导读:大埔旅游景点英语介绍(有关广东旅游景点的介绍,中英文) 用英语介绍一些广州景点 英语介绍景点简单 介绍梅州的英语作文 大埔县景点
Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition fair will feature a special LED hall for the first time in 2008. The Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition – scheduled for 8 – 11 June 2008 – is Asia’s largest trade fair for lighting products and services, and is the preferred sourcing destination for thousands of architects, building planners, lighting retailers and wholesalers around the world: over 1.200 exhibitors and 45.000 visitors attended the 2007 show. As well as housing a complete range of technical exterior lighting, domestic lighting, professional lights, electric lights, accessories and components, the fair will feature a special LED hall for the first time in 2008.
China's Great Wall is the greatest building project in human history of civilization.
It was built in Spring and Autumn period ,Warring states times, two thousand years ago.
After the Qin state unified China. The chinese people connected the Great wall of various states.
Two generations of wise people have constructed The Great Wall intensively. Vast its project. It looks like rainbow rolling forward. It was possible to be called world miracle.
聪明的两代人曾经密集地建造长城,扩展了它的工程. 它看起来象彩虹,滚滚向前. 它有可能被称作世界奇迹。
It is the must for chinese people. When you repair Great Wall's ruins in offical days.
You will not only could witness Great Wall's apparance that meandered in the hills and high moutains , but could also understand the chinese nation creation history , great wisdom and courage of chinese people. In December 1987, Great Wall was included in ‘’World heritage Name list‘’.
它是中国必须付出的代价,当你在正式的场合下,在废墟中修建长城,你不仅会见证它在高山和峻岭中婉延曲折的情景, 也会了解中华民族的创造历史以及中国人的勇气和智慧,在1987年12月,长城被归录在‘’世界遗产名录"中。
梅州的文化是典型的客家文化。在区内有很多古朴的客家民居,包括围龙屋、走马楼、五凤楼、土围楼、四角楼等,其中以围龙屋最有特色和最为著名。而当地的特产也以客家文化为特色,包括有金柚、梅菜干、盐焗鸡、客家娘酒、酿豆腐、麦芽糖等。 客家山歌是梅州文化的一个重要组成部分,用来传达客家男女情爱、劳动之乐。广东汉剧是客家文化结合广东文化的产物,也称为“外江戏”、“兴梅汉戏”,在梅县地区较为流行。
The culture is typical of Meizhou Hakka culture. In the area there are many ancient Hakka, including around the Dragon House, Zoumalou, Wufeng, soil around the building, square building, of which the most distinctive around the Long House and the most famous. The local specialties, featuring Hakka culture, including Citrus grandis, pickled dry, salt-baked chicken, Hakka Niang wine, stuffed tofu, maltose, etc. Meizhou Hakka folk songs are an important part of culture, Hakka men and women used to convey the love, the joy of labor. Guangdong Hakka culture with the Guangdong Han Ju is a product of culture, also known as "play outside the river", "Xing Meehan play" in Meixian more popular.
我们第一站就是灵光寺。我们一下车,就有一条街出现在我们眼前,过了街我们看到一条瀑布,然后出现在我们眼前的一座大门,就是灵光寺。灵光寺是一座庙,里面有如来佛祖、十八罗汉、还有四大天王、观音菩萨。里面可以烧香、拜神、求签。门口有两棵柏树,一棵是活的,一棵是死的,所以人们叫它“生死树”。庙前还有几个小市场, 小市场里有卖凉粉的、有卖农家风车模型、恐龙模型、鳄鱼模型、还有一拍掌就会叫的小鸟玩具。
纪念馆里主要介绍叶元帅的一生,还分为少年时期、参军时期、抗日战争时期,解放时期� �
我们走入叶剑英元帅纪念品商店时,田田和罗雨顿时大叫起来:“哇!雪糕也是叶元帅做的呢!” “汽水也是!” “零食也是!”她们你一句我一句,逗到我们哈哈大笑起来。
Meizhou day tour
"51" period, we had three nine people to Tada's home - Meizhou travel.
Meizhou is a tourist destination, let me to tell you about it!
First words: Meizhou tour of the "Linh Quang."
Our first stop is Linh Quang. Our car, there is a street in front of us, over the street we see a waterfall, and then there's a door in front of us, is Linh Quang. Linh Quang is a temple, there are Buddha, 18 Rohan, there are four kings, the Goddess of Mercy. Which can burn incense, worship, divination. There are two cypress door, one is alive, one is dead, so people call it "the tree of life and death." Temple and several small markets, small markets have sold jelly, have sold farm windmill model, dinosaur models, alligator model, there is a clap will be called bird toys.
Second case: Journey of Meizhou, "Various Artists."
Various Artists is a tourist attraction, it contains species are particularly well-known tea Meizhou, where the beautiful, wooded, surrounded by mountains, there is a swimming pool, I used my "blood longan" (one of my trick) to see, deep pool of water it!
We ride to enjoy tea, tea which planted a lot of tea, tea trees on terraces, as thousands of the small fan. Tea really beautiful, those little red and a little green tea, walk around, we are out of the geese - South - fly.
Third case: Meizhou tour of the "Marshal Ye Jianying Memorial."
Marshal Marshal Ye Jianying, one of China's top ten, Marshal Ye Jianying Ye Jianying's memorial there are portraits and statues, with their home room, there he had to live, work, travel over the place, said he came to my home - Leizhou Peninsula it!
Memorial describes the life of Marshal Ye, also divided into a teenager, joined the army during the Sino-Japanese War period,
Liberation period.
Marshal Ye Jianying us into the souvenir shop, Tada and Luo rain suddenly cried: "wow! Ice cream is Marshal Ye do it!" "Soft drinks too!" "Snacks too!" I am a women you one, bringing to our laugh.
Fourth case: I will "jump Climbing" the.
To Tai Po, we visit a few times, then walked into the Tada father had set a good hotel to live down. Tim e is noon, the weather is hot, hot I am not afraid, but fear they Tada on wearing a tan hat, then, we had to play on the balcony. I look at this building on the upstairs and jumped down, Tada they also followed me and jumped down, but he is not injured, you know why? Tell you! In fact, we are not a jump, but a number of buildings standing on the top jump, and for me it is like building the top level only, and mixed on jump off. Romania before rain can jump several steps have been passed, but the last one because she was too afraid to jump, I took her hand, she jumped up, and Tada smaller guts to pull the two of us a a left hand pull the right hand, she dare to jump, so she is the last time a go. This is my "jump technique", I give it a name called "ninja dodge." Second, I jumped down, but found the roof of the last building is not very high, and then I hand grasped the roof, rear jump, though do not jump up, but I hard a climb with the rear foot, actually go up the back stairs on several buildings do not worry, I learned a trick, climbing walls surgery, give it a name of "ninja climbing walls."
Meizhou really fun! Next time I would also like visiting here.
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