旅游英语的确认信 旅游感谢信英语

导读:旅游英语的确认信 旅游感谢信英语 1. 旅游感谢信英语 2. 去朋友家旅游的感谢信英语 3. 关于旅游的英语书信 4. 写给旅行社的感谢信英文 5. 旅游感谢信英语作文 6. 旅游感谢信英语翻译 7. 旅游介绍信英语

1. 旅游感谢信英语

Dear Mrs.Green

I want to thank u when i was falling ill,during that days,u gave me lots help, i will niver forget that, now i have graduated from collage, and i come back to China now. How about u, do u still happy like the days when we living together ? if u are free recently, i'd like to invite u come to China.

Yours Sincerely,

Hua Li

2. 去朋友家旅游的感谢信英语

It was very kind of you for the delicious dinner and I had a very happy time at your place .Place accept my warmest thanks .If you have some time on Sunday night,I wish to invite you dinner at my apartment at 8 :00.We can take this chance to continue the subject we talk about that day .Thank you again for the wonderful hospitality and I am looking forward to meet you soon.Please call me if you come.

3. 关于旅游的英语书信

对应的英语:Dear Sam,I'm writing to let you know that I'm planning to go Canada in the near future.It would be great for me to understand your country's culture and traditions, particularly, your local custom. I'm now applying for my visa. I will let you know more details of my journey once my visa is ready.Best regards,Li Hua.

4. 写给旅行社的感谢信英文








►6.野餐的照片: 白玫瑰-种子-金水

►7.白兔的账单: 菊-红-蓝






►11.边牧的信: 黄-蓝-白/黄-红-蓝/菊-黄-红/红-蓝-樱


















►29.鸡蛋日记5: 黑商、扭蛋机






















5. 旅游感谢信英语作文

Thank you for inviting me to your family party last weekend.The party was great and interesting. It made me laugh and laugh.And the food was wondful. I have never eaten such delicious Chinese food before.Your family are friendly to me .I really enjoyed meeting your family,especially your cute sister.I had a good night.I felt like part of your family.I hope you can come to USA to meet my family with me.

6. 旅游感谢信英语翻译

Dear the guide,I am XX, and first of all I want to say thank you very much for your help.Thanks to your and all the kind-hearted people’s help I back to health quickly and finish the travel. I have to say I have a very good time in this travel and together with all of you.And I think your company is very good I will tell my friend about it. I think they will happy to have a travel through your company. I hope we can meet in your company soon.Thanks again!Your friend,XX

7. 旅游介绍信英语

 I’m writing the letter for the purpose of introducing to your Li Ming, one of my best colleagues.

  Presently he is studying in Si Chuang University. He will graduate in July and go to America for further study.


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