower has fascinated poets through the centuries, only in the Qing dynasty, as many as 300 poems were written about the tower.

ii enjoyed it.





1、珞珈山武汉大学 :那一园绚烂的樱花

2、东湖公园 :远比西湖大的中国最大城中湖

3、九宫山风景区 :一山二教,九天仙山

4、宝通禅寺 :碑光塔影,林密花茂

Known as the "thoroughfare nine provinces" of the Yangtze River and Han River, Wuhan is located at the Interchange, because of the Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai "Huang玉笛occasionally, Jiangcheng plum drop in May," derived from "Jiangcheng" of good reputation. Wuhan four seasons, has a typical Jianghan Plain scenery, here is the birthplace of the Millennium Jingchu culture with rich customs Gutu, are our country's historical and cultural city.

Ancient history is not the essence of the charm of the city of Wuhan where the Chinese really let Wuhan city, and even the world because of her share of China's modern history and some unique and important position - is in China's modern democratic revolution, "首义City. " In addition, the "town of three Liangjiang" layout and the unique geographical location, so that Wuhan has always been the commercial center and military powerhouse. But Wuhan is a very popular city, people from different walks of life are willing to go to eat hot dry noodles households Lane, Hing Street to eating duck neck, not from a sense of people have. These are Wuhan, real, warm and cordial.

Not to be missed

1, Luojia Hill - Wuhan University: that of the splendid Cherry blossom garden

关于武汉的旅游景点介绍 (中英对照)

武汉的旅游景点?`解放公园 磨山 森林公园 归元寺 黄鹤楼 琴台 东湖 汉阳动物园 等等``你把我说的地名放到百度一搜就有详细介绍了``还有些地方是玩 购物的 你没问 我就不多说了``



Hello. I am your guide, let me arrange today's journey. It was tortoise mountain that visited this morning, water and food are self-provided. I want to take everybody to the most famous yellow crane's floor in the afternoon. " yellow crane's floor of old friend's west diction " is famous poet Li Bai in China, written by Meng Haoran. Hope such a journey can make you satisfied.

武汉市旅游景点名称的英文~拜托各位了 3Q

我就知道一个,哈哈 Wuhan Botanical Garden,Chinese Academy of Sciences 武汉植物园 同程网上订票可以便宜5块钱!


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