非洲著名景点. 非洲著名景点英文

导读:非洲著名景点. 非洲著名景点英文 1. 非洲著名景点英文 2. 非洲著名景点 3. 用英文介绍非洲旅游景点 4. 澳大利亚的著名景点英文 5. 非洲著名景点英文翻译 6. 非洲的景点介绍 7. 南非著名景点英文介绍 8. 非洲著名景点英文介绍 9. 非洲旅游攻略英语 10. 南非著名景点英文 11. 南非旅游景点英文

1. 非洲著名景点英文


是发音字母哦,不是第一个字母。African的首字母就是元音音标,所以用an. africa 非洲african 非洲人,非洲的一般地名、国家名后面加n,an,ian的,都是指这个国家的,这个国家的人 。


2. 非洲著名景点


3. 用英文介绍非洲旅游景点

An English composition about African countries

Good morning, play workers. Say "Going to work", I feel like it is for life, I don't want to. Say "Work", just like a beautiful embarrassment, use efforts and sweat to create the future! good Morning! Workgow!

4. 澳大利亚的著名景点英文




树袋熊,又称考拉,是澳大利亚的国宝,也是澳大利亚奇特的珍贵原始树栖动物。英文名Koala bear来源于古代土著文字,意思是“no drink”。因为树袋熊从他们取食的桉树叶中获得所需的90%的水分,只在生病和干旱的时候喝水,当地人称它“克瓦勒”,意思也是“不喝水”。[1]


5. 非洲著名景点英文翻译



6. 非洲的景点介绍





7. 南非著名景点英文介绍



金砖五国是指巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国及南非共和国五个有希望在几十 内取代七大工业国组织成为世界最大经济体的国家。  这个简称原称「金砖四国」,来自这四个国家的英文国名开头字母所组成的词BRIC (Brazil、Russia、India、China),其发音类似英文的「砖块」(BRICK)一词。2010年12月24日,中国利用目前担任金砖四国组织轮值主席之便,根据金砖四国成员国达成的协议,邀请南非加入未来将称为金砖五国(BRICS)的组织,成为正式成员,「金砖四国」正式升格为「金砖五国」

8. 非洲著名景点英文介绍

The remark "the only good news story is a bad news story" is sometimes quoted by cynical journalists. Positive stories don't make interesting news, they say. And in Africa it often seems it is only the wars, droughts and diseases which are reported. But Milton Nkosi, the BBC's bureau chief in Africa, who is travelling in South Africa and Tanzania, says that across the continent there are people working to improve their lives and their communities

9. 非洲旅游攻略英语

I think非洲children is not have a good school,we should help them。

10. 南非著名景点英文




11. 南非旅游景点英文

South African history

In Portuguese navigator tiago 1488 led the first fleet cape.

The Dutchman fan in the lead in the fleet baker, establish table bay

The cape of colonies, became the first settled in South Africa's white.

In 1795 British colonial occupation of the cape.

1835-1840 to escape from British rule, Boolean is in the Netherlands

As to the northern European immigrants early seed "transfer".

1838 Boolean surrounded with any Zulu NaDaEr area in the river, "blood

"The zulus defeat

1867 found near the kimberley diamond mine, prompting diamond mining rapidly.

In 1880-1881 English and YingBu first world war.

In 1886 George harrison is found in Johannesburg, large-scale gold

Veins, sparking mass "the gold rush".

1899 to 1902 second YingBu war erupted, the victory.

In 1910, South Africa federal established. The cape colonies, NaDaEr colonies, Germany

The genus streptobacillus and orange ZiYouBang into unity British dominion.

South African national congress in 1912, the natives in 1923 was renamed in South Africa

Continent people's national assembly, referred to as anc.

In 1948, the kuomintang headed on malan white won the election, began to introduce more

For severe policy of apartheid.

1960 emancipation of the pass a law of motion by suppression,

ShaPei massacre occurred Wells. Such organization was banned. Anc

In 1961, South Africa, South African republic from the commonwealth. Anc and functional

The big start armed struggle.

In 1962, nelson mandela was anc leaders in 1964, and GeWen after

Mr Mbeki (South African President thabo mbeki's father who was sentenced to) etc

Life in prison, held in LuoBenDao.

In 1989, South Africa's President, and DeKeLeKe succeed ed in February announced to cancel the party

Nelson mandela, release.

In 1991 DeKeLeKe announced the abolition of the residual segregation laws. Democracy."

South African conference "began negotiations. Constitutional system came

1993 South Africa constitutional system came through a historical breakthrough talks, South Africa

When the constitution.

In 1994, the first national elections held in South Africa, nelson mandela, winning the anc

RenNaFei history to the first black President.

In 1996, the first part of the new constitution of racism. DeKeLeKe lead

The kuomintang government of national unity, from the DeKeLeKe in September

Quit politics.

On January 1, 1998, South Africa and China's official diplomatic relations.

In 1999, the second national elections held, as Mr Mbeki anc

South African President nelson mandela, the black official retirement.


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