伦敦国王街景点 英国的国王街

导读:伦敦国王街景点 英国的国王街 1. 英国的国王街 2. 英国的国王街是哪里 3. 英国国王大街 4. 伦敦的国王街 5. 英国国王十字街 6. 英国的国王街king street 7. 英国王子街 8. 英国的国王街介绍 9. 伦敦国王街为什么叫国王街

1. 英国的国王街


2. 英国的国王街是哪里




3. 英国国王大街

 莱索托首都,全国最大城市。是南部非洲历史悠久的城市之一。位于西部高原边境,隔卡莱敦河与南非交界,位于29°20' S, 27°30' E。海拔1554米,市郊面积共约23平方公里。人口180,000(2004年)。1869年由莫舒舒一世建立。为一东西长南北窄的长方形城市。市内主要大街国王路,从西北贯穿东南。商店、旅馆和银行等大都建在国王路两侧。首相府设在路北,路南是国家博物馆。故宫、皇宫和1910年动工修建的八角形议会大厦在市中心的北面。城南小山,可俯瞰全城。山顶竖立着民族英雄、部落酋长莫舒舒一世的全身像。莫舒舒曾为统一国家,多次击败英国和布尔人的侵略。他也是马塞卢城的创建人之一。

  全国政治、经济和交通中心,市内还有1906年建造的非洲高等学校。 马塞卢目前是全国唯一的城市。旅游者都以此为起点到国内其它地方和风景区游览,城东南约90公里处是著名的莱比汉瀑布。



4. 伦敦的国王街

18king street的中文意思帝皇街18号1. Can you tell me the way to king street please ?请问,你能告诉我去金街的路吗?2. As the others quietly left the cellar and circulated through the city, wild whip walked eastward on king street toward the hale mansion .在别人悄悄离开顶楼在城里到处煽风点火的时候,野惠普朝东沿国王街走向黑尔府。

5. 英国国王十字街

应天门是在洛阳市西工区,中州路定鼎路南边,天堂和明堂天堂景区对面。应天门是隋唐洛阳城·宫城——紫微城的正南门,俗称五凤楼。应天门是朝廷举行登基、改元、大赦、宴会等外朝大典的场所,如唐高宗诏释百济国王扶余义慈、武则天登基称帝等,功能类似北京午门。亦是 接见日本遣隋使、遣唐使等万国来朝之所,1985年全日本文化团体联合会等在应天门遗址建立“日本国遣隋使遣唐使访都之地”纪念碑亭。

6. 英国的国王街king street

“live in”和“live at”的区别:

live in后面应该加相对较大的地方,比如国家,城市等,如live in China

live at后面则是加相对较小的的地方,比如说街道区等,如live at Green street


live in

1、Members of 21 minorities live in this area.


2、We learned so much on this trip, about ourselves and the world we live in.


3、But we have to think of the world we live in, so we have to think about using these fabrics more.


4、In fact, if you start thinking more about the world from this perspective, the world we live in iscrazy.


5、I said that Palestinians should not have to live in poverty and occupation.


live at

1、You want to live at the office in a startup, so why not have a place designed to be lived in asyour office?


2、The Sawyers live at 87 King Street.


3、I live at 203 Curzon Street.


4、When you live at one of the most isolated corners of the planet, a dog really is man's bestfriend.


5、The majority if the elderly still live at home, either by themselves, or with their children.


7. 英国王子街





8. 英国的国王街介绍



adj. 处于,位于;坐落的


The hotel is centrally located for all major attractions.


We're located at the corner of King Street and Main Street.



located in位于

located at位于

be located on位于,坐落于

9. 伦敦国王街为什么叫国王街

看历史 英国首都伦敦位于英格兰东南部的平原上,横跨泰晤士河,历史悠久。 早在3000多年前,伦敦地区就是当时英国人居住的地方。西元前54年,罗马帝国入侵大不列颠岛,西元前43年,伦敦曾是罗马人的主要兵站,并修建了第一座跨泰晤士河的木桥。当时伦敦被称为“伦底纽姆”。

16世纪后,随着英国资本主义的兴起,伦敦城的规模迅速扩大。18—19世纪,伦敦已成为世界最大的金融和贸易中心,到1999年,伦敦的人口已经达到了728.5万。 看政治 伦敦是英国的政治中心,是英国王室、政府、议会以及各政党总部的所在地。议会广场南边的威斯敏斯特大教堂,自1065年建成后,一直是英国国王或女王加冕及王室成员举行婚礼的地方。

白厅是英国政府机关所在地。首相办公室、枢密院、内政部、外交部、财政部、国防部等主要政府机构都设在这里。白厅的核心是设在唐宁街10号(No.10Downing Street)的首相府,它是英国历代首相的官邸。伦敦不仅是英国的政治中心,还是许多国际组织总部的所在地,其中包括国际海事组织(International Maritime Organization)、国际合作社联盟(International Cooperation Association)、国际笔会(PEN International)、国际妇女同盟(International Alliance of Women)、社会党国际(Socialist International)、大赦国际(Amnesty International)等。

看文化 伦敦是世界文化名城。大英博物馆建于18世纪,是世界上最大的博物馆之一,集中了英国和世界各国许多的古代文物。除大英博物馆外,伦敦还有著名的科学博物馆(Science Museum)、国家画廊(National Gallery)等文化设施。

伦敦大学(University of London)、皇家舞蹈学校(The Royal Ballet School)、皇家音乐学院(Royal Academy of Music)、皇家艺术学院(Royal College of Art)和帝国理工学院(Imperial College of Science ,Technology and Medicine)等都是英国的著名院校。

伦敦大学成立于1836年,现设有60多个学院,它以医科闻名,英国每3名医生中,就有一名毕业于此。 伦敦城的舰队街(Fleet Street),是英国报业的集中地,著名的报刊有《泰晤士报》(Times)、《金融时报》(Financial Times)、《每日电讯报》(Daily Telegraph)、《卫报》(The Guardian)、《观察家报》(The Observer)等。

英国广播公司(BBC)和路透社(Reuters)也设于此。 看经济 伦敦城是大伦敦市33个行政区中最小的一个,面积只有1.6平方公里。它拥有自己的政府、市长和警察部队,不受大伦敦市议会管辖。伦敦城是英国的金融和商业中心,也是世界上最大的金融和贸易中心之一。

伦敦城共有500多家银行,居世界大城市之首。伦敦城每年外汇成交总额为3万亿英镑,是世界最大的国际外汇市场。英国中央银行——英格兰银行(Bank of England)以及13家清算银行和60多家商业银行也均设在这里。伦敦城还是世界上最大的国际保险中心,共有保险公司800多家,其中170多家是外国保险公司的分支机构。

在伦敦保险业中,历史悠久、资金雄厚、信誉最高的是劳埃德保险行。伦敦城中的伦敦股票交易所(London Stock Exchange)为世界四大股票交易所之一。此外,伦敦城还有众多的商品交易所,从事世界性的商品贸易。 看交通 伦敦的航空运输十分发达,有希斯罗(Heathrow Airport)和盖特威克(Gatwick Airport)两个机场。

希斯罗机场位于伦敦西郊,是世界上最繁忙的空港。伦敦的市内交通方便,地铁是市内 主要的交通工具。1863年1月10日,世界上第一条地下铁路在伦敦通车。伦敦地铁的技术和管理设备先进,所有调度和信号系统均为自动控制。1897年,伦敦开始有公共汽车服务,是世界上最早有公共汽车的城市之一,赤红的双层巴士是伦敦的象征之一。

此外,伦敦还有约1.3万辆黑色的出租汽车。伦敦港(Port of London)是英国最大的港口,也是世界著名的港口之一。 Look at history British capital London, southeast England in the plains, across the River Thames, has a long history。

As early as over 3,000 years ago, the London area at the time that the British live。 BC 54, the Roman Empire's invasion of GREat Britain Island, BC 43, London was once Rome's main military depot and built the first wooden bridge across the River Thames。

London was then known as the "Lun at the end of Niumu。" 16th-century later, with the rise of British capitalism, London City rapid expansion of the scale。

18-19 century, London has become the world's largest financial and trade centre, 1999, London's population has reached 7。

285 million。 Look at political London is Britain's political center, the British royal family, government, parliament, political parties and the location of the headquarters。

Parliament Square, south of Westminster Cathedral, built since 1065, has been crowned King or Queen and members of the royal family wedding place。

Whitehall is the seat of British government agencies。 Prime Minister's Office, the Privy Council, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of National Defense, and other major government agencies are located here。

Whitehall is located in the heart of Downing Street on the 10th (No。10Downing Street) of the Prime Minister's Office, which is Britain's previous prime minister's official residence。

London is not only Britain's political center, many international organizations or the location of the headquarters, including the IMO (International Maritime Organization), the International Cooperative Alliance (International Cooperation Association), International PEN (PEN International), International Alliance of Women (International Alliance of Women), the International Socialist Party (Socialist International), Amnesty International (Amnesty International), and so on。

Cultural London is the world's cultural relics。 The British Museum was built in the 18th century, is the world's largest museum of the focus of the British and many countries around the world, the ancient relics。

Apart from the British Museum, the famous London Science Museum (Science Museum), the National Gallery (National Gallery), and other cultural facilities。

University of London (University of London), Royal Dance School (The Royal Ballet School), the Royal Academy of Music (Royal Academy of Music), the Royal Institute of the Arts (Royal College of Art) and Imperial College (Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine ), The United Kingdom are well-known institutions。

University of London, founded in 1836, now has more than 60 colleges, known to medicine, the United Kingdom every three doctors, there is a graduate of this。

City of London Fleet Street (Fleet Street), the focus of the British press, the famous newspaper "The Times" (Times), "Financial Times" (Financial Times), "Daily Telegraph" (Daily Telegraph) , "The Guardian" (The Guardian), "Observer" (The Observer), and so on。

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and Reuters (Reuters) also located here。 Read more London City is a City of London 33 SAR in a minimum area of only 1。

6 square kilometers。 It has its own government, the mayor and police forces from the GREater London City Council jurisdiction。

London City is a British financial and commercial centre as well as the world's largest financial and trade centre。 London City a total of more than 500 banks , the first major cities in the world。

London City annual foreign exchange turnover amounted to 3 trillion pounds, is the world's largest international foreign exchange market。

British central banks - the Bank of England (Bank of England) and 13 liquidated banks and more than 60 commercial banks are located here。

London City is the world's largest international insurance centre, a total of more than 800 insurance companies, of which more than 170 branches of foreign insurance companies。

In London, the insurance industry, has a long history and abundant funds, the highest credibility of the Lloyd's insurance line is。

London, the city of London Stock Exchange (London Stock Exchange) one of the world's four major stock exchanges。 In addition, there are numerous London City Mercantile Exchange, engaged in global merchandise trade。

Look at traffic London's highly developed air transport, Heathrow (Heathrow Airport) and Gatwick (Gatwick Airport) the two airports。

Heathrow airport in west London, is the world's busiest airport。 London's downtown traffic convenience, the MTR is the city's main means of transport。

January 10, 1863, the world's first underground railway in London an opening。 London's advanced technology and equipment management, scheduling and all signals are automatic control system。

1897, London began to have bus service, was the world's first city bus in one of the Chi-Hong double-decker bus in London is the symbol of one。

In addition, London is also available in about 13,000 black taxis。 London, Hong Kong (Port of London) is the UK's largest port, is also one of the world's leading port。


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