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在威尼斯最有意思的游玩方式是什么?自然就是划船登岛了,作为水城岛屿自然是一处别有特色的地方,我最喜欢穆拉诺岛穆拉诺岛:被誉为“威尼斯的玻璃之岛”, 威尼斯的贵族和有钱人,为了逃避都市的繁忙而寻找到的一个可以渡过安静时光的岛屿。


Finally came to this my mind already a long time of the city, my excitement, finally entered here.

It is located in the northeast of Italy. It consists of 118 islands, 378 bridges, with an average depth of 1.5 meters. We first by boat, swim in the sea, and then take a plane, after some time, we came here.

What is most interesting to play in Venice? Nature is the boat landed on the island, as the islandcity, nature is a distinctive place, Murano island is my favorite. Murano Island, known as the "Venice glass island", the nobles of Venice and rich, one can spend quiet time to escape theisland to find of the busy urban and.

Leisurely sitting in Venice on the ship, along the way, accompanied by melodious, sounds of singing, watching the shore lights bright neon lights and exotic, other style shops, it is a kind of beauty to enjoy · · · · I really like it here.



Venice is a city in northern Italy,


It is a beautiful city above water.


Venezia is a city of small islands, enhanced during the Middle Ages by the dredging of soils to raise the marshy ground above the tides.


The resulting canals encouraged the flourishing of a nautical culture which proved central to the economy of the city.


Venice is one of the most important tourist destinations in the world for its celebrated art and architecture.


The Doge's Palace is a palace built in Venetian Gothic style, and one of the main landmarks of the city of Venice


During the 16th century, Venice became one of the most important musical centers of Europe


Now The city has an average of 50,000 tourists a day


It continued being a fashionable city in vogue right into the early 20th century


In the 1980s the Carnival of Venice was revived and the city has become a major centre of international conferences and festivals, such as the prestigious Venice Biennale and the Venice Film Festival, which attract visitors from all over the world.



City the Venice

Venice is a city in northern Italy, the capital of the region Veneto, and has a population of 271,251 . Together with Padua, the city is included in the Padua-Venice Metropolitan Area (population 1,600,000). Venice has been known as the "La Dominante", "Serenissima", "Queen of the Adriatic", "City of Water", "City of Bridges", and "The City of Light". It is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

The city stretches across 118 small islands in the marshy Venetian Lagoon along the Adriatic Sea in northeast Italy. The saltwater lagoon stretches along the shoreline between the mouths of the Po (south) and the Piave (north) Rivers. The population estimate of 272,000 inhabitants includes the population of the whole Comune of Venezia; around 62,000 in the historic city of Venice ; 176,000 in Terraferma (the Mainland), mostly in the large frazione of Mestre and Marghera; and 31,000 live on other islands in the lagoon.

The Venetian Republic was a major maritime power during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and a staging area for the Crusades and the Battle of Lepanto, as well as a very important center of commerce and art in the 13th century up to the end of the 17th century.



City (pop., 2001 prelim.: 266,181), capital of Veneto region, northern Italy.

Built on the lagoon of Venice, it encompasses some 118 islands, the whole 90-mi (145-km) perimeter of the lagoon, and two industrial mainland boroughs. Refugees from northern invasions of the mainland founded settlements in the 5th century AD that were built uniquely on islands as protection against raids. Venice was a vassal of the Byzantine Empire until the 10th century. Beginning with control of a trading route to the Levant, it emerged from the Fourth Crusade (1202–04) as ruler of a colonial empire which included Crete, Euboea, Cyclades, the Ionian Islands, and footholds in Morea and Epirus. In 1381 it defeated Genoa after a century-long struggle for commercial supremacy in the Levant and eastern Mediterranean. In the 15th century, with the acquisition of neighbouring regions, the Venetian Republic became an extensive Italian state. It gradually lost its eastern possessions to Ottoman Turks, with whom Venice fought intermittently from the 15th to the 18th century; it gave up its last hold in the Aegean in 1715. The republic dissolved and the territory was ceded to Austria in 1797. Incorporated into Napoleon's kingdom of Italy in 1805, it was restored to Austria in 1815. A revolt against Austria (1848–49) eventually resulted in Venice being ceded to Italy in 1866. It suffered little damage during World War II, but flooding along its many miles of canals caused severe damage in 1966. The waters of the lagoon rise and flood the city on a regular basis, complicating efforts to preserve its architecture, which includes representations of Italian, Arabic, Byzantine, and Renaissance styles. There are some 450 palaces and homes of major historic importance in Venice. Notable among its 400 bridges is the Bridge of Sighs (built с 800) and among its churches is St. Mark's Basilica. Most of the city's workers find employment in tourism and related industries, though the city also plays a key market role within the vibrant economic system of the Veneto region.

威尼斯 Venice



VENICE, a small, waterside city in northeast Italy, boils with happiness and excitement once every year. 威尼斯,一座位于意大利东北部的水上城市,每年在这里都流露着欢乐和激动(的气氛). Between February 21 and March 4, carnival hits the streets. 从2月21日至3月4日期间,狂欢节(的人群)遍布于街道之上. For most people, carnival means large parties and feasting. 对绝大多数人而言,狂欢节代表着派对与盛宴. But in Venice, it also means traditional masks and clothes. 然而在威尼斯,它也意味着传统的面具服装. These costumes were first meant to hide personal identities. 这些传统最初用于个人身份的隐藏. Then, different social classes could mix in a sea of happiness. 渐渐地,不同社会阶层的人都加入到这个欢乐的海洋当中. Along the waterways, people greeted each other with: “Good morning Mrs. Mask!” 沿着水路(走下去),人们都以"你好,面具夫人"(的说法)互相问候着. Today, people in Venice still dress up in the strangest of ways _as armed soldiers, butchers and fishermen, for example. 如今,威尼斯人依旧以奇特的方式来打扮(自己),例如那些全副武装的士兵,屠夫以及渔民. ~希望满意啊~


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