
导读:麦积山石窟附近旅游景点介绍英文(麦积山石窟用英语怎么说) 麦积山有哪些旅游胜地? 麦积山有那些旅游景点 中国四大石窟的风格 内容请翻译成英文 麦积山是一座著名的风景用英语写出来













中国四大石窟的风格 内容请翻译成英文


Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes is located 25 kilometers southeast of

Dunhuang city, a large West Bank Quangou river, the eastern foot of the cliff Mingsha, Former Qin Jianyuan cave before cutting in two years (AD 366), 491 existing caves, there are 2,400 more respect sculpture, 45.00 square meters murals. The existing scale of the world's largest "world art treasure.

Yungang Caves, one of China's four most famous "Buddhist Caves Art Treasure Houses", is located about sixteen kilometers west of Datong, Shanxi Province. There exists 53 caves, most of which are made during the Northern Wei Dynasty between 460 and 494 AD, and over 51, 000 stone sculptures. It extends one kilometer from east to west and can be fallen into three major groups.

The Longmen Grottoes, located near Luoyang, Henan Province, are a treasure house of ancient Buddhist cave art. The grottos were hewed and carved during the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534), when the rulers relocated their capital at Luoyang near the end of the 5th century. At that time Buddhism was spreading east into China and was venerated by the imperial court. The Buddhists adopted the practice of carving rock temples, dedicated to the Buddha.

The climate of Tianshui is suitable for the survival of mankind. That makes it become a cradle of the Chinese nation. As we know, Fuxi and Nuwa who are the Chinese ancestors lived here. They created the early period of Chinese culture. For the suitable climate, there are many wonderful attractions.


To meet the autumn wind, stepping on the grass. Our family went to tianshui tourism. In the trip to the tianshui, what impressed me most tourist attractions is the famous \"maijishan grottoes\". After more than four hours' journey, we arrived in tianshui. To live in the hotel, after lunch, we were engaged to the first tourist destination - maijishan grottoes. \"What happened, just also sunny, and it has rainy. Alas, the rain but how to play!\" I muttered. \"That you're wrong,\" said dad, \"' m product misty rain but the maijishan one wonders, generally can't touch!\" Hearing this, I shine at the moment, looking forward to see the \"wonderland\" earlier. To the sight to the maijishan foothills, the fresh air. From a distance, the mountain looks like a peasant wheat-rick, because rain fog formation, surrounded by mountains, hazy vision brings a mysterious breath, like a fairyland in general. The fresh air, smelling the fragrance of grass, we walked to the maijishan grottoes. Listen to the tour guide said: beginning maijishan grottoes carved in the sixteen later qin, after more than ten dynasties digging rebuild, history about one thousand six hundred years ago, is one of China's four big grottoes. Now have 194 caves, size statues of more than 7200 statue, clay sculpture, stone carving and three types of carved stone monuments, statues, give priority to with clay sculpture, known as the \"Oriental sculpture gallery\" of reputation. Profound national tradition, distinct secular and full-bodied life interest, is the salient feature of maijishan grottoes. Listen to the tour guide's explanation, we unknowingly came to the top of the hill (refers to the people can go to the top). Looking at a lifelike statue, I seem to see our ancestors in the steep mountains, use their wisdom, created a magical statue. Some of them in sculpture, some in color, some in a fixed... In a word, is filled with the form of their industrious. In so many statues, there are two makes me admire. First is located in shandong \"three west st\" sculpture. O inhabitant of Tacitus in the middle of the Buddha 13 meters long, majesty, god capabilities and beads to do with a twinkle in his eyes, the drape on clothes do meticulous, because in the mud and joined the hair silk materials, such as figure of Buddha that makes it smooth and delicate, like really. The second is known as \"Oriental smile\" when the little novice monk. His eyes tight shut, become warped on the mouth, head slightly low, show the eastern unique sweet and subtle. Very attractive. Visited the maijishan, my heart with emotion, our ancestors, to use their wisdom, diligence and perseverance, for future generations left such cultural relics to be proud of. And as we are descendants of the dragon, more should be the ancestors diligence guileless, carry forward the spirit of perseverance, to make our motherland more prosperous, endless.

翻译 如下↓↓↓

迎着秋风,踏着青草。我们全家人前往天水旅游。而在这次的天水之游中,给我印象最深的旅游景点便是著名的“麦积山石窟”了。经过四个多小时的路程,我们到达了天水市。住进旅馆,吃过午饭,我们便马不停蹄地赶往第一个旅游目的地——麦积山石窟。“真是凑巧,刚刚还阳光明媚,现在却已细雨绵绵。唉,下雨可怎么玩呀!”我低声抱怨着。“这你就错了,”爸爸说,“‘麦积烟雨’可是麦积山的一大奇景,一般可碰不到呢!”听了这话,我眼前一亮,盼望着早点看到这“奇景”。到了麦积山山脚,清新的空气扑鼻而来。远远望去,山体酷似农家麦垛,因下雨形成的雾气,环绕着山头,朦胧的景象给人带来一种神秘的气息,犹如仙境一般。吸着新鲜的空气,闻着青草的香味,我们徒步走到了麦积山石 窟下。听导游说:麦积山石窟始凿于十六国后秦,经十多个朝代开凿重修,距今约一千六百年历史,是中国四大石窟之一。现存洞窟194个,大小造像7200余尊,分泥塑,石雕和石刻造像碑三类,以泥塑为主,素有“东方雕塑陈列馆”的美誉。深厚的民族传统,鲜明的世俗化和浓郁的生活情趣,是麦积山石窟的显著特征。听着导游的讲解,我们不知不觉走到了山顶(指人能走到的最高处)。看着一尊尊栩栩如生的雕像,我仿佛看到了我们的祖先在这座陡峭的山上,利用他们的智慧,造出这一尊尊神奇的雕像。他们有的在雕刻,有的在上色,有的在固定……总之,到处都有他们勤劳的身影。在这么多雕像中,令我赞叹的有两处。首先便是位于山东侧的“西方三圣”雕塑。中间的阿弥佗佛长13米,威严壮观,神形兼备,琉璃珠做的眼睛炯炯有神,衣服上的褶皱做得细致入微,因为在和泥时加入了发丝等材料,使得佛像看起来光滑细嫩,像真的一样。其次就是被称为“东方微笑”的小沙弥。他两眼微闭,嘴巴上翘,头微微低下,显出东方人特有的可爱与含蓄。非常讨人喜欢。游完麦积山,我心中感慨万分,我们的祖先,利用他们的智慧、勤劳与恒心,为后人留下了这样值得骄傲的文物。而作为龙的传人的我们,更应该将祖先们勤劳朴实,持之以恒的精神发扬光大,让我们的祖国更加繁荣昌盛,生生不息。


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