AR精选 | 城市之家,荷兰多德雷赫特全新的城市客厅 — 丹麦SHL建筑事务所

全新的城市之家是一座22000平方米的市政建筑,建成后,它将成为荷兰多德雷赫特最活跃的 公共市民中心。这座文化枢纽和城市客厅将包含市民服务中心、图书馆、游客咨询中心,以及市政办公厅。

The new House of the City and Region is a 22,000-square-metre civic building that will become Dordrecht, The Netherlands' most prominent public hub. The cultural anchor and urban node comprises a citizens’ service centre, library, tourist information centre, and workplaces for the civil services of the municipality Dordrecht and the Drechtsteden.

全新的城市之家方案,体现了多德雷赫特作为水上城市的气质和形象。项目坐落在火车站和历史悠久的市中心之间,拥有独特的地理位置。设计将与使用者们共同打造一个创新创意的场所,使其成为推动文化发展的催化剂和连接枢纽。The proposal for the new House of City and Region embodies the spirit and identity of Dordrecht as a city on the water. With its unique location between the train station and historic city centre, the project will function as a facilitator of culture, a connector, and an environment for ideas and innovation, co-created with its stakeholders.

Elif Tinaztepe, SHL Partner合伙人:


“We are humbled and thrilled to have been selected to work alongside the citizens of Dordrecht to realize a project of such significant cultural importance. The new building will help define the future vision of the urban park, the library, and the workplace.”

全新的城市之家将重新梳理当下和未来的各种功能需求和流线。它是连接现实、虚拟与人的桥梁,是一个可适应空间,同时拥有独处空间、集会空间和小型会面空间。The new House of the City and Region will mediate diverse present and future flows. It is a centre for physical, virtual, and personal connections, a place of transition, and a collection of environments to be alone, together, and alone-together.


Our vision for Dordrecht’s new House of the City and Region combined spatial diversity and physical and visual connectivity to create a welcoming atmosphere for the citizens and visitors of the city as well as the staff at the municipality.

中标方案在建筑周围设置了几个新的公共空间,例如:与市中心相连,标志着主入口的广场;以及一个尺度更亲密的公共空间——街心公园。设计着重关注人的尺度以及体验。The winning proposal offers several new public spaces around the building such as the square that marks the main entrance and connects with the city centre, and a pocket park that creates a more intimate public space. There is clear focus on the human scale and the pedestrian experience.

朴实、温暖的建筑选材,与相邻的办公和住宅建筑形成了鲜明的对比。建筑高效紧凑的布局,促进了各种功能之间的协同作用。极具雕塑感的双层挑高的空间,不仅增强了建筑内部的视觉联系,还因朝向重要的城市空间如教堂、广场和火车站等,其立面成为了面向城市的窗口。The robust yet warm materiality of the building provides a deliberate contrast to the adjacent office and residential buildings. The compact building promotes synergy between the various functions, while carved, double-height spaces enhance visual connectivity. The facades act as windows tothe city as the double-height spaces are oriented towards significant locations in the city such as the church, the square, and the train station.

公共图书馆和市政办公厅共享了通用空间,如聚集空间、团队合作空间、休憩空间,以及可举行正式或非正式会议的会面空间。The public library and workplaces for the municipality share common qualities such as environments for concentration, spaces to work together in teams, opportunities to relax, and room to hold formal and informal meetings.

评委团之所以选择SHL,是因为SHL采用了“创新、巧妙和全面”的设计手法。评委团还补充道,“灵活的设计方案,为将来在各方面反思和再开发建筑保留了机会。最终的设计成果将对多德雷赫特未来具有里程碑意义。”The jury selected Schmidt Hammer Lassen because of its “radical, ingenious, and comprehensive” approach to the assignment. The jury continued by stating, “The proposal is flexible and offers opportunities to continue questioning and developing the building in every sense. The end result is an optimistic future monument for Dordrecht.”

项目概况 FACTS

规模 Size

22,000 m²

竞赛 Competition


First prize, International competition, 2020

业主 Client


Municipality of Dordrecht

工程顾问 Engineering Consultant


摄影 Photo

David Mark/ Pixabay


丹麦SHL建筑事务所于1986年创立于丹麦奥胡斯。作为斯堪的纳维亚地区最富盛名的设计事务所之一,公司目前在丹麦哥本哈根奥胡斯上海设有办公室。我们在全球范围内提供专业的建筑服务,在国际上拥有诸多享有口碑和影响力的设计。主要设计领域和项目实践有:文化公建和教育建筑、办公建筑、商业及零售建筑、多功能建筑及城市综合体、改造和城市更新设计。我们提供完整的设计方案,从室内设计到整体设计,从概念设计到总体规划,从建筑细节到城市发展、景观规划。我们在图书馆、文化和大型公建项目上尤其经验丰富,拥有许多地标性的设计。我们的设计根植于开放包容的斯堪的纳维亚建筑美学传统,将美感、光线的利用、可持续性和社会责任紧密结合。我们在建筑设计上的创新性、可持续性和开放性吸引了许多国际上的关注,也为我们赢得了100多个国内外著名的奖项。2018年,SHL加入Perkins and Will。



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