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Mount Lu (simplified Chinese: 庐山; traditional Chinese: 庐山; pinyin: Lúshān; also known as Mount Lushan) is a mountain in the People's Republic of China, situated south of the city of Jiujiang in Jiangxi Province, near Lake Poyang. Its highest point is the Dahanyang Peak (1.5 km above sea level). The mountain is a prominent tourist attraction, especially domestically.


The northwest slope is where Hui-yuan founded Pure Land Buddhism in 402, and features the Donglin Temple.


Lushan National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site (cultural) whereas Lushan Quaternary Glaciation National Geopark is a member of UNESCO Global Geoparks Network.


The Lushan Botanical Gardens features tens of thousands of plant species.

Below the Five Old Men Peak is the White Deer Grotto Academy, named after the poet Li Bo(Chinese: 李渤) (not to be confused with the famous poet Li Bai), who raised white deer there. It is amongst the oldest institutes of higher learning in ancient China.


West is the Flower Path which provided inspiration to Bai Juyi, a famous poet who lived during the Tang Dynasty.

Between the Yangtze River and Lake Poyang lie the Greater and Lesser Tianchi Lakes, the Jingxiu Valley, and Lulin Lake. On the north bank of the latter is the Lushan Museum, which features pottery and bronzes dating from various periods of ancient China, as well as calligraphic works from the Tang Dynasty and paintings from the Ming and Qing dynasties.

At the centre (between three peaks), and at an altitude of over 1 kilometer above sea level, is the town of Guling, which is linked by a mountain highway to neighboring spots in the region.



Lushan Mountain is located in the northern part of Jiangxi Province, to the south of the Yangtze River and northwest of the Poyang Lake. According to records, it has a history of more than 2,000 years. The scenic area, covering 302 square kilometers, houses 16 natural wonders, 474 scenic spots and 171 peaks, of which the highest peak, the Dahanyang Peak, is 1,474 meters above sea level.

The scenery in Lushan Mountain scenic area is breathtaking. It is full of sheer peaks and precipices, changeable clouds and fogs, silver springs and flying waterfalls. The flora is diverse and comprises about 3,000 species. Features of glaciation during the Quaternary Period make Lushan Mountain even more mysterious. There are millions of migratory birds in the Poyang Lake area. The dancing of the largest number of cranes over the water makes it a world wonder.

White Deer Cave Academy in Mt. Lushan

Lushan Mountain abounds in historic and cultural relics. The great historian of the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD), Sima Qian, once climbed Lushan Mountain, and wrote about it in his classic The Records of the Great Historian. Bailudong Shuyuan (White Deer Cave Academy) was the most famous of the four biggest academies in ancient China, and enjoys high prestige in the Chinese history of education.

The Donglin Temple (East Grove Temple), built by eminent monks in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, was the birthplace of the Jintu (Pure Earth) Sect of Buddhism. More than 1,500 noted figures in history visited this Mountain, leaving behind some 4,000 pieces of verse and over 900 inscriptions on the cliffs, as well as other writings, prints and calligraphic works. There are about 600 villas here, with the styles of 18 nations and cultures.

-- Cultural Heritage

According to legend, Dayu (the Great Yu), who conquered devastating floods in primeval times, visited Lushan Mountain. Qin (221-206BC) Emperor Shihuang also visited the mountain when he toured the south. Poets and scholars of every dynasty were attracted to Lushan Mountain and inspired to compose numerous works. Among them were Tao Qian of the Jin Dynasty (1115-1234), Li Bai and Bai Juyi of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), Su Shi, Zhou Dunyi, Zhu Xi and Li Shizhen of the Song Dynasty (960-1279), and Xu Xiake of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).

-- Natural Heritage

Ice-klin of Lulin - quaternary glacial remains

Lushan Mountain features geological structures of every period except the Triassic Period. It has unique evidence of glaciation during the Quaternary Period and is the birthplace of China's glaciological theory.

Though complicated, the geological structure can be clearly traced. Lushan Mountain is a Fault Mountain formed in the Quaternary Period. When it rose, the surrounding land sank, and the Poyang Basin eventually developed into the Poyang Lake. The many grotesque rocks, towering peaks and cascading waterfalls constitute a spectacular Mountain landscape. With frequent fog and mist, Lushan Mountain has cool summers. It also has typical flora and fauna.

-- Villas

Meilu Villa

The modern villas are quite a sight on Lushan Mountain. Each villa is an individual building complex with unique style and structure, including styles of Rome- and Gothic- churches, Japanese building and Islamic Mosque. The architects tended to build the villas in shady places, and pursued a natural and casual style. It is this style that enables the villas to be well integrated with the natural scenery. The modern villas on Lushan Mountain, mostly one or two-storied, though in clusters, are less densely located and decorated with trees all around, which is a pleasing picture to the eye. The villa complex is simple and natural in style. Each is like a distinctive geometric figure. You could hardly find two villas that resemble each other.

Lushan Mountain was elected to the "World Heritage List" in 1996. Owing to its congenial climate, it is also a popular summer resort in China.


庐山中 介绍庐山位于长江中游南岸江西省九江市南,中国第一大淡水鄱阳湖滨,是座地垒式断块山。相传在周朝时有匡氏七兄弟上山修道,结庐为舍,由此而得名。自古享有“匡庐奇秀甲天下”之盛誉。 大山大江大湖浑然一体,险峻与柔丽相济,素以“雄、奇、险、秀”闻名于世。是中国名山之一,有雄奇挺秀的山峰,变幻莫测的云海,神奇多姿的流泉瀑布,文明悠久的历史古迹庐山区长约25公里,宽约20公里,最高峰汉阳峰海拔1474米,牯岭街1167米,巍巍的庐山,远看有如一山飞峙大江边,近看千峰携手紧相连,横看铁壁钢墙立湖岸,侧看擎天一柱耸云间,正如宋代大文豪苏东坡诗云:“横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同,不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。”庐山的地形成因是断裂隙起的断块山,周围断层颇多,特别是东南部和西北部,呈东北——西












庐山、地处江西省北部鄱阳湖盆地,九江市庐山区境内,濒临鄱阳湖畔,雄峙长江南岸,三山五岳中三山之一。山体呈椭圆形,典型的地垒式长段块山约25公里,宽约10公里,绵延的90余座山峰,犹如九叠屏风,屏蔽着江西的北大门。以雄、奇、险、秀闻名于世,素有“匡庐奇秀甲天下”之美誉。巍峨挺拔的青峰秀峦、喷雪鸣雷的银泉飞瀑、瞬息万变的云海奇观、俊奇巧秀的园林建筑,一展庐山的无穷魅力。庐山尤以盛夏如春的凉爽气候为中外游客所向往,是久负盛名的风景名胜区和避暑游览胜地。历代题诗极多,李白《望庐山瀑布》尤为著名。Located in northern jiangxi province, lushan mountain lake basin, JiuJiangShi lushan mountain area within the boundaries, is on the verge of poyang lake, on the Yangtze river, south three mountain crowed in the mountains of three mountain. Mountain oval, typical ground base type long blocks mountain about 25 kilometers, wide about 10 kilometres, sprawling mountain peaks, more than 90 seat is nine fold screen, shielding the jiangxi's north gate. The male, strange, risks, show famed, known as the "KuangLu JiXiu enjoys" reputation. Lofty and forceful QingFeng show washroom, spray snow sound ray of silver spring waterfalls, sea of clouds wonders, changing the garden architecture joon ingenious show, exhibit lushan infinite glamour. Lushan especially in midsummer spring-like cool climate for tourists yearning, is prestigious scenic spots and summer resort. Very many generations as academic, li bai's hope of lushan waterfall is famous.


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