
导读:旅游景点不少于五句话英语「用英语介绍旅游景点8句话」 关于旅游英语作文5句话用英? 选一处喜欢的美丽景点写英语作文,不少于5句话 写一篇英语作文 旅行(5句话) 英语介绍旅游景点5句话,3种句型。越简单越好,我才小学四年级 英语作文带翻译六年级不少五句游玩 介绍一处你旅游过地方(如北京)英语作文5句话


作文1:  (时间顺序+过去时+细节描述+感受)

I took a trip to Shanghai with my mother during the seven-dayholiday. It took us more than two hours to drive to Shanghai from my home in Haimen. We stayed in a large hotel on the eighth floor. 

On the first day, I just stayed in the hotel and rested. 

On the second day, my brother and I went to Nanjing Road. It’s the busiest street in Shanghai. When we got there, there were lots of people. We walked from one shop to another. I bought two T-shirts and two pairs of trousers for the coming summer. The T-shirts and trousers I bought (定从)are all white because white is my favorite color. My brother also bought some clothes. 

On the third day, my mother took me to Jinjiang Entertainment Centre. It was full of people. I played many kinds of games there. I had a good time. 

The other days, I went to some other interesting places, such as the Oriental Bright Pearl TV Tower, the Huangpu River and Shanghai International Conference Centre. I didn’t forget to do my homework in the evening. 

I had a full and happy holiday. 


Last summer vacation,my family and I went to Qingdao by train. There was always sunshine and fresh air,which made us so comfortable(定从). We went to the seaside,the sea was as blue as the sky,and bathing(沐浴) in the sunshine on the beach was really an enjoyable thing. I also picked up a lot of colorful shells with my little sister. There we bought many interesting souvenirs,I was planning to send them to my friends. We ate many things there,such as fish,prawn,and so on. They are very delicious. Then we lived in a clean and tidy hotel,and the price was not so expensive. I like Qingdao very much,and if I got a chance,I hope to come here again,it is such a beautiful and interesting place.

作文3: (时间顺序+过去时+细节描述+形容词的感受)

    Last month, I had a trip to Beijing with my family. It was really an impressive trip(令人印象深刻得旅行). We all had a good time there.

At first, we wanted to go there by plane, but the plane tickets were so expensive, so we chose the high-speed train at last. It took us about 8 hours to get there. When we arrived at Beijing railway station, we were so tired that we took a taxi to a hotel. And we planed to begin our trip the next day.

On the first day, we got up at 2:30 a.m. to see the flag-raising ceremony. When we arrived at Tianan’men Square, there were already a lot of people. When the flag-raising ceremony began, people all made a video excitedly. The flag-raising ceremony lasted(持续) only a few minutes. And then we went to visit the Great Wall. It was so long and steep. we took many pictures and we enjoyed delicious Beijing Duck at a local restaurant that night.

Do you know Niaochao? Our national stadium. It was very big and famous. The building was built in 2003 and finished at 2008. Its shape was very peculiar(不寻常的). We took some pictures there on the second day.

On the third day, we went to see the Tsinghua University ----a dream school of most Chinese students. One day, I want to study at Tsinghua University too. 

作文4:  A trip to Beijing(过去时+细节描述)

July 14th, 2006 was a very special day for me. I went to Beijing by train on that day. I was very happy because I would see the capital of China---Beijing, a really great city in China!

Beijing is one of the biggest cities in China. There are lots of places of interest(名胜), such as the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace, and the Great Wall·····Lots of visitors from different countries come to Beijing every year.

I stayed in Beijing for three days. During these days, I visited many good places. When I was in the Pal ace Museum, I really didn't know the directions(方向). It is very large. People will spend four hours if they want to travel around it. All the things in it are very nice. Although they were made more than 500 years ago, they look very beautiful. When we were in Taipei Palace, we saw a special chair. It was for the emperor and it was made of gold. Each of the visitors said that it is really nice after they visited the Palace Museum.

When we went to the Great Wall, I was very excited because it is the most famous place of interest(名胜古迹) in China. On the way to the top of the Great Wall, I ran very fast all the time. When I was at the top of the Great Wall, I thought I was a hero!

Three days is too short for me. Beijing is a very good and modern city. I want to make it more and more beautiful. I should work hard. I believe Beijing will be the best in the future.


love traveling. 我喜欢旅游。

Traveling not only broadens my horizons but also opens my eyes to the world. What's more, it refreshes me.


You can go to Disneyland and experience what it's like to be “a child again!”


You can visit one of the “seven wonders of the world,” such as the Grand Canyon and feel the magnificence of nature!


You can taste the “magicial” ice water on a glacier, which can help you become more beautiful and make you live longer.


Just forget all trifles and burdens that you have in your mind. Experience is a type of living knowledge.


You'll be sure to experience many new things when traveling. You don't even need a tour guide if you long for more freedom. Just don't forget to bring your backpack!




从公元5世纪CE,盎格鲁-撒克逊人定居英国罗马经济,行政崩溃。到了7世纪,盎格鲁撒克逊人的日耳曼语在英国占据了主导地位,取代了罗马不列颠的语言(43-409 CE):古布立吞语,一个凯尔特语和拉丁语,被带到英国罗马人占领。

写一篇英语作文 旅行(5句话)


I go to a interesting place,there are lots of peopel.I see many beautiful flowers,and there are many animals.I see some tigers,they are very scary.I also see two elephints,they are petty heavy and big.







The Great Wall

The Great Wall is in BeiJing.It is very famous.It is built long time ago.There are a lot of trees.People can go to there on weekend.






Last winter holiday, I visited to Xiamen with my parentsby plane.My English teacher once told us that Xiamen is a beautiful city that worth of visiting.We stayed there for four days.We lived in a small fishing village.On the first day, we visited to Xiamen University and Nanputuo Temple.Xiamen University is consideredas the most beautiful and romantic campus in China.Indeed, it's fantastic and its buildings are distinctive.On the second days, we enjoyed the scenery of Jimei Dis trict.On the third day, We visited to Gulangyu.It's amazing and I like it very much.There are many small specific stores.However, the huge tourist visitors make the small island crowed.Anyway, it was a pleasant trip.



北京的旅游景点较多,可以尽情游玩,将去几个地方,紫禁城、王府井大街颐和园长城、Ming Tombs、鸟潮、水立方、其他好的清华大学北京大学、天坛、北海公园颐和园雍和宫大观园等。恭王府,如果你喜欢古玩的话,那潘家园古玩市场是要去看看的,那里有无数名人的房子,各种博物馆,还有老北京胡同也挺有特色的,而且还有很多地方因为时间有限没有列出来,晚上也有很多好玩的地方,如三里屯酒吧街后海酒吧街,还有著名的美食街——鬼街,让您充满人间美味


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