
  四川-九寨沟英文导游词  Not far from Rizegou Guesthouse is the Swan Lake. It is said that swans used to reside here. At the present time, the lake remains semi-marsh land eith waterweeds fully covered on the surface. In spring the lake resembles a carpet of green grass; in summer the lake is splendidly decorated with blossomed flowers; in autumn the yelliwness in the lake meets the eye in every side; in winter the lake remains a world of ice and snow. Near the upper end of the lake is an another lake called Fangchaohai. The lake leads to hills where the hill peaks raise one higher than another. However, among the hills there is a pealk that obviously towers. It is named the Sword Rock because it looks sharp on the top and wide at lower part. Passing the foot of the towering peak, you start to walk into a dense primeval forwst, where you find yourselves deep in the boundless expanse of trdds and plants, feeling as light as if you had left the world of men and became immortal beings. There are an abundance of trees that looking up you hardly see the sunshine. Some of the trees curves down like awnings; some loom up like obelisks; some stand erect like men; some recline like dragons. Beneath your feet are soft mosses that grow in a thick furry mass on wet soil. When you walk through the forest, cool greenery rests your eyes, gentle breeze sooths your ears and the utter quietness refreshes your heart.  Wucaichi, 100.8m in length and 56m in width, is the smallest lake in Jiuzhaigou. However, it is commonly believed that it is richest in color. Someone says that it looks like an emerald inlaid inside the hills. Many visitors usually stop to sit by the lake and seem to feel ease at heart. The water is ruffled, and its azure translucence below the water stretches to the bottom before your eyes. you may look in amaziment at multi-colored clusters displayed at the bottow like inexhaustible treasures supplied by the Greator. Some visitors even doubt whether it is painted by the local peoplw. The water from Wucaichi neither increases nor diminishes. It soaks into the lake from Changhai Lake. As the sun xasts lights on the water, sekiments at the bottom act on the sense of algae and bryophyte plants and give rise to the multi-colorful clusters as it occurs in Wuhuaihai Lake.  After passing a col from Wucaichi Lake, you arrive at Changhai Lake which is licated at the top of Zechawa gully at 3, 100m above sea level. There are several questeins related to the lake. Hoe did the lake take shape? Why soes the lake have no exit? Is any fish in the lake? How long is the lake? Hoe deep is it?  The first question still remains a mystery. It is uncertain if it took shape due to esrthquakes, landslides or mud-rock flow. The source of the water comes from springs from the forests and snow on the mountains around. The way of draining off water in the lake is to evaporate and permeate into the ground. In the lake the water never overflows in summer, and it never dried up in winter. The lake has no fish probably because it is too cold in the lake. a legend says that a monster had eaten yp all the fish a long time ago. The lake is 7.5km in aength, and in some parts it is 103m i9n depth.  中文  九寨沟位于阿坝藏族羌族自治州南坪县中南部,纵深40多公里,总面积6万多公顷,三条主沟形成Y形分布,总长达60余公里。由于交通不便,这里几乎成了一个与世隔绝的地方。仅有九个藏族村寨坐落在这片崇山峻岭之中,九寨沟因此得名。这里保存着具有原始风貌的自然景色,有着自己的特殊景观。据说,在世界别的地方已经很难见到。九寨沟既 自然保护区,又是国家级风景名胜区,同时,被列入世界人类自然遗产名录。  九寨沟以三沟一百一十八海为代表,包括五滩十二瀑,十流数十泉等水景为主景,与九寨十二峰联合组成高山河谷自然景观。景区面积62平方公里,现游览区面积50平方公里。九寨沟景观分布在成Y型的树正、日则、则查洼3条主沟内,总长50余公里。主要有树正景区,长75公里,有盆景滩、树正群海树正瀑布双龙海火花海卧龙海景点组成;日则沟景区,有诺日朗、珍珠滩、高瀑布三大瀑布,有镜海熊猫海、芳草海天鹅海、剑岩、原始森林、悬泉、五花海等景点;则查洼沟景区,有长75公里的长海五彩池等景点;扎如景区,有魔鬼岩、扎如寺等景点。  九寨沟之美在水。这里湖泊很多,当地人叫海子,据说大大小小的海子共有108个,最小的面积不到半亩,最长的长海长7公里,长海的景色最为动人。近处绿水,清澈见底;远方蔚蓝,平静无波;两岸山树,映入海中。以绿为主调的色彩和周围宁静的环境,使游人恍如踏入仙境。这里的湖,水的透明度有的达三十米,在别处不可思议。因该地森林多,地层是石灰岩,含大量碳酸,对水起净化作用。透过清亮的水,湖底的藻类、沉积物和山峰树影一起映入眼帘,显得五光十色,称为五花海

九寨沟位于阿坝藏族羌族自治州南坪县中南部,纵深40多公里,总面积6万多公顷,三条主沟形成Y形分布,总长达60余公里。由于交通不便,这里几乎成了一个与世隔绝的地方。仅有九个藏族村寨坐落在这片崇山峻岭之中,九寨沟因此得名。这里保存着具有原始风貌的自然景色,有着自己的特殊景观。据说,在世界别的地方已经很难见到。九寨沟既是自然保护区,又是国家级风景名胜区,同时,被列入世界人类自然遗产名录。 九寨沟以三沟一百一十八海为代表,包括五滩十二瀑,十流数十泉等水景为主景,与九寨十二峰联合组成高山河谷自然景观。景区面积62平方公里,现游览区面积50平方公里。九寨沟景观分布在成Y型的树正、日则、则查洼3条主沟内,总长50余公里。主要有树正景区,长75公里,有盆景滩、树正群海、树正瀑布、双龙海、火花海、卧龙海等景点组成;日则沟景区,有诺日朗、珍珠滩、高瀑布三大瀑布,有镜海、熊猫 、芳草海、天鹅海、剑岩、原始森林、悬泉、五花海等景点;则查洼沟景区,有长75公里的长海和五彩池等景点;扎如景区,有魔鬼岩、扎如寺等景点。 九寨沟之美在水。这里湖泊很多,当地人叫海子,据说大大小小的海子共有108个,最小的面积不到半亩,最长的长海长7公里,长海的景色最为动人。近处绿水,清澈见底;远方蔚蓝,平静无波;两岸山树,映入海中。以绿为主调的色彩和周围宁静的环境,使游人恍如踏入仙境。这里的湖,水的透明度有的达三十米,在别处不可思议。因该地森林多,地层是石灰岩,含大量碳酸,对水起净化作用。透过清亮的水,湖底的藻类、沉积物和山峰树影一起映入眼帘,显得五光十色,称为五花海。


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