


The scenery of Jiuzhaigou is not only a long fairy tale and picture scroll, but also a profound natural kingdom!

It is true that there is a treasure like Jiuzhaigou on earth, which is not only a miracle, but also the luck of mankind. No one who has been to Jiuzhaigou is not moved by the look and color there.


英语作文 关于旅游的作文大约有50字左右





Mary, a girl who likes to travel around the world, booked an airline ticket with the help of a travel agency and went to Tibet alone. With all her luggage packed up, her parents saw her off and she read a magazine introducing tourist attractions and scenic spots around Tibet on the plane. After going off from the plane, she checked in a hotel, and then took the bus to appreciate the beauties of nature. Through the communication with local residents, she not only understood the local culture better, but also promoted friendship and understanding with them. From the tour, she learnt more about the outside world, which broadened her knowledge.



Bozhou is a national famous historical and cultural city and one of

China's excellent tourist cities. It is a very famous tourist

attraction, such as Cao Cao's military transportation road, flower

theater, moral palace, Cao's clan tombs, Hua Zuan, etc.


Cao Cao's underground troop transportation road is located under the

main streets in the old city of Bozhou, with a length "underground Great Wall". The tunnel extends

in all directions and has a complex structure. It has four forms:

one-way road, turning Road, parallel double road and upper and lower

two-story road.


It is equipped with military facilities such as cat hole, barrier wall,

leg tripping board and trap, as well as auxiliary facilities such as

vent hole, Messenger hole and lantern. Cao Cao used tunnel tactics many

times to win the war.


Located in the North pass of Bozhou City, Huaxi building, with a

construction area of 3163.1 square meters, is a national key cultural

relics protection unit. The theater was originally a stage of the great

emperor temple. It is named for its gorgeous carvings and colorful


花戏楼位于亳州城北关,建筑面积3163.1平方米,是全国重点文物 保护单位。戏楼本来是大帝庙的一座舞台。因上面雕刻彩绘绚丽夺目而得名。

Welcome friends at home and abroad to Bozhou.



The older areas of Hangzhou lie down from the lake in the eastern

and southern parts of town,around the small canals which cut their way through the town.


The city is famous in Chinese tourism for its West Lake,a large freshwater lake surrounded by hills and gardens,its banks dotted with pavilions and temples.It gives rise to what must be one of China's oldest tourist sayings:"Above there is heaven,below there is Suzhou and Hangzhou."


Located in the area known as "Jiangnan" or "South of the River" which covers southern Jiangsu and northern Zhejiang proinces,Hangzhou lies in one of the most prosperous regions of China.On weekends,the city is flooded out by Chinese who day-trip

down from Shanghai,Suzhou or Wuxi,and daily with buses carrying their cargoes of westerners.Hangzhou is one of China's great tourist attractions,its popularity on par with Guilin.




Last summer vacation I went to Beijing with my family .

First day,we went go the Great Wall because it is the pride of our Chinese and a wonder in the world.

Then we went to the summer palace We saw many beautiful sceneries there. The next day we went to the Tian'anmen square ,and we tasted Beijing duck.

In the afternoon we went to the bird's nest and the water cube.Though we were tired we were very happy.

I learned much knowledge that I can't learn in the textbooks so I will never forget this interesting trip.




我的家乡旅游景点的英语单词「我们去旅游的英语单词」 去旅游的英语



金字塔在埃及和美洲等地均有分布,古埃及的上埃及、中埃及和下埃及,今苏丹和埃及境内。现在的尼罗河下游,散布着约80座金字塔遗迹。 大小不一,其中最高大的是胡夫金字塔,高146.5米,底长230米,共用230万块平均每块2.5吨的石块砌成,占地52000平方公尺。

2、The Great Wall(万里长城

长城(The Great Wall),又称万里长城,是中国古代的军事防御工程,是一道高大、坚固而连绵不断的长垣,用以限隔敌骑的行动。长城不是一道单纯孤立的城墙,而是以城墙为主体,同大量的城、障、亭、标相结合的防御体系。

3、Terracotta Army(兵马俑



4、the Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔

埃菲尔铁塔(法语:La Tour Eiffel;英语:the Eiffel Tower)矗立在塞纳河南岸法国巴黎战神广场,于1889年建成,是当时世界上最高的建筑物。埃菲尔铁塔得名于设计它的著名建筑师、结构工程师古斯塔夫·埃菲尔,全部由施耐德铁器(现施耐德电气)建造。

5、Leaning Tower of Pisa(比萨斜塔

比萨斜塔(意大利语:Torre pendente di Pisa或Torre di Pisa,英语:Leaning Tower of Pisa)建造于1173年8月,是意大利比萨城大教堂的独立式钟楼,位于意大利托斯卡纳省比萨城北面的奇迹广场上。


ChongQing is in the south of China. It position is longitude 105-110degrees east,and locate in latitude 28-32 degrees north.ChongQing is in the center zone of Yangtze River Three Gorges .The acreage of Chongqing is 82400 square kilometer and the whole acreage is double than the whole acreage of TianJing BeiJing and ShangHai.So it is the largest city in China.There are more than 31000000 people in ChongQing.The proportion of minority is 5.7%.The climate in ChongQing is Sub-tropical monsoon climate.What's more, There are 13 sections 18

counties and 5 self-governing counties in ChoinQing.

跪求一篇80个单词的英语作文,作文题目是、我的家乡泉州. 有景点:清远山,老君岩,

My hometown is Quanzhou,which is one of the biggest cities in Fujian Province.Quanzhou is mountainous and has many rivers.It has four seasons,spring,summer,autumn and winter.It's temperature ranges from 0 to 38 degree most area all year around.In summer,there are typhoon,bringing rains and some damage to this city.It is suitable for people to live in,never too hot nor too cold.Quanzhou is famous for its tourist spots such as QingYuan Mountain and Laojun Rock.


state-list famous historical and culture cities 国家级历史文化名城

tourist destination 旅游目的地

tourist destination area 旅游目的地地区

tourist destination country 旅游目的国

tourist map 旅游地图

tourist spots/attractions 旅游景点

tourist attractions /scenic spots旅游景点

tourist trade 旅游界

travel 旅行

World Tourism Day 世界旅游日

information desk 问讯处

Natural scenery/ attractions自然景观

Famous mountains and great rivers名山大川

Scenic spots and historical sites 名胜古迹

Places of historic figures and cultural heritage人文景观

Cultural/human landscape 人文景观

Inviting views诱人景色

Green hills and clear waters 青山绿水

Landscape of lakes and hills/beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains 湖光山色

Picturesque view 风景如画

tourism 旅游

pleasure trip 游览,漫游

business trip 商务旅行

organized tour 组团旅游

circular tour 环程旅行

package tour, inclusive tour 包办旅行

outward journey 单程旅行

return journey, round trip 往返旅行

holiday 假期

excursion, outing 远足

expedition 远征,探险

hitchhiking, hitching 搭乘

itinerary 旅行指南

itinerary, route 旅行路线

stopover 中途下车暂停

stage 停歇点,中间站

departure at 10 a.m. 上午10时出发

arrival at 12 p.m. 夜12点抵达

stay 停留

return 返回

embarkation, embarcation 乘船,上船

disembarkation 下船

用英语介绍自己家乡的旅游景点 还要带翻译 谢谢

My hometown is a small town in the south of China which is sorrounded by clean water and green mountains .You can see trees and flowers everywhere.The air there is very fresh .It 's warm in winter and cool in summer ,which is v。


我的家乡用英文表达为my hometown,读音为[maɪ] [ˈhoʊmtaʊn]。



pron. 我的

int. 哎呀;表示惊奇等;喔唷


My children are my life.



n. 家乡;故乡


Shao Guohua never left his hometown.









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