
导读:结婚旅游景点英语介绍简单(旅行结婚的英语) 英语介绍景点简单 用英文介绍白金汉宫。麻烦简单一点 关于旅游的英语单词!急急急!!!



  China's  Great Wall is  the greatest  building  project  in human history of civilization.


It  was  built  in Spring  and  Autumn  period ,Warring  states  times,  two  thousand      years   ago.


After  the  Qin  state  unified  China.  The  chinese people  connected  the  Great  wall  of  various  states.


Two generations of  wise  people have constructed  The  Great  Wall  intensively.   Vast  its  project.  It  looks  like  rainbow  rolling  forward.  It  was  possible  to  be  called   world  miracle.

聪明的两代人曾经密集地建造长城,扩展了它的工程.  它看起来象彩虹,滚滚向前. 它有可能被称作世界奇迹。

It  is  the  must  for  chinese  people.  When  you repair  Great  Wall's   ruins  in  offical   days.

You will not  only  could  witness  Great  Wall's  apparance  that  meandered  in  the  hills  and high  moutains  ,  but  could  also  understand  the  chinese  nation  creation history ,   great  wisdom  and  courage of  chinese  people.  In  December 1987, Great  Wall  was  included in ‘’World  heritage  Name  list‘’.

它是中国必须付出的代价,当你在正式的场合下,在废墟中修建长城,你不仅会见证它在高山和峻岭中婉延曲折的情景, 也会了解中华民族的创造历史以及中国人的勇气和智慧,在1987年12月,长城被归录在‘’世界遗产名录"中。



Buckingham Palace,in London,is the official residence and office of the British monarch. Located in the City of Westminster,the palace is a setting for state occasions and royal hospitality.

It has been a focus for the British people at times of national rejoicing and crisis.






百花齐放 all flowers are in bloom

碧波荡漾 green, rippling (lake)

碧水清山 a world of shimmering green hills and clear azure waters

避暑胜地 summer resort

苍松翠柏 luxuriant cypresses and pines

层峦叠嶂 range upon range of hills/mountains

姹紫嫣红 a blaze of bright colors

崇山峻岭 towering and steep mountains

船移景换 Each turn of the boat affords a different scenery

雕梁画栋 carved beams and painted rafters

天福地 scenery of exceptional charm

飞流急湍 Waters rush down in whirlpools and rapids

峰回路转 the paths running sinuously amidst the peaks

古建筑群 ancient architectural

古色古香 of antique beauty

国家公园 national park

宏伟挺拔 towering and magnificent

湖光山色 beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains

极目远眺 look as far as the eye can see

江南水乡 the south of the lower reaches of the Yangze River

金碧辉煌 resplendent and magnificent

尽收眼底 command a panoramic view of

惊奇不已 be greatly surprised/astonished

惊涛拍案 Raging/Tumultuous/Turbulent waves pound on the banks.

琳琅满目 a superb collection of beautiful things

鳞次栉比 placed closely side by side

玲珑剔透 beautifully wrought

流连忘返 linger on and forget to return

旅游景点 tourist attraction; scenic spot; places of interest

络绎不绝 an endless stream

美不胜收 too many beautiful things to be appreciated at once

名胜古迹 famous scenic spots and places of historical interest

闻名遐尔 known far and wide

墨客骚人 famous men of letters

奇峰异石 picturesque peaks and rocks

奇花异草 exotic flowers and herbs

青山不断 Green hills roll on endlessly

群山环抱 be surrounded by mountains/hills

高山水急 Mountains are high and torrents are swift.

山峦迭翠 range upon range of green hills

拾级而上 ascend step by step

世界旅游日 World Tourism Day

世界文化遗产保护地 World Heritage Sites (WHS)

天下奇观 wondrous spectacle

亭台楼阁 elegant buildings for landscaping purposes

蜿蜒曲折 winding and zigzagging

万紫千红 a riot of colors

巍然屹立 be towering and lofty

蔚为壮观 present a splendid sight

熙熙攘攘 hustle and bustle

相映成趣 form delightful contrast

心旷神怡 completely relaxed and happy

雄伟险峻 grandly precipitous

悬崖绝壁 sheer precipices and overhanging rocks

绚丽多姿 gorgeous and colorful

寻幽探胜 search for seclusion and beautiful scenery< /p>

烟波浩渺 a wide expanse of misty waters

一览无余 have a commanding view of

一片苍茫的海天景色 a vast expanse of sea and sky

依山傍水 nestling under a mountain and near a river

鱼米之乡 a land of milk and honey

郁郁葱葱 luxuriant and green

枝繁叶茂 luxuriant, sturdy and vigorous

庄严肃穆 solemn and serene

自然保护区 natural reserve; nature preservation zone

自然景观 natural splendor/attraction

旅游黄金周 golden week for tourism

蜜月旅行 honeymoon trip

婚假旅行 wedding vacation

旅行结婚 wedding travel

出境游 outbound tourism

国内游 inbound tourism

自助游 independent/do-it-yourself travel

随团旅游 group travel

标准/豪华游 normal/luxury tour

经典线路 classic travel route

黄金线路 hot travel route

旅游定点饭店/旅馆 certified restaurant/hotel

星级饭店 star-grade hotel

强迫购物 forced purchase

中国最著名的旅游景点 Top Attractions in China

兵马俑 Terra Cotta Warriors

秦始皇陵墓 the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin

敦煌莫高窟 Mogao Grottoes/Caves, Dunhuang

壁画 murals

彩绘 painted sculptures

鸣沙山 Singing Sands Mountain

月牙泉 the Crescent Moon Lake

长江三峡 Three Gorges on the Yangtze River

瞿塘峡 Qutang Gorge

巫峡 Wu Gorge

西陵峡 Xiling Gorge

广西桂林 Guilin, Guangxi

独秀峰 Solitary Beauty Peak

叠彩山 Folded Brocade Hill

伏波山 Fubo Hill

象鼻山 Elephant Trunk Hill

七星山 Seven Star Hill

骆驼山 Camel Hill

漓江 Li River

杭州西湖 West Lake, Hangzhou


In heaven there is paradise, on earth Hangzhou and Suzhou.


I would like to compare West Lake to Xi Shi, the ancient beauty.

Charming she looks whether richly made up or only slightly so.

苏堤 Su Causeway

白堤 Bai Causeway

灵隐寺 Temple of the Soul’s Retreat

飞来峰 Peak Flying from Afar

六合塔 Pagoda of Six Harmonies

虎跑泉 Tiger Spring

黄山 Mt. Huangshan

“天下第一奇山” the most fantastic mountain under heaven


Having visited the five sacred mountains, I deem it unnecessary to look at any other.

Upon my return from Mt. Huangshan, no longer do I find it worthwhile to look at the five sacred mountains.


the three wonderful features: picturesque rocks, legendary pines, and the sea of clouds


the four unique features: picturesque rocks, legendary pines, the sea of clouds and hot springs

紫禁城 The Forbidden City

太和门 Gate of Supreme Harmony

太和殿 Hall of Supreme Harmony

中和殿 Hall of Central Harmony

保和殿 Hall of Preserved Harmony

文华殿 Hall of Literary Harmony

武英殿 Hall of Martial Valor

文渊阁 Pavilion of Literary Source

四库全书 Complete Library of the Four Treasures of Knowledge

南蕈殿 South Fragrance Hall

西六宫 Six Western Palaces

东六宫 Six Eastern Palaces

乾清宫 Palace of Celestial Purity

乾清门 Gate of Celestial Purity

坤宁宫 Palace of Terrestrial Tranquility

养心宫 Hall of Mental Cultivation

奉先殿 Hall for Ancestry Worship

宁寿宫 Palace of Tranquil Longevity

乐寿堂 Hall of Joyful Longevity

御花园 Imperial Garden

苏州园林 Suzhou Gardens

拙政园 the Humble Administrator’s Garden

留园 the Lingering Garden

环秀山庄 the Mountain Villa with Embracing

狮子林 the Lion Forest Garden

网师园 the Master-of-Nets Garden

沧浪亭 the Canglang Pavilion; the Surging Waves Pavilion

中国部分世界自然和文化遗产名录 World Heritage Sites in China

1987 长城 The Great Wall

1987 泰山 Mount Tai

1987 故宫 Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties

1987 莫高窟 Mogao Caves

1987 秦始皇陵 Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor

1987 周口店北京人遗址 Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian

1990 黄山 Mount Huangshan

1992 九寨沟风景名胜区 Jiuzhaigou Valley Sceni c and Historic Interest Area

1992 黄龙风景名胜区 Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area

1992 武陵源风景名胜区 Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area

1994 承德避暑山庄及周围寺庙 Chengde Mountain Resort and Its Outlying Temples

1994 曲阜孔府、孔庙、孔林 Temple and Cemetery of Confucius, and the Kong Family Mansion in Qufu

1994 武当山古建筑群 Ancient Building Complex in the Wudang Mountains

1994 布达拉宫 Historic Ensemble of the Potala Palace

1996 庐山国家公园 Lushan National Park

1996 峨眉山乐山大佛 Mount Emei and Leshan Giant Buddha

1997 丽江古城 Old Town of Lijiang

1997 平遥古城 Ancient City of Pingyao

1997 苏州古典园林 Classical Gardens of Suzhou

1998 颐和园 The Summer Palace

1998 天坛 Temple of Heaven

1999 武夷山 Mount Wuyi

1999 大足石刻 Dazu Rock Carvings

2000 青城山-都江堰 Mount Qingcheng and the Dujiangyan Irrigation System

2000 皖南古村落—西递宏村 Ancient Villages in Southern Anhui: Xidi and Hongcun

2000 龙门石窟 Longmen Grottoes

2000 明清皇家陵寝 Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing dynasties

2001 云冈石窟 Yungang Grottoes

2003 云南三江并流Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas

2004 高句丽王城王陵及贵族墓葬 Capital Cities and Tombs of the Ancient Koguryo Kingdom

2005 澳门历史城 The Historic Centre of Macao

2006 四川大熊猫栖息地 China’s Giant Panda Habitat

2006 安阳殷墟 Yin Xu


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