South Society calligraphy and painting exhibition is on

As a celebration of the 110th anniversary of the founding of the South Society and the 10th anniversary of the opening of the South Society Memorial Hall, a calligraphy and painting exhibition is being held at the South Society Memorial Hall, 800 Shantang Street, from November 5.

The South Society was the largest literature and poetry organization during the late Qing Dynasty and the early period of the Republic of China. It was founded in 1909 in Suzhou by Chen Qubing, Gao Xu, and Liu Yazi. The society was closely involved in many political movements at that time, especially anti-Qing Dynasty and then anti-Yuan Shikai movements.

Over 20 pieces of the founding members’ calligraphy and painting works (replicas) are being exhibited. The exhibition is free to visit.

Photos by Hang Xingwei/Suzhou Daily


The original news report in Chinese is attached below.


本报讯(苏报融媒记者 管有明)今年是南社成立110周年,也是中国南社纪念馆建立10周年。昨天,中国南社纪念馆举办建馆十周年庆祝活动,邀请了历任参与南社纪念馆策划、建设、布展的老领导和专家及南社研究相关人员等一起为纪念馆建设、发展建言献策。现场还展出柳亚子、陈去病、于右任、黄宾虹、苏曼殊等部分南社成员的20多件书画作品(复制品),并接受来自吴江南社研究会捐赠的南社研究书籍等。



The link of the original report on 引力播:


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