
英文介绍连云港 带翻译

Classic 著《Journey to the West 》describe of flower and fruit below the hills, have a"the smoke 霞 spread colourful, the sun and moon 耀 light" of the harbor mountain the city 枣 connect cloud harbor City.She is like a bright bright pearl, insetting 18000 kilometers of 脐 departments of coast lines in the motherland.

Connect cloud harbor to call the sea state for thou, once the new sea connect city,new sea City,connect cloud City, belong to province in Shandong at first, allotted province in Jiangsu in 1953, in 1961 with the port name change name to connect cloud harbor City.

Connect cloud harbor vegetable have"the 淮 huge town","southeast county" it call, eastern bridgehead and China 14 coasts of conduct and actions"mainland bridge in second Europe" open one of the cities, already drive Chinese government assurance for the 华 east newly arisen industry,outside 贸 in region,travel,the port city.

As early as 50,000 year agos, someone is in this activity, the 锦 holds south 麓 of mountain of peach blossom brook be old and neolithic ruins.Connect cloud harbor old 貌 to change new 颜 now, the economic development speeds obviously, economy internationalization the level have already resided ex- row in Jiangsu.

Connect endless,spacious and secluded coast in harbor City of cloud, is the divine spot that goes to summer resort,recuperate.Sea bath,barge-pole boat,take a walk,angle for fish, none not proper.The cultural object historic monument is abundant here, the natural scene is beautiful, there is the 著 scenic area six place, have"sea,thou,absolute being,幽 , strange, spring" six big tour special features.









Huaguo (Flower and Fruit) Mountain described in the Chinese classic "Travelling to the West" is situated here. The ancient classic "Affinity of Mirro wand Flower" was inspired by the scenic spot, DongLei. There are other famous scenic spots like Yunu Peak, Sanyuan Palace, Facing Sea Pavilion, Yuhuang Pagoda. Seventy-Two Cave, water Curtain Cave, Haiqing Temple, and ErYuKing Pagoda. There is also a cable car allowing visitors wondrous view's of SuWuKong's valley (the Monkey King), at times shrouded tn cloud and mist. In Fish Gulf and DongLei, there ars water talls in all seasons. The pools. caves, waterfalls and trees stand side by side. The old Dragon Waterfall is the biggest in the Province, with a 40m drop. It is praised as another "JiuZhai (a famous river valley in Sichuan Province) and also compared to Zhang Jia Jie in northern Jiangsu. Donglei is famous for its large Yulan magnolia blooms each spring and numerous interestingly shaped stones which dot the surrounding landscape. The ancient stone Sundial of DongLei remains from the Xia Dynasty (c.2000BC). The Yulin Temple and its carved stone walls are many centuries old.

The monkey stone, the Wayi stone - each has a charming legend, the Water Curtain Cave, the Sea King Cave. Chaoyang Cave - each has its touching story. Every mountain has beautiful scenery, every stone has its legend, every cave has its story, every blade of grass, every tree has its spirits.


连云港花果山景区英文简介 An Introduction to Huaguoshan Scenic Spot General introduction to Huanguoshan Scenic Spot(花果山景区概述) The name of Huaguoshan means a place rich in flowers and fruits. It is a famous scenic spot vividly depicted in the story of Journey to the West, which is usually known as Monkey King to westerners. It is about seven kilometers (about four miles) away from urban Lianyunguang City. Having an altitude of 625 meters (about 0.4 miles), it is the highest mountain of the Yuntai Mountain Range. There are more than 100 scenic spots in the Huaguoshan Scenic Spot, most of which are connected with the story of Monkey King. Visitors will have the feeling of being in Heaven when they travel here. About the Book Journey to the West(《西游记》) Usually known to the western readers as Monkey King or the TV Serial Monkey, the book Journey to the West is one of the four most famous literary books in Chinese history. It is based upon a true story about a monk called Xuan Zang set in the Tang Dynasty (618 - 907), who went on foot to today's India to seek for sutra, the holy book of Buddhism, eventually arriving after years of trials and tribulations. In the story, Monkey King is one of Xuan Zang's four apprentices. He has vast magic powers and is quite wise. With his help, they undergo 81 dangers before finally getting the sutra. In the tale, Monkey King is born out of rock in Huaguoshan, and later he chooses the Water Curtain Cave as his home. In China, Monkey King is the symbol of wisdom, braveness, and faithfulness. Scenic Spots on the Mountain Natural Sceneries(自然景观): Water Curtain Cave(水帘洞) This is the place where Monkey King lives and plays with the other monkeys in Journey to the West, and it is also the place that most sightseers look forward to visiting. In fact, this cave is a big crack that is covered by a waterfall. On both sides of this waterfall are some inscriptions carved on the stone. Due to the story, this cave possesses something magical and mysterious. The South Gate of the Heaven(南天门) The South Gate of the Heaven is said to be the outer door of Lingxiao Palace of the Jade Emperor (Supreme Deity of Taoism) in the Heaven. Each time Monkey King encounters difficulty, he will go through this gate and ask for help from the other gods in the Heaven. Yunv Peak(玉女峰) This is one of the highlights of the visit. Yunv Peak is the highest point in Jiangsu Province. If lucky enough, visitors can watch sunrise from Yinshu Pavilion. Another scenic spot is the sea of clouds. The clouds roll like the waves in the sea. At this spot, visitors will have the feeling that they have entered Heaven, just like the Monkey King. Yixiantian(一线天) Yixiantian is a scenic spot made up of giant stones and caves which connect with one another. Yixiantian means that there is only a little distance between two giant stones, which are very high and large. The distance is so slim that only one person can go through at any time. Historical Attractions(历史名胜) Asoka Pagoda(阿育王塔) Asoka was a ruler of the Mauryan Dynasty in the 3rd Century BC, who waged some of the bloodiest wars in Indian history. He was later overcome by remorse for the death and destruction he had unleashed, and went on to become a religious visionary, spreading the word of Buddha. First built in the Song Dynasty (960 - 1279), Asoka Pagoda in Haiqing Temple is about 40 meters (about 131 feet) high. It is the highest and oldest pagoda in existence in northern Jiangsu Province. Though having such a long history, it has withstood one magnitude 8.5 earthquake.


连云港花果山风景名胜区 查看更多连云港花果山风景简介

花果山风景区是国家重点风景名胜区、国家AAAA级旅游区、全国文明风景旅游区示范点、全国文明风景旅游区创建先进单位、全国青年文明号、全国重点风景名胜区综合整治先进单位,中国十佳旅游景区、中国最值得外国人去的50个地方金奖、全国“黄金周”旅游直报点和全国空气质量预报系统点。 花果山风景区所在的连云港市位于我国万里海疆的中部,江苏省的东北部,东临黄海,西接中原,北扼齐鲁,南达江淮,与日本朝鲜半岛隔海相望。景区面积84.3平方公里,层峦叠嶂136峰,其中花果山玉女峰是江苏省最高峰,海拔624.4米,峭壁悬崖,巍峨壮观。 花果山以古典名著《西游记》所描述的“孙...


Lianyungan is located in northeast of Jiangsu Province, near the Yellow Sea. It is one of 14 first opening up -coastal cities in China, and one of top 10 cites of happiness.

Lianyungang City boasts of beautiful scenic spots of sea and mountains, , ancient history, and spring as well as bountiful rice and fish.

Lianyuanggang consist of 4 counties and 5 boroughs, and has a total population of over 4 millions.


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